Union Bosses: ‘ObamaCare Will Destroy Health of Americans’

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Fox News:

Union bosses are speaking out against ObamaCare. Yes, you read that correctly. Three major unions, including the Teamsters, all previously supported the Affordable Care Act.

In an open letter, James P. Hoffa, Joseph Hansen and D. Taylor wrote: “Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

It went on to state, “We can no longer stand silent in the face of elements of the Affordable Care Act that will destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans.”

Tucker Carlson reacted to the powerful statement, saying, “If that had been Rush Limbaugh saying that, people would be saying it’s an overstatement, he’s a right-wing talk show host. These are union bosses saying ObamaCare is going to destroy workers!”

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Yeah, let’s trust union bosses.

Wow…when even one of the biggest Obama donors finally comes out and admits that obamacare is a fecal sammich, we see how quickly koolaid drinkers will throw them under the progressive bus.

Well, studies have all shown they are wrong and it constantly amazes me how many right wing lemmings buy this bullshit as they would be the ones whose families would be affected negatively if HCR is repealed.

They are just realizing this now? It looks like they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer. I have ZERO sympathy should their members lose their insurance and/or have their hours cut or if they lose their jobs. Socialism has a price.

To bad, so sad. The “hardworking” unions put the fool in office twice. Now it is Law. To bad, dumb and dumber. Stupidity moves faster than sound, you can always see them coming. Palin warned the idiots in the ’08 election, none listen. The fools were warned again in the ’12 election-never listened. So twice dumb-suffer.
These union boys will pull their overweight bellies up to the bar, order a few beers and shots, conversation becomes louder and the pounding of the glass will begins on the bar. This is followed by “we will show them”.
Right, the next morning, with a mild to moderate hangover, and the limited brain cell endowed, the union worker had forgotten 90% of what he was going to do.
Continue drinking and pounding the bar, that is as far as any union will get. Yo, James, they ever find your father?

@MOS 8541: I spent 12 years in a union and you described what happens almost perfectly.

@another Vet,

Worked for six years under union control. What a joke! The would urinate on the boss’s car tires than wondered why they got fired. The boss was in the door way watching them urinate on his tires..photographs. Than the union rep was called, shocker, he was one of the individuals in the photograph.
Just think of all the monies the unions poured into the fools campaign and election-betrayal and treason
Can not stop LOL how the unions got screwed again. Kennedy did it to Hoffa, than indited him six months after the election with bobby as ag..still laughing…..

@MOS 8541: By supporting Obamacare they stuck it to their own. Funny how things work out sometimes.

@another vet: But know well that the onion bosses have already awarded themselves additional paying union bureaucracy jobs to offset any loss of buying power when the “Cadillac Plan” tax kicks in. So nice to be treated “fairly”.

If someone has never had to cover a payroll, large or small, it could be an excuse for not understanding basic economic realities of health care costs and their affordability. No one, it seems, who voted for the abomination which was passed into law, understood much of what it would portend or yield. In the world of health care, the complexities are endless, and so are the pressure points on ever-rising costs. Those costs continue to rise and the trend will not reverse. The implementation of this domestic policy will have greater destructive impact on the Nation than most politicians are capable admitting. The idiocy which launched this Obama version of wealth redistribution didn’t much care about logic, the state of realities in the economy, or much else it seems – nor did it care about the country on which it was foisting this catastrophe.

Boomers will NOT retire with enough savings to cover their personal portions of their health care costs (including drugs which can cost thousands per month). NOT going to happen. Most will not even retire with enough money (positive cash-flow) to live on. And everyone coming up behind the Boomers? Screwed – but there is always the possible magic-fairy coming from somewhere in the forest with a special greenback wand. It isn’t just that millions will not be covered at all, it is that most of those who think they are or will be covered, will find themselves with ONLY partial coverage of costs when their needs become real.

They will also discover that the system will not be capable of treating them in time and as needed, and will not provide operations when they require them. And lord help them if they are old. Decisions will be made for them. So many do not understand that even open heart surgery can be considered “elective.” Your age will have impact on “the system’s” decision, and so will your general health and the health of your other organs. YOU will NOT be the “decider.” Your only power of decision will be your ability to say “NO.” The “Yes” will be out of your hands.

There is a simple fix to this. Those same unions and their bosses could call up the Senators/House members and explain to them that getting rid of Obamacare would be benefecial to their health.

@This one:
There are far more studies showing that obamacare does more to harm medicine.

With the cuts in medicare and the really, really cheap reimbursement, of idiot care, about 34-47% of all hospitals will close in this country. In Columbus, Ohio there are 6 major hospital, when idiot care goes in to effect, 2-3 hospitals will close and 40% of the city’s medical staff will be gone.
Just love stupidity, makes the congress viable.
Now really, if the house, senate and top layered administrative staff had to take a drug screen, how many would pass????

@Marine72: The union bosses are in it for themselves. The union I was in screwed its members more than the company did.