by Don Surber
The Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, reported, “The Biden administration’s sprint to supply Ukraine with weapons central to its military success against Russia has yielded a promising acceleration of arms production, including the standard NATO artillery round, output of which is expected soon to reach double its prewar U.S. rate of 14,000 a month.
“The stakes in the U.S. effort to shake up a sclerotic defense acquisition system are particularly high as Kyiv tries to claw back territory from Russian control in a slow-moving counteroffensive whose fate, U.S. officials now say, hinges on the West’s ability to satisfy Ukraine’s astonishing hunger for artillery ammunition.
“But industry experts warn of major challenges in sustaining an elevated output of arms and equipment needed not just to aid Ukraine but to ensure the United States’ own security in potential conflicts with Russia or China. Those include overcoming scarcity of key inputs including TNT and maintaining expanded capacity amid fluctuating budgets and uncertainty about future military needs.”
The war in Ukraine — which poses zero threat to our national security — is depleting the nation’s ammo like rain falling on a mountain of sugar. The situation is so bad that even the Bezos Post, the mouthpiece for the deep state, cannot spin it into a positive.
The story is the latest example of the folly of giving NATO protection to a nation that was part of the reason we formed NATO, which was to stop Soviet aggression in Europe. We had nukes, Western Europe did not. We extended our nuclear umbrella to protect them.
NATO’s mission ended 30 years ago when the USSR collapsed. But NATO not only survived, it thrived and grew to 30 countries. Now we are engaged in a proxy war with Russia, except it really is not so much of a war as it is a skirmish that keeps the defense industry engaged.
When Russia invaded Donbas, I said no to Zelensky’s plea for NATO money and armaments. Biden and the listless vessels of RINOvia opened your wallet and gave the Big Z billions, which he laundered and promptly kicked back millions to the politicians in DC.
As you may recall, Mister Green T-Shirt Zelensky was the rat who helped turn President Trump’s congratulatory phone call on his election into the first Trump impeachment. The grounds were Trump tried to get a political opponent investigated. Remember that the next time they slap a bogus indictment on The Donald.
Zelensky quoted Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King — a pacifist — and said democracy was at stake. Once he got the money and the military equipment, he shut down the opposition party and closed Russian Orthodox churches.
Meanwhile, Biden imposed economic sanctions on Russia, which I also opposed because my brain isn’t empty. I could see from my living room in Poca, West Virginia, the flop coming in like a blizzard.
I wrote on May 12, 2022 — three months into this war of the weirds — “While Congress just handed $40 billion to Ukraine, Biden’s sanctions are giving Russia billions more in revenues, which have made the ruble strong like bear!
“Market Insider reported, ‘The Russian ruble is the world’s top performing currency in 2022, as it’s up 11% against the dollar.’
“Biden’s economic sanctions are a MOAB — Mother Of All Backfires. Not only is the ruble up, up and away, but Russian oil is raking in record revenues.”
Allow me to remind readers that sanctions do not work.
- 40-plus years of sanctions failed to flip Iran.
- 60-plus years of sanctions failed to flip Cuba.
- 70-plus years of sanctions failed to flip North Korea.
Cui Bono (who benefits) from the chaotic and rarely coherent NATO policy on Ukraine?
Obviously Putin does because he’s winning the sanctions fight. The Russian economy booms rather than fizzles. NYT had a silly spin.
It said, “A Spending Boom Fuels Russia’s Wartime Economy, Raising Bubble Fears.
“The economic strength has helped to maintain popular support for Vladimir Putin’s war, but some have warned the state-led spending is threatening the country’s financial stability.”
Bubble economy? I laugh because Biden is spending $2 for every dollar we pay in taxes to keep our economy afloat.
NYT said, “Russian industrial executives have been boasting to Mr. Putin in public that their plants are raising output to levels last seen in the Soviet era and working around the clock in three shifts to meet the military demand. In St. Petersburg, local textile workshops say they are struggling to find qualified workers and materials to meet a deluge of orders for military uniforms, while in the industrial region of Sverdlovsk, a local tank factory recently has had to contract hundreds of inmates from local prisons to try to meet its targets.”
While America no longer has an industrial base, we have almost the same problem as management reports it is difficult to keep Taco Bells staffed.
The Wall Street Journal, owned by Rupert Murdoch, played it as straight as American papers play the news these days.
It said, “The West Attacked Russia’s Economy. The Result Is Another Stalemate.
“Failure to quickly bring the Russian economy to its knees for its invasion of Ukraine mirrors a larger stalemate on the battlefield.”
The lesson is the economies of the NATO allies don’t amount to jack. Less than 10% of the world’s population lives in these countries. Red China is larger, as is India. Together with Russia, South Africa and Brazil, they form a new intercontinental economic powerhouse called BRICS.
But Ukraine is the big winner as it rakes in money for nothing. DC made it an offshore money laundromat a quarter-century ago as political operatives and the spawn of congressmen and senators went there to collect bribes via no-show jobs and the like.