WaPo Offers Totally Unexpected and Novel Hot Take: Al Franken’s Sins are Just One Man’s Failings, But Republican Sins Are Borne By Each and Every Member of the Party

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Don’t bother clicking on this; that’s just what they want. I think the sub-head explains their take well-enough.

We’ve seen this Narrative too many times to count. When Cold Cash Jefferson was found with a load of bribe money in his fridge, that didn’t get much coverage, and the coverage it got just made it about Cold Cash Jefferson himself.

But when Jack Abramoff was found donating to Republicans, that was a Culture of Corruption that applied to the entire GOP. In fact, even though one of the biggest beneficiaries of Abramoff’s donations was Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid, Reid was simply edited out of the stories to make the Narrative stick.

And now we have Franken forcibly sticking his tongue town and unwilling woman’s throat — alleged — and groping her sleeping body in a sexually humiliating way (proven and then admitted).

But see Democrats just have a single “issue,” whereas Republicans have an “enduring problem.”

With all the leftists who just days ago tried to pretend to be Brave Truth-Tellers admitting that they covered up for a likely rapist — Bil Clinton — you’d think this narrative would at least be tweaked.

Which party featured an adulterer, harasser of waitresses (forming “human sandwiches” with fellow Democrat Senator Chris Dodd) and actual manslaughterer of a woman? Ted Kennedy, obviously.

Which party featured a Majority Leader (Bob Packwood) who had to resign in disgrace for also shoving his tongue down women’s mouths?

Which party had as president a credibly accused rapist as their standard-bearer for decades, and did not feel any need to denounce him until both his and his wife’s political utility was exhausted?

And given the number of liberal men who the media has admitted got some or many free passes for harassments, assaults, and rapes precisely due to their status as donors to Planned Parenthood — shouldn’t the media say it’s the Democrats and progressives who have the institutional protection-racket-for-abusers here?

In fact, don’t the Democrats — and their dogged defense of a man some of them now admit was likely a rapist, and a sexual harasser at a minimum — serve as an inducement for liberal men to take advantage of women, having seen that if you just throw enough money into Planned Parenthood and against the NRA, the liberals in the media will cover up for you?

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As you can expect the Washington Compost is one of the Demacrats chief boot licker’s and water carriers just like the New York Slimes

Yes, Republicans have an “enduring problem”. That problem is that liberals, when their agenda fails (as it has) they like to invent false accusations of racism, sexual harassment or Russian collusion. No matter how thin the accusations are, the corrupt liberal media will support and promote it as if it were true. That is the problem and it will endure until the media becomes a less biases provider of information.

For liberals, sexual harassment is not a problem, it’s a weapon. For liberal men, it’s something to do… and get away with.

FLASHBACK Feb 2016……..

Yes WaPoop he could get Jill Stein as a running mate and the signs would read FrankenStein 2020