Ukraine Call Transcript…Big Nothingburger

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Awww…. and the crybabies got all their hopes and anticipations on high alert. What a shame.

@Deplorable Me: Just like the Mueller report they will have their own interpretation.
They will stitch sentences paragraphs apart, change the meaning of words.
They found a way to lie and get a transcript of a phone call, so they will want every phone call submitted to congress.
Without reading the transcript Pelosi came to the conclusion Trump asked for help with his election. Democrats dont need an investigation to come to a legal conclusion, I set before you the investigation called final exam, and crossfire hurricane.
2 stories and No link to the transcript?
I got it

BREAKING NEWS– Donald Trump, clearly showing his frustration at a baby crying during his self-congratulatory speech while answering a question about climate change, pulled a gun and shot the baby and mother dead.

Footage has been confirmed and Trump Tweeted a warning to all mothers to control their babies at his speeches or he’d “shoot them down just as I did to that other cryeying (sic) brat”. He later told Fox News and Friends that he “most certainly shot the child and it is within my executive powers to make such decisions at will and that it is “illegal to investigate anything illegal I do”.

The Fox News telephone interview was live and Fox was unable to edit the live time conversation.

Trump’s DOJ said a full Sharpie redaction would be delivered once an investigation was completed.

Curt and like minded liberal haters immediately (well, not immediately but several days later after gathering talking points from other unhinged hate infested sites) went to work referring to the footage and admission as “nothingburgers” and proceeded to blame Democrats and the fake news non-Fox media.

@Ronald J. Ward: Fool that was Bernie and certainly a non news story. What is news is Bernies grooming habit of combing his hair with an inflated condom.
Note Bernies poor attemp at copying Trump.
Yes not everyone thinks Fox isnt propaganda.

If anyone was upset at a crying baby, it was Comrade Bernie Sanders, who even make a comment about it. And there is no doubt that Comrade Sanders has a wild and crazy look. Perhaps he should be frisked every time he speaks to make sure he is not packing heat.

@retire05: Page 3 of the transcript is what set off the alarm bells, The server.

They will stitch sentences paragraphs apart, change the meaning of words.

Which they are doing. However, there’s this:

Ukrainian President Kills Democrats Reason For Impeachment With Statement Defending Trump

Are liberals even CAPABLE of detecting a lie? Are they even ABLE to feel shame at being repeatedly lied to and made to look like idiots? According to AJ, apparently not.

@Ronald J. Ward: What you provide is an actual example of the kind of “facts” you liberals rely on to trigger your tantrums. Does stupid hurt or is is more of a numbing effect? Did the Democrats jump the gun (once again) in their premature accusation, indictment and conviction of Trump over this Ukrainian matter?

No my delusional friend, Bernie never shot and killed a baby.

@kitt: @retire05:
Again the hypocrisy, denial, and dishonesty of Trump supporters is a site to behold. Did we forget Trump: “no, get the baby out of here” or are you in denial of its existence?

But it’s amusing that the haters here would go to such length in order to defend Trump of even a hypothetical. And of course you’d lie and spin if Trump actually killed someone.

@Ronald J. Ward: Fool, I linked to the Trump baby scandal. We can see it was Sanders who had a more adverse reaction to a tiny baby making noise. Babies do not come with volume controls, Bernie. You would think Bernie who has 7 grandchildren would know that, but maybe they keep the kids away from the nasty curmudgeon.

@kitt: AJ made up a story and you are supposed to be outraged about it; how delusional can one get? Of course, what would you expect from a Hillary devotee?

@Ronald J. Ward:

Again the hypocrisy, denial, and dishonesty of Trump supporters is a site to behold. Did we forget Trump: “no, get the baby out of here” or are you in denial of its existence?

Indeed, and like Trump, I’ll go ahead and say “get the baby out of here” *virtual pointing at AJ, the whining little dog*

You’re getting too focused on your own delusion of how Trump devotees don’t hold him accountable and they love everything he does and blah blah blah….

After 8 years of watching you and your party do the same for Obama — defend everything, justify everything, ignore any bad press — it’s hard for anyone to take you seriously on your accusations of Trump worship.

It feeds your delusion, and then you vomit baby talk here after another failed attempt by your party to overturn a fair and legal election.

If want anyone to care about “hypocrisy, denial, and dishonesty”, stop engaging in it yourself and start holding your own corrupt party accountable. Remember, the DNC was found 100% guilty of gaming a primary, of supplanting the democratic process!! And I’m going to believe democratic “facts” that just give them power?

You’re the hypocrite, little dog. Run along.

“I think we had good phone call. It was normal, we spoke about many things,” Zelensky said. “I think, and you read it, that nobody pushed me.”

Says the president of Ukraine.

Trump has made the Democrat Party look like buffoons…again…

But Biden is going to “beat him like a drum”…

That doesn’t even make any sense…no one says that…

@Nathan Blue:

You’re getting too focused on your own delusion of how Trump devotees don’t hold him accountable and they love everything he does and blah blah blah….

That’s considerably rich even for you. Because, well: Care to elaborate? They may not love everything he does but they damn sure aren’t going to do anything to hold him accountable.

After 8 years of watching you and your party do the same for Obama……

Aside from the stark differences in the administrations, nothing like a couple Obamas and a few Hillarys to save your sorry ass. Funny stuff.

I don’t know (or care) where you and/or Curt and/or Dr John and/or whoever or how many you/others are on any given day or thread gather your news sources to arrive at an adult conclusion but the context is telling. Even pro-Trump so-called conservative news outlets are starting to buckle. Republican senators are starting to choke. The overwhelming evidence and admissions and Trump/Giuliani blunders are becoming hard to sweep under the rug. Even Trump’s hand picked protector William Barr appears to have painted himself in a corner. Even the almighty Mitch McConnell is scrambling for cover. Do you guys ever consider what the rest of the world are saying? Unless it compliments your agenda, of course not!

Maybe Fox News or or some Muslim hating pro-KKK site are failing to inform you, spinning the truth so you don’t know?

@Ronald J. Ward: Did the Democrats jump the gun (once again) in their premature accusation, indictment and conviction of Trump over this Ukrainian matter?Gonna answer the question? Or cower? How about answering what happened to the MOUNTAIN of evidence you and your Democrats said you had right at your fingertips PROVING Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016? Ever going to tell us where all THAT went and how it could suddenly just disappear when Mueller released his report?

NO ONE believes liberals. You are all liars and you seem to WANT to go out of your way to prove it repeatedly.

@Deplorable Me:

Did the Democrats jump the gun (once again) in their premature accusation, indictment and conviction of Trump over this Ukrainian matter?Gonna answer the question? Or cower?

No. The “no” is not a response to if I’m “gonna answer the question” but rather my response to your question. Let me help you by typing extra slow-no, the Democrats did not jump the gun.

Again my stalking and obsessive friend for fear you misunderstood my answer, No.

How about answering what happened to the MOUNTAIN of evidence you and your Democrats said you had right at your fingertips PROVING Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016? Ever going to tell us where all THAT went and how it could suddenly just disappear when Mueller released his report?

We don’t know. We really never saw it as much of it was redacted (sharpied out) by Barr. Also, much of testimony was censored under executive privilege. Did you not know that or are you stupid? This brings up again my argument of your selective news intake.

NO ONE believes liberals. You are all liars and you seem to WANT to go out of your way to prove it repeatedly.

Perhaps no one in your orbit but if you were ever to break free from the channel your wheel of intellect is instructed to follow, you’d understand that most rational people would render your statement false-which it is.

Now let me guess, I still failed to answer your questions which of course, your fellow Heil Trump saluting comrade hacks will gladly confirm?

@Ronald J. Ward:

No. The “no” is not a response to if I’m “gonna answer the question” but rather my response to your question. Let me help you by typing extra slow-no, the Democrats did not jump the gun.

Get a load of YOU!! Putting on your big-boy pant and finally answering a question! Bravo.

So, making unfounded accusations based on someone that heard someone discussing someone else’s conversation and threatening impeachment for it is not “jumping the gun”. I guess that’s an understandable reaction for a useful idiot that only believes what they are told to believe. However, that most certainly was a gun-jumping massive overreaction.

We don’t know. We really never saw it as much of it was redacted (sharpied out) by Barr.

You are either woefully uninformed or lying. Less than 10% was redacted and that was because dispensing Grand Jury testimony and that was all that was redacted. It was, however, made available to anyone on the committees that wanted to read it, but NO Democrats had enough interest to go see it. Better to bitch about not getting their own illegal copy to leak or lie about the content.

So, are you ignorant or lying?