University of Colorado Actually BANS Students From Questioning Climate Change…

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We’ve talked about climate change quite a bit here at LwC. Mostly how it’s a steaming pile of non-global-warming-endangered horse crap. Not merely for its inaccuracies though. Ever notice how almost every climate changer and their bald-headed granny demands everyone believe in climate change? (read Democrat Attorneys General Want to Punish ‘Climate Change Deniers’ to the ‘Full Extent of the Law.’)

Enter the University of Colorado. Don’t believe in climate change? Drop your humanities class.

Three professors co-teaching an online course called “Medical Humanities in the Digital Age” at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs told their students via email that man-made climate change is not open for debate, and those who think otherwise have no place in their course.

“The point of departure for this course is based on the scientific premise that human induced climate change is valid and occurring. We will not, at any time, debate the science of climate change, nor will the ‘other side’ of the climate change debate be taught or discussed in this course…”

The professors also note this ban on debate extends to discussion among students in online forums.

In other words… No debate. No dissent. Nothing but conformity. Because SCIENCE.


I’ll go out on a limb here and state the obvious: Self evident truths don’t need to be forced on people. These professors who “banned” the opposing argument? In all shapes and forms? Sounds like a cheap way to ensure there’s no ideological competition. Which is something people in power do when their argument is weak. See any dictator that ever lived.

Why climate change dissent gets squashed…

The comparison of climate change alarmists to dictators is an accurate one. If someone has a fragile belief which serves as the foundation of greater political control, any dissent must be squashed.

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Another leftists run univerty of socialits tyrants just more reasons to totaly defurn these universities No Decent Allowed by Big Brother

Hey, while they’re at it, include, Santa, Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Since 40% of these college educated kids are studying this type of BS and can’t get a job, they may as well believe is the above BS as well.

This* is even more interesting when you consider that George Soros spent over $3 million on just 6 of the most recent democrat attorneys general races.

But, as of today there is NO law against holding an opposing opinion on anything.
We do not yet have Orewell’s ”thoughtcrime.”

Think the drop in money from alumni fell off precipitously for University of Missouri after they sided with the BLM mob, think again over this issue.

In fact, it is already starting:

College alumni show displeasure with campus political correctness by withholding donations

Alumni of the universities which have played host to some of the more ridiculously PC occurrences are now expressing their dismay and annoyance — mainly via their checkbooks.

Each of these steps too far leads to the starvation of more college/university coffers.
And some alumni are making their children vote with their feet:
They are sending them to technical colleges, institutes of technologies and even apprenticeships.

*Not merely for its inaccuracies though. Ever notice how almost every climate changer and their bald-headed granny demands everyone believe in climate change? (read Democrat Attorneys General Want to Punish ‘Climate Change Deniers’ to the ‘Full Extent of the Law.’)

Noting that this is the same unviversity of intellectial eggheads who 10 ways woman can avoid getting raped. These collage adminastrators and proffesors need to all be teleported back to the Dark ages and the Little Ice Age

Universities are not for learning sit there and be indoctrinated like a good little liberal. No independent thoughts or questions. Teachers have spent much time and effort since kindergarten to flush that out of your head. Give you a useless degree, tens of thousands of dollars of debt, and an entitled attitude. You have a degree, you know everything, those that did not go to university are a lower life form.

@Spurwing Plover:

Surely you meant ‘dissent’ !

I don’t understand… I thought legalizing Marijuana would allow Academia to expand their minds and be open to all legal behaviors, especially individualized thinking. Guess i was misled.