Last night on FOX News’ “Hannity” program presidential candidate Rick Perry (R-TX) said President Obama grew up “privileged” and has “never had to go through what Americans [are now] going through.”
Perhaps Gov. Perry was referring to Obama’s upbringing and the educational institutions he attended. However, according to the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart this comment was a “dog whistle” for racism.
“That’s the dog whistle that Rick Perry is going for. The president was not raised privileged. He wasn’t handed anything. He absolutely had to work for everything that he got. But for Rick Perry to say that President Obama was privileged and didn’t have to work for what he got, the code is, he got into Columbia University, he got into Harvard University not through merit, not because he’s smart, but because he took the place of someone else through affirmative action, that someone else being someone white,” Mr. Capehart said on Martin Bashir’s MSNBC show.
0-bama is privileged by the MSM for sure. He is a failure as a President, was always unqualified for the position, and has detroyed our economy. Call me what you want but the truth still stands.
Obama was raised by upper middle class grandparents in Hawaii and went to a private school there that cost about $20,000 per year. There is no record of student loans to either Columbia or Harvard. All these schools are very expensive to get into. Where I come from, this makes you more privledged than most. Forget the racist comments…that is the only tool left in his tool box to defend this utter failure of a presidency.
If you say BHO grew up privileged it doesn’t make you a racist it makes you Stupid. Brought up by a single working Mom and middle class grandparents.
@Richard Wheeler:
You should probably do some research into those grandparents.
Doubt very seriously they were what most people would consider “middle class”.
Aye As you know BHO’S maternal grandparents moved to HawaII from Wash state after years in Kansas where BHO’S mom was born. They didn’t have much. She rose from secretarial pool in Bank of Hawaii to highly respected V.P. and retired in 1986. He worked in furniture store and died in 92. They lived in a 2 bedroom apt. I’d say middle class hard working people.
Rich Wheeler, he was still privileged to be able to go to a school worth 20000 for one year alone, who was paying? some one had to pay for that,
and privileged also to go to HARVARD THE PRESTIGIOUS ONE FOR A POOR BOY?
what else do you call that, and the one who’s yelling RACIST is an privileged idiot.
My understanding is like myself much of BHO’S education was paid through scholorships and student loans Unfortunately, I didn’t write 2 best sellers and am still paying off my
Richard Wheeler,
of course when you are in the MARINES you have no time for frivolity,
you have to get the ennemy before he get you, and fight for the freedom of those who just have to go to school and write a couple of book to have to be elected by a crowd who get all impress about it,
so the CONSERVATIVES get more impress with those who are risking their lives in the hell for this AMERICA, anyone can write a book, not all can become a brave like you.