Tucker Of all the lies told in public over the past ten years, and there are almost too many to count. This may be the most painful of all. It’s almost hard to watch, but we’re going to play it anyway. Remember this.
Gretchen Whitmer
Make your plan to get one of these vaccines. They are safe and effective.Joe Biden
If there’s one message that needs to cut through all this, the vaccines are safe. I promise you they are safe and effective. Listen to Doctor Fauci.Anthony Fauci
When we say that something is safe and effective, we mean it’s safe and effective for everyone.Rochelle Walensky
This vaccine has gone through the necessary and rigorous evaluation that ensures the vaccine is safe and highly effective.Dr. Pierre Kory
I do think we have some understanding of the cost. I mean, I think, you know, you’re aware of the work of of Ed Dowd, who’s, you know, put together a team and looked, analytically at a lot of the epidemiologic data. I mean, we have estimates for how many people have been killed. We have estimates now, pretty precise estimates for how many people have landed on the disability roles and all of those deaths and entries onto disability are timed with the the onset of the vaccination rollout. And, you know, all these discussions about alternative explanations for why that might be. They all fail because you cannot argue against the temporal association. I mean, time with that vaccination rollout is when all of the numbers started going sideways, the excess mortality started to skyrocket. The disability claims started to skyrocket. So it’s an immense cost. I mean, we can be precise, but –Tucker
In nine months?Tucker
And Vietnam took 11 years.Tucker
Well those have been going on.Dr. Pierre Kory
Exactly. You can’t blame all that. Like fentanyl did not just arrive in this country in the third quarter of 2021. And even more troubling with the data is who is dying. It’s not the elderly. I mean, our life expectancy in this country dropped by three years in a span of three years. Now, who has to die arithmetically for that to happen? Young people. And what the data is screaming is that it’s not only the young people that are dying, but they’re the healthiest and most employed. So the employed is a risk factor for death now. And so you’re left with a conclusion looking at this data. You’re left with two big questions. Why was there an explosion in the youngest, an explosion in dying in the youngest and healthiest sectors of society? And why did the employed fare far worse than those that weren’t? And this particularly white collar, white collar, more than gray collar, more than blue collar. And so you left with –Tucker
They fared worse? That’s the opposite of what you would expect.Dr. Pierre Kory
100%. So why is the healthiest, most educated, wealthiest sectors of our labor force dying at higher rates than those that are what called gray collar, like, cops and teachers versus blue collar? And you have to ask yourself, what happened in the American work?Tucker
That’s crazy.Dr. Pierre Kory
Never, never.Dr. Pierre Kory
Always happen for very good reason. They tend to be the most educated, employed, you know, wealthy. And so generally the healthiest.Tucker
Fittest. The best food.Dr. Pierre Kory
100%. Exercise. And that’s what my practice is full of today is formerly really successful, healthy people who are now effectively disabled.Tucker
Well, that’s even worse than I understood.Dr. Pierre Kory
Oh, it’s been hard to watch.Tucker
And when you made reference to people joining disability roles, what do those numbers look like?Dr. Pierre Kory
So in three years we’ve added, I think at the last count, 4 million people to the disability roles. And again, again, another signal who entered this disability roles? The employed entered at higher rates than the unemployed. And so why are again, why are the most healthiest employed folks dying at higher rates?Tucker
You’d think, I mean not to be rude, but I mean, it’s I think social scientists have thought this for a long time: Disability is kind of stealth welfare for a lot of people.Dr. Pierre Kory
Can be.Tucker
It can be. But if your people are leaving like decent jobs, that’s the medical conditions –Tucker
It’s like a seasonal thing. You’re a carpenter in a cold climate. Wintertime you go in disability. Yeah, but that’s not this.Dr. Pierre Kory
No, that’s not this. And the most telling is really the data from the group life insurance industry because group life insurance is generally you’re talking about fortune 500 companies, right? So those of us who work for employers that offer US group life health insurance tend to be large corporations, well, you know, that have the kind of resources that they can support their labor force that way. And when you look at the group life insurance industry, that was the kind of the canary in the coal mine is when we started to see the reports in the life insurance industry, where you saw in the third quarter of 2021 just immense – a doubling of the death rates in those age groups of 25 to 30. Yeah, 25 to 34 and 35 to 44. And in one quarter, you just saw this explosion in dying. And no one’s asking the question, Tucker.Dr. Pierre Kory
Unprecedented. And that comes from CEOs of the life insurance industry, right. So one of the big, sort of, events was at the end of 2021, the CEO of One America, one of the largest life insurance, companies at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Indianapolis, said that they were observing an increase in life insurance claims of 40%. Now, let’s put that in context. He also said a rise of 10% year to year. Remember, this is life insurance industry. How do they make their money? Predicting death very accurately, setting premiums appropriately so that there’s a profit. If they see a 10% unexpected rise in a certain sector of society, that is a 1 in 200 year event. And here he says that they seeing 40%. Unprecedented outside of war time, outside of some major terrorist event. What could be causing such an explosion and dying of healthy, employed people? And this is the secret, this is almost like private knowledge, because we can’t bring this private knowledge out into common knowledge. It’s very few vehicles to do that. I think you’ve given the opportunity for many of us who have this private, really disturbing knowledge. But it’s a challenge.Tucker
Well, it’s just so crazy to me. I can’t believe this is happening. And by the way, I have no weird agenda. I don’t want it to happen. I think it’s awful, actually.Dr. Pierre Kory
Well, I think if I, you know, looking at your the kind of the montage you showed before we started to talk, you know, that refrain of safe and effective, it’s my kind of belief looking back. And that was that was a predetermined conclusion. There was no data to support that, but it was agreed upon that it would be presented as safe and effective. And for those of us who were a little bit more skeptical, more data driven, we saw that it was based on really no data, and the data started going sideways south, but the refrain got louder and more pervasive. And then they doubled down. They start to demonize the unvaccinated.Tucker
That’s a criminal act you’re describing. So, I mean, I could ask you so many different questions about why the people who made that claim and, and abetted the killing of all these Americans aren’t being held to criminal liability for that, but in other words, as a lawyer, what was the effect on your life when you started to describe the data you were seeing?Dr. Pierre Kory
Yeah. So I’m going to say that before I sort of dug deep on the data, I was seeing things clinically that was really troubling me. Meaning just observationally in my practice, people – .Dr. Pierre Kory
This isn’t data. This isn’t, you know, numbers. This is just my reality started to send me that something was going.Tucker
That’s that same thing happened to me.Dr. Pierre Kory
Yeah and to other colleagues that I know that were observant.Tucker
What did you see. So people started to come to me complaining of lots of different problems after the vaccine. And, you know, I was advocating for a lot of things fighting censorship, propaganda. There’s lots of lies that were told in Covid. Vaccines was one set of lies. Suppression of early treatment drugs is another. And they were kind of mirror images of each other. They both had the same goals, slightly different tactics. But propaganda and censorship were the main weapons. So I’ve been kind of fighting one war and then got very interested in the vaccines because I saw a huge need. I started to meet lots of vaccine injuried. I did work with some of those non-profits, you know, my nonprofit, which is we’re a medical education organization focused solely on developing treatment protocols for all phases of Covid prevention treatment, long vax, long Covid. But then I started we started to get really interested in vaccine injury because it was a new disease, was a new problem. And I also want to tell you another deception. The entire country medical system calls the chronic problems after Covid. They call it long Covid. Right. You’ve heard of the term yes, disease, long Covid. So I’m an expert at it. But the reality is, if you look at my practice, maybe 1,200 patients, 70% are long vax not long Covid, meaning all of their issues – the syndrome started after the vaccine, not Covid, the vast majority are long vax. And so the only disease that’s recognized in this country is long Covid. All the academic medical centers, they have these little long Covid clinics. It’s not vaccine injury clinics, it’s long Covid clinics. So there’s this constant burying of the role of the vaccine in what’s befallen society.Tucker
Well, why? I mean, that’s so evil that it’s hard to believe it’s happening.Dr. Pierre Kory
It threatens so much. It not only threatens the reputation credibility of our health agencies, which is already, I think, splintered and fragmented. Yes. I mean, a week ago, a paper was published in the journal American Medical Association. I just saw it this morning where they actually surveyed people’s attitudes towards the agencies and the vaccines. And a majority, about half to 60%, all have concerns over whether these things are safe. Now, I don’t think that was going to be the answer two years ago, but a good portion of society now is now questioning not only whether the agencies are telling the truth and they make these proclamations, but you can see it in their hesitancy to get the boosters. I mean, those numbers are plummeting. So I do think that people are slowly becoming aware. But for those of us who’ve been aware for a long time, I’ve been trying to fight to get people informed. It’s it’s been a war. It’s been a long couple of years, and we’ve all of us have suffered from censorship, loss of jobs. I’ve lost three jobs in Covid from my advocacy and expertise. And so, it hasn’t been easy, but-Tucker
Well you lost jobs in science.Dr. Pierre Kory
Well, yeah, I lost clinical jobs. So my first one, I have to admit, I volunteered, I resigned, but for very serious reasons. I saw what I thought was unethical behavior that was early in Covid. The second one is because I gave public testimony in the Senate around the use of the use of ivermectin. And then the third one, it’s pretty clear that that came from outside. They told that hospital to get rid of me.Tucker
Because they just had too many competent doctors. They didn’t need another.Dr. Pierre Kory
Something like that, Tucker.Tucker
That’s did you ever think that could happen here?Dr. Pierre Kory
Never. I mean, if you look at my partners. Right, so my organization, we we call ourselves the FLCCC, founded by Professor Paul Marik, who’s the most published practicing intensivist in the history of our specialty, he was railroaded out of his hospital with a sheaf of complaints about his behavior. After 30 years as a physician, as a celebrated physician who’s won awards the lectured all over the world, suddenly he has eight complaints and they get rid of his privileges. My other colleague, Umberto Meduri one of the world experts on the use of corticosteroids, he works for the VA, which is the federal government. And he gets he gets pressure to resign. They told him they would take his pension if he didn’t resign. And he was also probably told that that information came from Washington. And we I’ve seen this in some of my other colleagues. Jim Thorpe, one of the most outspoken OBGYNs in the country, he lost his job, even being the most productive physician in that group. We know that the pressure’s come around, so they want that. They need us to lose our jobs so that we lose credibility, so that we lose our voice. Because nobody wants to listen to someone who is incredible. They do this to Bobby Kennedy all the time to try to censor him. Right? Because if they can’t get you to shut up, they just take away your reputation.Tucker
Like if you if the evidence presented, you suggested strongly that the compound you’re suggesting or requiring is killing people, you would think your own conscience would restrain you. I can’t I can’t push this shit. People are dying. Like, doesn’t anyone think that.Dr. Pierre Kory
I don’t want to make excuses for people’s behavior? But I will be generous and say, I think many of them trafficked in a toxic medical intervention. I think the many can claim ignorance because I think most physicians are victims of the lies propagated in the high impact journals. That is a whole issue of what’s happened to the high impact medical journals over the last several decades. Have they’ve been completely captured and run by the pharmaceutical industry, means that financial industry can get doctors to believe whatever they want.Tucker
And they publishing in a small number of journals.Dr. Pierre Kory
Absolutely. Because I well, I usually say the big five, you know, it’s New England Journal, Medicine Journal, the American Medical Association, The Lancet, the BMJ and Annals of Internal Medicine. But there’s a few others. But when you get a paper in there, I mean, that’s like, you know, planting a stake in the ground of truth. Right? And so if you get a paper review paper saying that something safe and effective, those doctors are now responsible to inform you, because this is the heights of science, this is the best journals done by the best. This is the impression they have. And I got to tell you, Tucker, this is what I believe. Before Covid, I literally idolized, deified those journals. I really thought the best science and scientists were published there. And through this journey, the world in the world by far. And to get a paper in there, I thought it had to be, you know, airtight, best study design, the most meticulous data, keeping an analysis. And what I have discovered is that’s not true and hasn’t been true for a long time. And former editors of those journals are on record. They’ve written books as long as 20 years ago. The former editor of during the journal emotion, woman in Doctor Marshall Angel, she wrote that over half of what’s published in those journals you should not be believe. And she was a 20 year editor of the top journal in the world. Former writers of the BMJ have tried to say that these warnings have been put out, but they’re suppressed. We don’t have a class in medical school by the way of pharmaceutical industry influence in medicine. I think that what should be a required curriculum for anyone going into medicine, but we are purposely kept in the dark as to how controlled and how much financial interests are involved in everything. The guidelines we read, the studies that are done, the studies that are not done right. So there’s things that they don’t want to study because they don’t afford profits, to the system. And so it’s it gets it’s gotten really dark for me. I the way I look at science and medicine now is extremely different than just.Tucker
Freaking me out, I tell you that. So did you, so how aware of any of this were you before 2020?Dr. Pierre Kory
Well, I got to be really humble. It’s almost funny. I think my understanding of pharmaceutical industry corruption was like at the level of the drug rep. You know, the very pretty or handsome revenue comes in with the high heels and the nice smile and gives pens and offers invites you to dinner. Like I thought it was. That kind of corruption was like most of what they. Yeah, yeah. Now it’s that’s that’s like the icing on the cake. They, they literally bake the cake. And. They can get the arteries. Going back to original question. They can get the arteries to believe whatever they want to get. Doctors believe, and doctors have still have an implicit faith and trust in the institutions of science, including witness the agency so agency heads when they make a proclamation on national television that’s considered to be scientific truth. Something published in a high impact medical journal is scientific truth. So they believe these institutions without knowing that they’ve been captured.Tucker
Thanks for watching that amazing conversation with Dr. Pierre Kory. Now, if you’re a certain age and you believe in the dignity of the individual, you probably think government is the greatest threat to your freedom and your well-being. And it may be, but government doesn’t act alone. It acts in tandem in this country. And this is a new thing with corporate America. It’s corporate America that’s making America ugly. It’s corporate America that’s building dollar stores in your neighborhood. It’s corporate America that employs the H.R. morons who scold you and try to dehumanize you. You hate to think we’ve gotten to a place where corporate America is as great a threat to you as, say, the federal government under Joe Biden. But it is. So what do you do about it? Well, we recently discovered a marketplace that is doing its very best to change that. It’s called Public Square, and it’s established a new way of connecting commerce by connecting you with over 80,000 small businesses that may share your values. It feels good to put your money where your values are. Learn more at Publicsquare.com. Why do you think all these people are dying?Dr. Pierre Kory
From the vaccine. Yeah. Now we’re going to get sciency.Tucker
No. No, but why do I mean so? You know, I understand everything you’re saying, and I’m trying to be compassionate. And I’ve been misled many times in my life. And so people can be misled. Yeah, but if you have a massive rise in life insurance claims and group policies, like even I understand, that is. Wait. Slow down. What’s going on? How do they account for that?Dr. Pierre Kory
They don’t know about that. They don’t know about that. I mean, I would say things have changed in the last few months. So, since August, myself and my writing partner, Mary Beth Fyfe, a really terrific investigative journalist who first wrote a book, looking at the chronic Lyme disease. She’s done great work throughout Covid, and she and I have now written three op eds in USA today, Newsweek. And then a couple of weeks ago, The Hill. And each op ed is a little bit more. It’s calling attention to all of the excess death. Like, why is our government, our public health agencies not doing anything about this? I mean, they literally have one job, which is to protect public health. Yes. And they’re sitting on an unprecedented surge in dying of Americans, the youngest and healthiest of Americans. And they seem to not be questioning that. And so we are trying to call attention to that. And I would say the last one that got published in The Hill, that seemed to create a little bit of a news cycle, you know, I was on Fox with Laura Ingraham. I think they were she was interested in learning more about this. And and we’ve seen that, you know, there’s a little bit of social media traction, but. There’s there’s no official governmental recognition now. They’ve put out, papers, showing that they’re aware of the mortality, but no follow up. Or they’ll give a list of reasons. Right. Like the list of reasons. Well, they don’t always get as ridiculous as global warming, but they get close. Just trying to explain away this sudden surge in deaths, and it can’t be done.Tucker
So what I mean, what does the CDC, for example, or the federal government or broadly doing for the vaccine injured?Dr. Pierre Kory
Very, very little. I’ll give you an example. So, remember, there is no, no such thing as vaccine injury syndrome, although I specialize and I have a whole practice which focuses on it. It’s all long Covid. So let’s just pretend that they’re studying vaccine injury with long Covid. $1.2 billion has been, dedicated to funding long Covid research. This is as of two months ago, only four trials were set up to enroll patients. Only one trial was ready to enroll patients. And that was a trial studying Paxlovid. Paxlovid, if anyone could ever tell me one rational reason why that would work in long Covid, I’m all ears. There’s no justifiable rationale for why you should study Paxlovid now. Why you would want to study Paxlovid? That I can easily answer. It’s a very profitable drug for, certainly pharmaceutical company. But literally we’re three years into the pandemic. We don’t have like a really good response into studying and treating long Covid. Instead, it’s me and a whole network of colleagues and my organization that are really sharing experiences, insights into pathophysiology. We’re doing reviews of like a lot of basic science studies showing this is what the mechanisms of injury are from the spike protein, from the virus, from the vaccine. And we’re trying to marshal mechanistic therapies. But like it’s it’s like we’re we’re out here in the Wild West doing it on our own. And it’s really a shame because it doesn’t have to be this way.Tucker
This is not what you signed up for when you became a physician.Dr. Pierre Kory
No, I mean, I was a system physician. I was embedded in that system. Like I told you, I was a, you know, I believed in the journals I taught. I taught what I was taught. I believed all vaccines were safe. I never questioned vaccines. I mean.Tucker
So what do you think? And I think you speak for the overwhelming majority of Americans when you think are basic, you know, we have flaky politicians or weird seasons, but the the systems, the institutions that make this not third world are totally sound. I think everyone thought I thought that, but why? What about you? Allowed you to see what was happening and be honest about it? Why not everyone else?Dr. Pierre Kory
Well, I’ve always questioned, orthodoxy, especially in medicine. Like, from early on when I was a doctor, what I would come in and especially after I got some training and I would come into new ICU or new hospital, I’d see, like how they were treating, for instance, like kidney injury. And I’d be like, that’s weird. That’s data from 15 years ago, like, why aren’t we doing it this way? We now know this, this and this, and that can apply to almost any, you know, heart failure, heart attacks. I knew there was evidence showing more insight and more effective therapies, but yeah, we were doing stuck stuff in the past. And I just think change in medicine comes very slowly. And I was always an early adopter. I like to study new novel therapies. And so I was actually, you know, I talked about Paul Marik. I was celebrated in my specialty, pretty well known nationally and even internationally, because I was a pioneer in a field called critical care ultrasonography, and a textbook that I was the senior editor of is like one of the best selling textbooks in that field around the world at seven languages. And so I taught for years around the country, doctors, this new skill on how to use ultrasound to make lifesaving diagnoses like critically ill, you know, patients crashing, you put a probe on their chest. You could see the heart was doing the right ventricle, left ventricle. The lungs were full of fluid. So it was this huge like it. It changed my life. When I learned ultrasound, I felt like I was a super doctor, like a doctor with superpowers. And I tried to teach those powers, and it became standard of care. Now, there’s not an ICU in the country that doesn’t have an ultrasound machine in it. Most critical care doctors now get trained. There’s, certification exams that you could do, and I that’s what I did for most of my career. And I got interested in something called therapeutic hypothermia, which is how to treat patients after cardiac arrest with brain injury. And so and I’ll just finish by saying when Covid came, you know, I was like, game on. I mean, I’m I was 50 years old. I’m a pulmonary critical care physician. I saw pulmonary critical care disease literally enveloping the world. And I just, I think innately just committed to learning everything I could to figure out how to treat it. And I had I had some giants around me. I had Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri around, Joe Varon, and Jose Iglesias. That’s kind of the five ICU docs that started our organization. And all we did was read papers and the emails, like preprint servers and the papers that were reading. And then we were fashioning protocols. We were learning stuff that worked and what didn’t. And just it was this frenetic, push. And it’s it’s something that they should have had they should have done that at the, at the government level had like a group of committed frontline clinicians have a seat at the table. No clinician has ever been given the seat at the table. No real front line.Tucker
By clinician you mean a doctor who treats patients?Dr. Pierre Kory
Yes. Yeah, that’s what I mean by clinician. Someone who is literally immersed in patient care. Now, you have people in those three letter agencies who yes, they’ll see patients on the side most of the time in specialty offices. They weren’t deluged seeing like these acutely ill Covid patients to the hundreds, if not thousands. And I was seeing them not only at the most severe stages of the game and in the ICU, but also as an outpatient. And so I had a wealth of experience and insight into the disease and how to treat it. No one ever asked us. And whenever I would try to bring out my, insights, seemed to get attacked.Tucker
Would did you think of the…I mean, for a while, my impression is that the putting people on respirators was part of the protocol.Dr. Pierre Kory
Well, yeah. You know, it’s that’s, it’s a little bit of a, it’s definitely more nuanced in that. But I would say this the push to put someone eventually, they probably did it too early as a rule. Early on, I think a few things drove that, it was ignorance of the disease. The trajectory of the disease. I think there’s a little bit of fear around controlling infections. So that definitely I think ventilators were overused. But that wasn’t in my opinion, the main problem, main problem was that we were not treating, we were literally saying supportive care only. This was the first year where, you know, fluids for hydration, nutrition, oxygen, Tylenol for fever. That’s what’s called supportive care.Tucker
I can do that at my house.Dr. Pierre Kory
You could. But you know, that that seemed to be the our response. And like Paul says, you know, my partner, he says, you know, there is no disease you cannot treat. And there there’s really simple stuff that we knew that would help fortify immune systems and help protect against severe disease, that we thought that are super safe, that on a risk benefit precautionary principle, we should have, as a rule, just recommended vitamin D for one, we should add a vitamin D. You know, supplementation campaign were nationwide would have been very easy to do. Now, as an aside, vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last 3 or 4 decades.Tucker
Why?Dr. Pierre Kory
It threatens, it threatens the disease model. I mean, we can make a, we can do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker. But.Tucker
Vitamin D, like in milk?Dr. Pierre Kory
Yes, like vitamin D, like it’s vitamin D is a whole other discussion. But they’re terrified of vitamin D, our normal.Tucker
If you find yourself terrified of vitamins, you’re probably on the wrong side.Tucker
Yes, I experienced vaccine hesitancy myself.Dr. Pierre Kory
Terrible condition or lifesaving.Tucker
I’m so grateful for it.Dr. Pierre Kory
It could be a lifesaving condition, but, they deployed this information and I didn’t understand what was going on. Tucker. Because when I, for instance, I gave testimony, in a Senate hearing for the first time in May of 2020, had nothing to do with Ivermectin. I just said that it was critically important that corticosteroids be used in the hospital phase of the disease. I was attacked widely for saying that even by my own university, they did not want me talking to the press, and that was based on the expert opinion of my group. Burton Andrew was one of them. Like like said, one of the world experts in lung injury and corticosteroids, myself and Paul. And we were validated there because two months later, a trial came out of Oxford showing that huge mortality reductions when you use corticosteroids. And now it’s a standard of care worldwide. Six months later, I go back. Now I’m an expert at an early treatment drug, which is Ivermectin. Do the same testimony. It goes viral on on a Fox News website, which was the most watched, got up to 9 million views. And then I was taken down in the middle of the night. And this is before the fraudulent trials, which showed that it supposedly didn’t work. So they had no data show it didn’t work. All the data showed that it worked. Now they changed that equation using this information. But the point is, I couldn’t figure out like I gave that testimony. The Associated Press did a hit job on me. Within two days, they sent the reporter. I buried her with all this data, all these trials, all these health ministries, you know, in South America and other places that were literally obliterating Covid. And she wrote an article about how it’s another drug to be debunked, like hydroxychloroquine. And then she even wrote about some couple who drank like a fish cleaner or something like that. This was in an article interviewing me about Ivermectin, I turn into this. We actually filed an ethics complaint. This how naive I was at the time. This is almost two years ago, but, or over two years ago, we filed an ethics complaint with the Associated Press. We were so disturbed by this article. We didn’t know that the fix was in. But the point of that story is when he sent me the article, the link to that article, I read it and it was like. My mind exploded. I suddenly saw the world differently because every tactic that they described, I had dozen examples of in relation to Ivermectin and even hydroxychloroquine. And so I saw that myself in an organization where literally like the Bad News bears fighting like a war, a disinformation global disinformation campaign trying to destroy early effective treatment drugs in order to prop up this vaccine campaign. It’s craziness. That’s my life.Tucker
So but, I mean, what you’re really saying is that the drug companies applied pressure to the medical establishment to withhold lifesaving treatment so that people would have no option but the vaccine.Dr. Pierre Kory
Differently. I think all of it starts at the level the medical journals. Because once you have something established in the medical journals as a, let’s say, a proven fact or a generally accepted consensus, consensus comes out of the journals. So I think that’s the core of the corruption and what I in fact, in my book, I document very well, in particular, just using the example of ivermectin does not have to be about ivermectin. But, I mean, I have dozens of rejection letters from investigators around the world who did good trials on ivermectin, tried to publish it. No thank you, no thank you, no thank you. And then the ones that do get in all purportedly prove that ivermectin didn’t work. So and then when you look at the ones that actually got in and this is where like probably my biggest estrangement and why I don’t recognize science and don’t trust it anymore, is the trials that flew to publication in the top journals in the world were so brazenly manipulated and corrupted in the design and conduct in, many of us wrote about it. But they flew to publication, and then every time they were published, you saw these huge PR campaigns in the media. New York Times, Boston Globe, L.A. times, ivermectin doesn’t work. Latest high quality, rigorous study says. I’m sitting here in my office watching these lies just ripple throughout the media sphere based on fraudulent studies published in the top journals. And that’s that’s that has changed. Now that’s why I say I’m estranged and I don’t know what to trust anymore.Tucker
You speak for so many, but you speak from obviously a much deeper reservoir of knowledge when you say that, which makes it… Is there hope for reform?Dr. Pierre Kory
At the medical journal level, I don’t know. I think that’s a complex topic, although I don’t want to get political here. But I did listen to an interview with Bobby Kennedy, and he he I heard this. I’d never forgot because to me, he spoke to my heart, but he said one if he would ever become president, one of his first orders of business would to call into the Oval Office the chief editors of all the top journals and tell them, clean up your act, or I’m going after you with RICO statute as a racketeering opposition, which is interesting because the name of the chapter, there’s a chapter in my book called The Editorial Mafia. And so when I heard that Bobby Kennedy was going to bring these guys to the Oval Office and threaten them with RICO, you know, statute, I was like, oh, he knows what he’s doing. He knows exactly what the problem is and what to do about. Yeah. So but as far as reform, you know, going back to maybe this, this, this current issue that you kind of invited me to talk about, right? Which is this, just unprecedented excess mortality that we’re observing not only in this country. Right. I don’t know if you follow, but the UK, there’s a couple of brave politicians. They’re trying to bring this, issue to the forefront. Australia, Canada, a lot of the, advanced health economies of the world are seeing really large and unexplained excess mortality, even as Covid has waned in severity. But in order to address this, I mean, first of all, this is the clearest indictment. All of our public health agencies, which is just there in action. The knowledge that this is occurring and they’re not doing anything tells you that they have failed. It is the most clear evidence that they have failed and are failing. If they were functioning, this would be a major public health initiative. There would be lots of funding. You’d have tons of studies looking at, causes. And these studies are easy, by the way, because they could do one thing that no one has done in advance, health economist, which is give us open source rigorous data of vaccination status and outcomes. We want to know who’s unvaccinated, who’s vaccinated and how they’re doing. And they try to avoid doing that so that there are solutions to doing it. But I think you need people free of conflicts. I think we need we need like industry to get involved, not just the academics and the agency folks. But like, for instance, get someone who’s conflicts of interest would promote study like this, like the insurance industry. They are looking into a shellacking. They are getting hammered. Look at how much they’re paying. And you can see it in some of the industry trade magazines. They literally have never paid out this much money. And keep in mind, you pay out, policy on a 32 year old. How much money have you lost compared to when you pay one out on a 58 year old.