Unreal… Now the Far Left Is Trying to Tie Mitt Romney to El Salvador Death Squads

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Jim Hoft @ Gateway Pundit:

They will stop at nothing.
The far left is now trying to tie Mitt Rommey to El Salvador death squads.

The death squads murdered American nuns, as documented in the photo seen here.

Really, Huffington Post?… Really?

From The Huffington Post:

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From the link-
“Gonzalo Guevara Cerritos, a sub-lieutenant in the notorious Atlacatl Battalion, took part in the November 16, 1989 massacre at the Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador. Less than a year before the brutal killings, Guevara Cerritos received military training at the U.S. Army School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Georgia.”

Responsibility for the murders goes beyond Romney or Bain.

Eve sinned and then convinced Adam to follow her into sin rather than obey his god.
Thus the two of them brought death to all mankind.
I bet Romney could be tied to them, too!

You don’t believe this? How about the fact the Romney was on the Board of Directors—as an auditor, no less—of Marriott, when they were found to be responsible for a tax avoidance scheme (had to pay $22o,000,000). Eventually you have to believe some of these facts. Good ole honest Mitt. Show your taxes!

Sure, libearal1, Romney will show his tax returns. Just as soon as President Choomboy coughs up his academic records.

Odd isn’t how the Far Left is silent about Pres. Obama’s long time political connections to the Anti-American terrorists death squads fielded by the Weathermen?



@Mike O’Malley:
The Weatherman killed more members of the Weatherman than anyone else. You turn a blind eye though to the rape and murder of nuns…….I’m sure you can find some ancient political treaty written by some unknown to bolster your ignorance further.