Ukrainian Government Ready to Cooperate with FBI on Laundering Hundreds of Millions of IMF Aid Money and Attempts by DNC to Cover It Up

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Late last month OANN invetigative journalist and author Jack Posobiec posted a series of tweets detailing Rep. Adam Schiff’s actions this past month after receiving the CIA ‘whistleblower’ report on President Trump’s phone call with the newly elected Ukrainian President.

Schiff sent a staffer to Ukraine to meet with the former President Poroshenko after receiving the ‘whistleblower’ report.

This trip was sponsored by a think tank that receives funding from a program of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation called “Open Society Initiative for Europe”

Here is Adam Schiff’s signature authorizing the travel, dated July 22

They met directly with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who lost to current president Volodymyr Zelensky in a landslide 73-25 victory.

Poroshenko was known for his strong ties to the Obama Administration, specifically Obama’s point man for Ukraine:

This past weekend we reported on a curious development from Ukraine.

A convoy of trucks were seen emptying former President Poroshenko’s home this past weekend.

CD Media reported:

KYIV — CD Media broke news yesterday of allegations by intelligence sources of extensive money laundering and corruption by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. We will be releasing detailed information on the schemes to embezzle hundreds of millions of IMF aid money to Ukraine and we can confirm that investigations are under way by the Ukrainian special prosecutor’s office.

In the meantime, we think it very interesting that reports are coming out of Ukraine of tens of trucks emptying Poroshenko’s palace of belongings in Kyiv.

His right-hand man, Oleg Gladkovskiy-Svinarchuk, was arrested two days ago on corruption charges by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). His other confidant Ihor Kononenko has apparently ran away according to reports.

Unofficial – suspected war crimes oligarch Petro Poroshenko is preparing to escape abroad, reported Ukrainian news outlet Vremya [Time].

Local media also reported this news.

CD Media continues to post updates.

Apparently, the Ukrainian government under Zelensky is working with the FBI on Democrat meddling in the country in 2016 and on the shady conduct of the Biden family in Ukraine.

Via CD Media:

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If the Democrats were in charge, they would continue to look solely to Russia and keep attention away from Ukraine. Of course, Hillary was supposed to win and allows for all this to be permanently covered up.

It is a race to get rid of Trump before he exposes the Democrats.

Interesting but I require solid proof, not just news reports. I can believe the previous President was a CIA puppet so cozy with the previous corrupt “scandal free” administration.
If true, the democrats are going to need a bigger hoax a much bigger hoax.

@kitt: President Trump is going to have to release more non-violent prisoners to make room for all of the violent Dems!. Maybe the room at GTMO that use to belong to Obama’s terrorists can be used.

Thank goodness for unbiased investigative reporters. Without them, you would have never known Hunter Biden worked for Burisma, that Biden, Sr., Received $900k from laundered monies. And we would never know how deep the corruption of the USA’s Government has been in Ukraine.

@Brenda Thornton: It certainly would never have been reported by any of the Democrat propaganda outlets.