Warts and All, It’s Time to Embrace Trump or Start Studying Mandarin

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by Stephen Kruiser

Now that we’re getting dialed in for our “Groundhog Day” 2024 presidential election as far as the candidates go, the Republicans can focus on what they do best: tripping over themselves with internecine squabbles rather than focusing on beating the Democrats. A contested primary provides some cover for intra-party turmoil, even one that was never really a contest.

Very often, it feels as if Republican voters and politicians fall in love with the sound of their feet stomping during what they think is a righteous tantrum and lose sight of who their real enemies are. I said to a friend last week that I don’t know how this party ever wins any elections.

Even though Nikki Haley had the good sense to jump from her sinking ship of a campaign, she made sure that everyone knows she is not a team player, which Catherine wrote about:

Rep. Mike Loychik, a pro-Trump Republican running for Senate in Ohio, slammed Haley’s skipping an endorsement of Trump. “Shame on Nikki Haley for refusing to bow out gracefully and endorse President Trump. Trump is trying to unify the party so we can save the country in November while Nikki throws a sore loser tantrum. Disappointed. Not surprised,” Loychik posted. Dr. Sebastian Gorka was also irritated: “Incredible. Nikki Haley suspends her campaign and doesn’t have the good grace to endorse the man America clearly wants back in the White House.”

Endorsements aren’t what they used to be, and as Catherine notes in her post, Haley’s wouldn’t have helped Trump that much. The barest appearance of a united front would be nice for this particular election cycle.

Most of the time, the GOP’s unwillingness to be a hive mind like the Democrats is a selling point for a lot of us. Most are in agreement, however, that everything is weird and different here in the Year of Our Lord 2024. Conventional wisdom isn’t very wise at the moment; it’s a good time to shake things up.

I’m going to keep writing about this until November because it bears repeating: this is not the election to let one’s feelings get in the way. Or matter at all. We are voting for a president who will hopefully reverse some of the damage done by the commies who are running Joe Biden’s brain. We’re not looking for a significant other or a prom date.

Feelings mean nothing.

The Biden administration has been a nightmarish wrecking ball, doing even more damage in three years than most of us thought they’d be able to. Imagine this bunch of lefty loons operating in a pressure-free lame-duck environment. President LOLEightyonemillion will no longer have to be coy about his ChiCom connections. The White House will be in full “ni hao” mode.

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Doesn’t anyone remember Trump’s speech in Poland? This guy can be the penultimate leader and a supreme diplomat when diplomacy is called for. He can also be the brutally frank asshole when he has to be, unlike Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who worry more about media coverage and other leaders liking (or acting like they like) them. Trump just cares about America and Americans, something Democrats don’t even consider.

Trump’s shortcomings, based on his last administration, is that he didn’t take the deep state seriously enough. I would make a solid bet he learned THAT lesson well. Other than that, give us a LOT more of the same.

I’m quoting myself from a substack at which I posted because this “warts and all” bullshit reeeeealy pisses me off:

Trump’s personal qualities? WHAT personal qualities? What on earth is there to stipulate, let alone disavow?? Good Lord, I’m sick beyond words of the idea that anyone should have to qualify his support or feel it necessary to distance himself from Trump.

He was self-evidently a better choice in 2016 given what a ridiculous and hopelessly insane grifter Hillary is; this was obviously true in ’20, and given what an unmitigated shit-show the country has become since that election, anyone hesitating in casting a vote for Trump cannot be taken seriously as an intelligent and informed person.

Trump does not conduct press conferences on the toilet; he does not pick up dogs by the ears, expose surgical scars, fiddle around with interns in the Oval Office, or throw a leg over anything that would hold still for a few minutes.

He does not sniff and grope children in public; his children are not as bag men; he does not carry on as though the office is his for the asking; and he does not gratuitously insult half (or more) of the population despite their purple-faced, idiotic, and irrational hatred of him, nor does he threaten them with staging reminiscent of “Triumph of the Will.”

He must certainly qualify for Most Investigated Man in History™ after being a public figure for 40 years and yet all his enemies are left with nothing but their little ***** in their hands.

There is no reason to run and hide. This election needs to be either (a) a runaway mandate for Trump to abolish departments wholesale or (b) so obviously stolen that it can no longer be denied.

It’s my belief, based on observation, that no one reaches pinnacles that is not or cannot be a complete asshole. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, in addition to being corrupt, incompetent, treasonous and a verified pedophile, flies into rages and degrades his staff. Obama showed his true self shortly after his election by telling Republicans trying to negotiate some bipartisanship that they lost, so they take the back seat. Even the beloved and most worshipful JFK tore into an Air Force staffer because Jackie didn’t have the proper furniture in her hospital room. I’ll bet Trump is the biggest asshole of them all.

However, what’s different between him and the likes of Obama or Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is that Trump is a successful leader that, documented in his last term, did great things for the nation and the American people. He did not kowtow to other leaders, did not roll over and pay everyone else’s bills, did not beckon and welcome every illegal immigrants that could be scraped together and presented to our border. The one and only thing the left and rinos objected to with Trump was that he was not establishment swamp elitist phony liars like they are.

Also different about Trump is that while an asshole, he is an asshole to the proper people; people that deserve asshole treatment. Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and many others simply pretend to be sweethearts while they backstab, corrupt and manipulate behind the scenes. Recall Obama surrendering to Putin when he thought his mic was off speaking with Medvedev. That makes them chickenshits as well because they are too cowardly to either be genuine or admit their true nature.

How does your theory square with Jesus Christ and His teachings?

It’s my belief, based on observation, that no one reaches pinnacles that is not or cannot be a complete asshole. 

Democrats Worried About Biden’s SOTU Address, Fear Mistakes Will Wreck Everything – ‘We Are All Nervous’

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Joe Biden’s SOTU Tonight at 9 PM ET – Wants to Promote “Freedom” Theme as He Works to Lock Up Trump and Persecute Trump Supporters

NEW: Embattled Democrat Senator Bob Menendez Won’t Seek Reelection in November: Report

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

Trump is a lying loser.

Should Obama be prosecuted for murdering al-Alwaki?

No. Al-Alwaki was a regional commander and propagandist recruiter for a terrorist organization that murdered 2,977 Americans on 9/11. It’s absurd to try to conflate targeting him with the many criminal acts of Donald Trump.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Oh. When was he convicted of a crime? I’m not conflating anything, I am asking if Obama should be prosecuting for executing an American citizen without a trial and conviction and why not, since you don’t believe in Presidential immunity.

It was a preemptive military drone strike on a enemy of America. The fact that he was an American citizen adds treason to the justification. It wasn’t a matter of political expediency. Al-Alwaki was recruiting for an organization that kills his fellow Americans as a matter of policy.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

But he was a US citizen with rights protected by the Constitution. Does a President get to decide when he can ignore the Constitution? Should Obama be prosecuted for murdering a US citizen or does he have immunity?

Hey, your cult leader says sometimes all rules have to be ignored—even those in the Constitution.

How many times do I have to say “NO”?

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Sounds like you agree with that.

Last edited 6 months ago by Just Plain Bill

I don’t believe plotting to overturn an election with lies, mob violence, and fraudulent electors is a legitimate presidential action. You don’t free get a pass for doing so, and a chance to try it again as a bonus.

Hitler did, of course, but this is America, not 1930s Germany.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

There was no such action, this weird scenerio was planted in your head.
It was Trumps Duty to investigate the janky 2020 election. More and more election fraud is being exposed.
It was never proven Biden won, the DNC lawyers fought every effort to audit.
Judges refused to hear cases or examine any evidence.
Now NY is under partial Martial law, Bidens failed proxy war that the war pigs wont let go of has us nearly bankrupt and on the verge of WW3.
Political prisoners being tortured in the DC gulag, without trial.
There will be much to answer for.

I don’t believe plotting to overturn an election with lies, mob violence, and fraudulent electors is a legitimate presidential action. 

Well, it isn’t and that’s another reason to disqualify Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. But, the fact remains a person has to be convicted of a crime, maybe even CHARGED first, before they can be deemed guilty of the crime.

How many times do I have to say “NO”?

Just once would be sufficient, but you have yet to actually SAY it in answer to my question. Chickenshit much? I totally agree that al-Alwaki was a scumbag and, most likely, deserved to die. But killing a US citizen without a trial is against US law, isn’t it? (that’s not rhetorical… how about an answer?). Would it be any different if he sent a SEAL team to do it?

So, should Obama be prosecuted for murdering a US citizen or does he have immunity?

Hey, your cult leader says sometimes all rules have to be ignored—even those in the Constitution.

Still peddling that lie, Comrade? You need new material.

Last edited 6 months ago by retire05

He is constantly trying to go to new material but I want him to answer questions. Now he has confirmed that he believes in immunity for Presidents. I guess there’s just an exception for Trump.

Tell, your, “No.” to joe who keeps ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling that he CANNOT unilaterally “forgive” student loans, greg.

17 year old sitting in a cafe. A public place where other casualties were not even considered, citizens of a country we are not at war with , that is a war crime and murder.

Greg is still a total idiot

More Americans will watch President Trumps comments on joey lying than Americans tuning in to 65 minutes of gaslighting.

Has the GOP duck-taped Boebert and Greene’s mouths shut for the occasion?

I hope they call Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden a liar every time he lies until they become too hoarse to yell, which will probably be about 15 minutes into his speech.

Last edited 6 months ago by Just Plain Bill

So far, his fact checkers have been pretty busy. Nothing but lies coming from Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s mouth.

I didn’t observe Jesus.

Tolerance of evil is not a Christian virtue, Jesus lost his temper tossed tables and whipped people. How does that square with your if you dont love and tolerate the sin you are going to hell?

Last edited 6 months ago by kitt

Biden is giving another damn good State of the Union address. So much for your “befuddled old fool” bullshit.

By “damn good” you mean a campaign speech filled with lies.

Make the wealthy pay their “fair share”… unless they are named “Biden”.

Say her name….

“Lincoln Riley”

Stupid, hateful, lying, racist dumbass.

Actually promising to solve the problems he himself created. Border crisis, swarms of illegal immigrants, crime, inflation…

“I’ve been working non-stop…”*

  • 2 hours a day, 4 days a week

In his SOTU joe had the nerve to say, “I will not rest until…..”
Did he “call a lid,” this AM?
Or, did he just fly out of town to vaca …. again?

It has been in past years a tradition to go out and give speeches based on the SOTU. It is a way to message the agenda to the people post SOTU. I hardly think joey is up for the task.

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

“May God protect our troops… from ME.”

Troops deployed in NY, he says he will deploy our guys in Gaza, sounds like a repeat of Somalia in the works. Black Hawk Down.

Drive the wealth overseas, into Caymen banks.

It’s unfortunate that you have to be told this, but President Pudding Brains hates you, too. But for some reason, you keep supporting him because you’ve been made stupid by Trump hatred.

comment image

I admit they had him pretty drugged up, he made it through the list of lies like an old old old pro.

I noticed he operated pretty flawlessly (aside from saying anything truthful) for about 30 minutes, then he started breaking down and flubbing lines.

Last edited 6 months ago by Just Plain Bill

I think the FEC should be looking into Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden using the State of the Union speech for a blatant political campaign speech.

Maybe they and MSNBC shouldn’t have aired the speech since it was pretty predictable Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden would lie, like their excuse they use to censor Trump.

Biden Threatens Supreme Court Justices to Their Faces in State of the Union Address (Video)

Gold Star Father Put in Handcuffs for Protesting Biden During State of the Union Over Deadly Abbey Gate Terror Attack in Afghanistan

Biden Doesn’t Know Which Way to Walk as He Enters House Chamber – Then Loses Battle with Teleprompter During SOTU (VIDEO)

President Trump RIPS Old Joe at SOTU: He Looks So Angry when He’s Talking, Which Is a Trait of People Who Know They Are “Losing It”

Eric Schmitt


My favorite part of Biden’s #SOTU speech was knowing it’s the last one he’ll give.

Tucker: That was possibly the darkest and most un-American speech ever given by an American president…

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden holds that distinction for TWO speeches now.

I wonder why Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden kept blaming everything on his predecessor, Obama?

Woke Influencer Describing “Terrifying” Things That Will Happen if President Trump Wins the White House Again Accidently Makes Epic Campaign (Video)

This sounds like the type of antidote to biden the country is long overdue for. Apology for the picture, should have put a graphic warning notice.

