Warmists Really Upset Over Paul Ryan Pick

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William Teach @ Pirates Cove:

I’m not sure why Warmists bother, since their little cult is dying a painful, slow death, with fewer and fewer people caring about the issue, especially in light of the way far left policies have and are destroying economies around the world, and that Warmist policies, essentially leftist progressive policies, will make things worse. Anyhow, Climate Progress’ Brad Johnson is apoplectic over the pick (viaClimate Depot)

Meet Paul Ryan: Climate Denier, Conspiracy Theorist, Koch Acolyte

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential pick, is a virulent denier of climate science, with a voting record to match.

favorite of the Koch brothers, Ryan has accused scientists of engaging in conspiracy to “intentionally mislead the public on the issue of climate change.” He has implied that snow invalidates global warming.

Ah, of course there had to be a mention of the Koch brothers, part of Progressive Tourette’s Disorder.

What follows at the “article” is list of Paul Ryan not buying into the climate change hoax (and, really, the phrase climate change is an unscientific term designed to blame every weather and natural event on mankind), and ends with the standard agiprop

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the R’omni & Ryan ticket is now better than the O’bie &the clown ticket.

As post on the original site of the article:

I’m glad that climate change deniers are as small a group as conspiracy theorists.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): All you have to do is keep in mind the warming wachos thought Gore would be a good President. Yep, Big Al!! Thanks goodness this did NOT happen or we would be worse off than we are now with 0-bama!! There would be a thousand more Solyndras and we would be in more debt than we are now, if that’s possible.