‘Very Bizarre’: Scientists Expose Major Problems With Climate Change Data

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By Alex Newman

‘Climate activism has become the new religion of the 21st century—heretics are not welcome and not allowed to ask questions,’ said astrophysicist Willie Soon.

Temperature records used by climate scientists and governments to build models that then forecast dangerous manmade global warming repercussions have serious problems and even corruption in the data, multiple scientists who have published recent studies on the issue told The Epoch Times.

The Biden administration leans on its latest National Climate Assessment report as evidence that global warming is accelerating because of human activities. The document states that human emissions of “greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide are dangerously warming the Earth.

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) holds the same view, and its leaders are pushing major global policy changes in response.

But scientific experts from around the world in a variety of fields are pushing back. In peer-reviewed studies, they cite a wide range of flaws with the global temperature data used to reach the dire conclusions; they say it’s time to reexamine the whole narrative.

Problems with temperature data include a lack of geographically and historically representative data, contamination of the records by heat from urban areas, and corruption of the data introduced by a process known as “homogenization.”

The flaws are so significant that they make the temperature data—and the models based on it—essentially useless or worse, three independent scientists with the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES) explained.

The experts said that when data corruption is considered, the alleged “climate crisis” supposedly caused by human activities disappears.

Instead, natural climate variability offers a much better explanation for what is being observed, they said.

Some experts told The Epoch Times that deliberate fraud appeared to be at work, while others suggested more innocent explanations.

But regardless of why the problems exist, the implications of the findings are hard to overstate.

With no climate crisis, the justification for trillions of dollars in government spending and costly changes in public policy to restrict carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions collapses, the scientists explained in a series of interviews about their research.

“For the last 35 years, the words of the IPCC have been taken to be gospel,” according to astrophysicist and CERES founder Willie Soon. Until recently, he was a researcher working with the Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian.

“And indeed, climate activism has become the new religion of the 21st century—heretics are not welcome and not allowed to ask questions,” Mr. Soon told The Epoch Times.

“But good science demands that scientists are encouraged to question the IPCC’s dogma. The supposed purity of the global temperature record is one of the most sacred dogmas of the IPCC.”

The latest U.S. government National Climate Assessment report states: “Human activities are changing the climate.

“The evidence for warming across multiple aspects of the Earth system is incontrovertible, and the science is unequivocal that increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases are driving many observed trends and changes.”

In particular, according to the report, this is because of human activities such as burning fossil fuels for transportation, energy, and agriculture.

Looking at timescales highlights major problems with this narrative, Mr. Soon said.

When people ask about global warming or climate change, it is essential to ask, ‘Since when?’ The data shows that it has warmed since the 1970s, but that this followed a period of cooling from the 1940s,” he said.

While it is “definitely warmer” now than in the 19th century, Mr. Soon said that temperature proxy data show the 19th century “was exceptionally cold.”

“It was the end of a period that’s known as the Little Ice Age,” he said.

Data taken from rural temperature stations, ocean measurements, weather balloons, satellite measurements, and temperature proxies such as tree rings, glaciers, and lake sediments, “show that the climate has always changed,” Mr. Soon said.

“They show that the current climate outside of cities is not unusual,” he said, adding that heat from urban areas is improperly affecting the data.

“If we exclude the urban temperature data that only represents 3 percent of the planet, then we get a very different picture of the climate.”


One issue that scientists say is corrupting the data stems from an obscure process known as “homogenization.”

According to climate scientists working with governments and the U.N., the algorithms used for homogenization are designed to correct, as much as possible, various biases that might exist in the raw temperature data.

These biases include, among others, the relocation of temperature monitoring stations, changes in technology used to gather the data, or changes in the environment surrounding a thermometer that might impact its readings.

For instance, if a temperature station was originally placed in an empty field but that field has since been paved over to become a parking lot, the record would appear to show much hotter temperatures. As such, it would make sense to try to correct the data collected.

Virtually nobody argues against the need for some homogenization to control for various factors that may contaminate temperature data.

But a closer examination of the process as it now occurs reveals major concerns, Ronan Connolly, an independent scientist at CERES, said.

“While the scientific community has become addicted to blindly using these computer programs to fix the data biases, until recently nobody has bothered to look under the hood to see if the programs work when applied to real temperature data,” he told The Epoch Times.

Since the early 2000s, various governmental and intergovernmental organizations creating global temperature records have relied on computer programs to automatically adjust the data.

Mr. Soon, Mr. Connolly, and a team of scientists around the world spent years looking at the programs to determine how they worked and whether they were reliable.

One of the scientists involved in the analysis, Peter O’Neill, has been tracking and downloading the data daily from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its Global Historical Climatology Network since 2011.

He found that each day, NOAA applies different adjustments to the data.

“They use the same homogenization computer program and re-run it roughly every 24 hours,” Mr. Connolly said. “But each day, the homogenization adjustments that they calculate for each temperature record are different.”

This is “very bizarre,” he said.

“If the adjustments for a given weather station have any basis in reality, then we would expect the computer program to calculate the same adjustments every time. What we found is this is not what’s happening,” Mr. Connolly said.

These concerns are what first sparked the international investigation into the issue by Mr. Soon and his colleagues.

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I keep waiting for the climate zealots to do something about China, who emits as much CO2 as everyone else combined. How is it that one of the most powerful economic engines in the world is considered an “emerging economy”? As long as the climate zealots think kissing China’s ass is more important than lowering CO2, it just seems like something of a hoax.

If it weren’t a hoax would the world’s elites be buying beachfront property on the South of France, Monaco, Spanish, Italian coasts?
On the Eastern seaboard?
On Florida beaches, California’s beaches, Hawaii’s beaches?
Yet that is where they are.

FAR too gentle removing them from the stage.

Screwing around with the equipment many have been caught screwing around with the Interments placing thermometers in places where it get hot like Asphalt Parking lots or heat exhausts

Its your 2 cycle lawn mower, your gas weed eater.

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

I’ve been aware of contrails since I was a kid. Where I live now, the summer sky is full of them. They may affect weather. In the days after 9/11 they suddenly vanished. Nothing non-military was flying.

Very late one night the sky was perfectly clear. No sounds but crickets and frogs. No moon. Stars like I haven’t seen since I was a kid. I looked up and saw three dark triangles slowly crossing the sky, moving right along it total silence. Stealth bombers, I think. Those were strange days.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

I am talking about chemtrails, contrails dont hang they vanish.
I lived in St. Louis when they demoed the towers, traffic from Lambert was constant there were no quiet times, until the days after, how nice it was to sit in the yard those days. Stealth is really old technology, 70s, Viet Nam era(during operation Popeye). My brother saw one take off from his base in Thailand.
Todays planes do not have liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants. When these two materials combine and combust in an engine, they make large clouds of steam that exceed 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • I know they have debunked themselves (eye roll)Scientists and government agencies have found no evidence supporting the existence of chemtrails. It is true agents are released into the atmosphere from time to time for cloud seeding and experiments on controlling solar radiation.
  • comment image

Meanwhile, climate change incinerates the Texas panhandle and it’s not even summer yet. Fortunately Trump can fix it with a phone call.

9-0 greg

As expected. It’s the presidential immunity question that matters.

Trump is back on the Ballot in Colorado, Pea-Brain

Every winter the grass on the plains dies and is dry. Trucks traveling those highways sometimes have loose chains that drag and create sparks. F**king climate change has nothing to do with it, unless one of your climate change zealots started the fires to take out all the energy production in the region.

And those tumbleweeds are very flammable.

In Utah we also have the “cottonwood tree.”
It drops tons of white, fluffy “flowers” each year and, boy!, is that stuff flammable!
Every year a few teens find this out the hard way and burn down their parent’s homes.

Ignorant ass people who want to interject “climate change” into everything.

Half of the western US is now burning out of control every summer. Last summer the smoke from Canada covered the eastern seaboard. 45.7 million acres burned. This summer could be even worse.

What the hell does it take to wake people up to reality?

They could try forest management, make Arson a higher crime, Stop spraying chemicals that assist disasters,

Chemtrails: The Root Cause of the California Wildfires

Art Bell would roll over in his grave…

I have an archive of Art Bell. Fun to listen to late at night when at camp.
The evidence is clear we are lab rats for weather war games. Perhaps for new DEW weaponry, I remember when China was harassing our planes with lasers and the Navy warned them ,”You dont want to play Laser-tag with us.” That was 2019 or 2020. They were pretty open about playing tag Im sure the technology has advanced.
The US isnt the only country that is playing with weather , Dubai Jul 28, 2021 Drones are designed to target certain clouds and use electrical discharges via concentrated lasers to forcibly pool water droplets in the air, thus triggering desired rainfall. All quite in the open, if you bother to look.
Oh Clyde Lewis Ground Zero Media, is better if you want to be scared.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Millions of illegal immigrants travel across the country building campfires to cook. See any correlation?

Yup climate change
Cold Lake RCMP, the RCMP serious crimes branch, the forestry crimes unit (FCU) and investigators from Alberta Forestry and Parks and Tourism worked together to investigate a series of intentionally set wildfires that occurred between August and September of 2022, as well as vehicles and structures set on fire in the Hamlet of Cherry Grove in April 2023.

Jun 9, 2023Amid hundreds of wildfires in recent months, Royal Canadian Mounted Police have arrested arsonists in Nova Scotia, Yukon, British Columbia, and Alberta. One Alberta resident, John Cook, was charged with 10 counts of arson after setting a string of wildfires in and around Cold Lake, a hamlet near Edmonton, local reports say.

Brian Paré, a climate change activist, appeared in a Quebec court and admitted to 13 counts of arson, and one count of arson with a disregard for human life, relating to events between May and September last year.

So with the climate actions Biden has taken, when fully implemented, how much will it change the earths temperature? What does the science say?

Meanwhile there’s work to do on the youth front.

Canada is burning again and it isn’t even summer yet.

The cult compound is surrounded by an impenetrable wall of bullshit. They’ll probably blame the smoke on burning wind generators or spontaneously combusting electric cars.

05/13/24 – Canadian wildfires trigger air quality alerts across 4 U.S. states – Winds have carried plumes of smoke over Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Sen. JD Vance Joins Trump at New York Hush Money Trial — Here Are Some of His Observations

Only coattail-riding politicians are showing up outside the courthouse, trying to spin criminal indictment into a campaign pitch.


How many repetitions of the same disaster does it take for liberals to understand some basic facts about forest management?

I hear the “forest management” claim all the time. Haven’t you noticed that many of the worst wildfires haven’t been in heavily forested areas?

If it’s really just a “forest management” problem, why weren’t continuous massive forest fires the norm back in the days when there was a lot more forest and a lot less management?

What makes you think there were not forest fires back in the day?
Trees have evolved for seed release through forest fires.
Not allowing dead and fallen trees to accumulate with thick leaf and pine straw litter is forest management. California is notorious for allowing stands of dead and dying trees.
Some are so clueless.
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Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

No, I only notice that the forest fires happen in forests which the left will not allow lumber companies to manage and make safer. We’ve always had forest fires, it’s just that we now have more population in the vicinity.