Urgent Action Required if You Want Trump to Win Michigan

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by Capt. Seth Keshel

I had not planned to publish anything on SubStack today, but this is of such an urgent nature, I am calling an audible.  This is an action item everyone reading this post can complete in mere minutes.

Michigan is going to be the hardest of the “Big 3” – Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan – for Donald Trump or any statewide candidates to win.  Not only is it run by a trio of women who are among the most corrupt officials in the history of the western world, it also leverages many urban areas, including run-down Detroit, with a mail-in heavy balloting system and Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), which was rammed through in a disaster of a 2018 midterm election.  Pennsylvania didn’t introduce AVR until last September, and Wisconsin still doesn’t have it, and you’re about to see why it is such an issue (author’s note: Biden won or “won” 18 of 20 states operating AVR at the time of the 2020 election – 243 electoral votes to 9).

Michigan claims 8,384,910 registered voters with a population of 10,037,621 using the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2023 estimates.  Go ahead and visit the links yourself if you’re reading this from the perspective of critic.

That means 83.5% of Michigan’s population is registered to vote.

Pennsylvania claims 8,826,265 registered voters with a population of 12,961,683 per the same estimate used above.

That means a paltry 68.1% of Pennsylvania’s population is registered to vote, and that Automatic Voter Registration was needed there to boost the rolls and the follow-on phantom votes.

Finaly, Wisconsin claims 3,456,732 registered voters with a population of 5,910,955.

Only 58.5% of Wisconsin’s population is registered to vote, a number that fits within the trend line of states not operating Automatic Voter Registration, and also highlighting why I think Wisconsin will be the easiest of this trio for Trump to carry.

Another important thing to keep in mind when highlighting this sort of corruption is that 22.1% of the population is under 18, and therefore not eligible to cast a vote.  The Census Bureau also counts illegal aliens and non-citizens in the totals, and in many states, felons can’t vote ever again or at least not right away.  It is safe to say that at least a quarter of the population isn’t eligible to vote, meaning anything over 75% of the total population being registered should make eyeballs bulge and lawsuits fly.

Now, highlights on Michigan:

·      Roscommon County has 23,930 registrants and a population of 23,863, good for Michigan’s high registration rate of 100.3%.

·      Eight other counties are over 95%.

·      Wayne County, home to Detroit, has a number just under the state average, with 83.0% registered.  If it had only 60%, which would surpass most metros in Texas, then it currently sits 402,932 registered voters too high.

·      Only four counties are under 75% of total population registered.

·      Bringing the state down even to Pennsylvania’s 68.1% mark would remove 2,674,786 registrations from Michigan’s voter roll.

·      For reference, from states not automatically registering voters: Pinal County, Arizona – 55.4%; Tarrant County, Texas – 58.1%; Milwaukee County, Wisconsin – 53.7%.


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Now What?

I have written extensively about my disappointment with the RNC and its piss poor efforts at ensuring any sort of meaningful election integrity in the states that will decide this election.  My efforts to give the Election Integrity Director and her team my years of research work, free of charge, highlighting how the elections are being compromised over the geographic expanse of every decisive state, all the way down to the precinct equivalent level, have been met with a cold shoulder, even if it highlights how Michigan can pause the count and inject more than 2 million fraudulent ballots if it had to in order to direct a race any way it must go.

Again, this isn’t about me.  I want Trump to win the election, which should include Michigan in his column by a comfortable Reagan-like margin if the RNC did anything to challenge corruption and get on with my life.  Nearly four years of dealing with the cocktail party Republican political consulting class has soured me on any sort of future with them or any of their parallel organizations; however, this is a golden opportunity to force their hands and compel them to either act or show you just how much they could care less.

I did all this work using open-source information available through the government pages of the “Big 3” states, and by using the same from Arizona and Texas, and by throwing it into an Excel sheet.  It took less than an hour and cost me no money.  I have been told the RNC’s election security strategy is to hire more lawyers and put them in places that could care less what lawyers have to say because their courts are owned and controlled, and where fraudulent ballots have never been removed from the count.

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to also spend no money, but rather time, in contacting:

Michael Whatley – Co-Chair, RNC

@chairmanwhatley on X and Truth Social

Email uncertain, likely mwhatley@gop.com based on other email formats

Christina Norton – Election Integrity Director, RNC

cnorton@gop.com (verified)

@christinanortn on X (yes, I spelled the handle correctly)

Those two are the supposed tip of the spear on the RNC election integrity front.  Whatley has taken issue with me for years over my now obviously correct belief that the 2020 race in North Carolina was clearly corrupt, and Norton, who worked for the Jeb Bush 2016 presidential campaign, has been unresponsive to not only me, but everyone outside the DC consultant bubble who has made election integrity their life’s work.

Send them so many emails about this data, that Michigan is operating clearly corrupted voter rolls that dwarf any comparables that can be found and make Pennsylvania and Wisconsin look like paragons of electoral virtue, that their inboxes collapse. This data tells me Donald Trump may as well light his campaign money on fire instead of sending it to Michigan unless the RNC gets busy and lights a fire under the asses of the corrupt officials who are depriving their citizens of the right to a free and fair vote and clogs every court imaginable with lawsuits, injunctions, and restraining orders to keep this election from moving forward without immediate relief.

While you are at it, make sure you tag or copy Lara Trump, who was put in place precisely to keep an eye on the operation of the RNC.

Tell them we are tired of losing, and that if you’re going to plus up your legal teams to challenge this stuff or be expected to send the RNC millions to do nothing with, this is a softball of an example that demands action.  Be civil, don’t say anything you wouldn’t want put out on social media or on the front page of a newspaper, but I am right, and I am not going to let this just slide on like the latest outrage.



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I am sending emails as well.