Washington Post blasted for claiming Clarence Thomas’ rulings ‘resemble the thinking of White conservatives’

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The Washington Post was blasted by critics this week for claiming that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the only Black member of the U.S. Supreme Court, often issued rulings that resembled “the thinking of White conservatives,” before issuing a “clarification.”

In a piece headlined, “Jim Clyburn saved Biden’s candidacy — and now has the president’s ear on Supreme Court picks,” The Post highlighted the importance of Rep. Jim Clyburn’s, D-S.C., recommendation as to who President Biden should nominate to the nation’s highest court, and quoted Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., that a person vetted by the former wouldn’t “end up being a Clarence Thomas.”

Both Clyburn and Thompson are also Black.

“Nobody that I’m aware of feels that opposing Clyburn’s nomination would be the wise thing to do,” Thompson told The Post. “If you know that a person has been vetted by Jim Clyburn, you know that person won’t go to the court and end up being a Clarence Thomas.”

The Post then made the claim about Thomas, stating that Thompson was “referring to the Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives.” The outlet has since updated the piece with the following “clarification.”

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Democrats use Black Americans to pick votes now instead of cotton.

Once slavers, always slavers.

Exactly. They project every time they accuse others of being racist. Look how they manipulated history with their charges of “Uncle Tom” against conservative blacks. Uncle Tom is a name given to a black person who is servile to whites. The character was a slave and created in 1852 meaning “Uncle Tom” was servile to the slave owners- Democrats. In reality, if anyone fits the definition of Uncle Tom, it’s blacks who are servile to the dem party who believe blacks are supposed to think and act (i.e. vote) a certain way, that being the way the white dems want them to think and act, not people like Clarence Thomas who can think and act for themselves. In this case, Clyburn and Thomas are the Uncle Toms.

Correction- Make that Thompson not Thomas.

And remember who was chairman of the judiciary committee when Clarence Thomas was subjected to a high tech lynching.

None other than the segregationist KKK lover, joseph robinette biden.


The left simply cannot STAND a powerful black man that has his own opinions and does not parrot the liberal mantra. In every case, the left show how inherently racist they are (think of the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, southern Democrat institutionalized racism) and attack conservative blacks with a venom only shown in public by liberals.

The left feels that the job of a Supreme Court Justices is to shelve the Constitution and make laws that further socializes the United States.

Remember it was Malcom X who said it was the white liberal that was the negros biggest enemy.

Blacks’ biggest enemy is a white liberal
