WaPo’s Chris Cillizza wonders: Is Candidate Obama … overrated?

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Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:

It’s amazing what happens when the emperor is exposed as having no clothes, eh?  Suddenly, the media begin asking questions that everyone else asked four years ago about a man who hadn’t even completed one term as Senator and who had no executive experience, running in a distinctly anti-Republican political environment.  Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post wonders whether Barack Obama has always been as mediocre a candidate as he was last Wednesday night in the debate:

Obama’s debate performance also raised a bigger question: Is he overrated as a candidate?

Four years ago, that question would have been unimaginable. After all, this was a man who in his first run for national office not only outmaneuvered the Clinton family to win the Democratic presidential nomination but also went on to claim a 365-electoral-vote general-election landslide against Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz). And, oh by the way, Obama did all that while raising $750 million (including $500 million online) — a sum that shattered all fundraising records.

Well, we’re finding out more about how Team Obama shattered those fundraising records, too.  But Cillizza is wrong about the question being “unimaginable”; plenty of us “imagined” it at the time, and not just about Obama as a candidate.  He was easily the least-experienced major-party nominee in decades, with no military, business, or executive experience prior to his candidacy.  The only elections he won were in a heavily Democratic region — Chicago — and against Alan Keyes in his one statewide race in 2004.  Obama had never distinguished himself as a legislative leader. His only real claim to fame was that he wrote two memoirs and gave a great speech at the 2004 Democratic convention.

In fact, not only were many of us “imagining” that question, we were pointing out Obama’s flaws and foibles on the campaign trail, most of which the press ignored in favor of the Obama narrative of Hope and Change.  Cillizza tacitly acknowledges the warning signs in 2008:

And yet, even in that campaign, there was some evidence that candidate Obama had flaws — the most notable of which was that while he delivered solid performances in the debates against McCain, he was far from the champion performer that many expected. (The coverage largely glossed over that fact because a) the race had already heavily tilted in Obama’s favor by that point, making the debates less meaningful, and b) McCain was a decent debater at best, which made Obama’s performance seem stronger in comparison.)

The narrative has changed this year, or perhaps it’s better to say that Obama has forced the narrative to change:

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I’m hoping Romney gets an opening to blindside Obama with a few of the questions we’ve been asking for the last few years..

It would be awfully interesting for the President, in front of a national audience to have to answer for a few of the things the press has buried

@Grumpy- I agree – I would love to see him knocked down a few more notches – where he really belongs…and the rest of his elitist ilk inclusive of the MSM who continues to coddle and cover for him too!! I would love to see him put on the spot trying to defend his policies…and lies…

I would not have any sympathy for Ofraud either… what is that about webs and lies and deceiving again?

In my eyes, he has no sympathy for Americans….he is a user and an exploiter for his own self serving purposes….he is a snake oil salesman.

The Liberals/Democrats don’t see it as exploitation because they have been in a box for so long, having their thinking done for them, instead of thinking for themselves, they cannot see themselves as being exploited….and used… very sad and very scary


The only problem might be Michelle- judging from the look on her face at the end of the last debate,.. if it wasn’t for the Secrete Service she’d have kicked Romney’s butt-after she clawed his eyes out.

He needs to be exposed somehow in a way the media can’t protect him. Like or not, for the most part, conservative bloggers like Curt and myself are only preaching to the choir… The idiots have been so completely conned they won’t accept the fact there’s a problem till it’s too late.

@Grumpy – LOL !!! Yes, I did happen to see a still Pic of Moochelle throwing eye daggers at Romney – OMG – If she isn’t the epitome of “if looks can kill”….!!

Preaching to the Choir? That’s ok because we cannot become complacent…ever again…

I see a lot of people ‘view’ the posts and comments written here at FA even if they do not care to join a discussion at least they come and hopefully picking up useful info…[the truth]. I have noticed there are some visitors who come here to FA and join the discussion – it’s refreshing – and some are v-funny…

Thank God for FA – I have learned so much from everyone here. Very articulate people. I would go nuts if it weren’t for this place…I can get frustrations off my mind and there has been a lot of frustration over the last 4 years…

Enjoy the evening!

I had to post this I saw at another site. It is a Dennis Miller tweet during the debate the other night.

Dennis Miller tweets: “Obama better hope that a kicked ass is covered under Obamacare.”


Well of course Michelle’s upset. If her husband doesn’t get reelected, she wont be able to jet-set on any more posh vacations on the public’s dime. She surely wants to keep playing queen as long as she can.

@FAITH7: Funny, I always the that was the ultra-conservatives situation—living isolated in a box, I mean. Maybe you are projecting a little.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

I don’t think Faith is projecting at all– Queen Marie Antoinette Obama has been spending 2-3 Million a year just on vacations, plus the rest of her upkeep– And things like using Military Aircraft and 25 Secret Service Agents to send her daughter on vacation, in violation of one of the Administrations own travel advisories

Then there’s all that pseudo official travel she does for photo ops-