We have all been subjected to one of the most elaborate con jobs in the history of science by the IPCC and their supporters.
It all began with the only indisputable fact about our climate: that all of our energy comes to us from the sun by means of radiation.
Somebody had the brilliant idea that if all other manifestations of energy were marginalized or suppressed and everything about the climate was due to radiation, then it would be much easier to manipulate our entire energy system to claim that it was controlled by the minor atmospheric gas that can absorb radiation, carbon dioxide, provided you can get rid of the major gas, water vapour, which is about 650 times the concentration of carbon dioxide.
It is amazing how they have got away with it. The idea that water vapour is a mere “feedback” to carbon dioxide has been accepted without a murmur and all forms of energy flow except radiation are ignored. So most of us who wish to dispute the outrageous consequences of this deception spend our energies worrying about carbon dioxide and global temperature instead of the real issues that affect the climate.
They tell us that the earth would be much colder if it were not for the “greenhouse” gases but they do not mention what it might be like if we had no atmosphere at all. Yet there is an obvious way of finding out.