Uh-Oh, Kamala Harris Is Showing Up Everywhere

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by Stephen Kruiser

This may seem strange, but I can go for long periods of time almost completely forgetting that Kamala Harris is vice president of the United States. It’s probably some sort of mental health defense mechanism. Other than the occasional unfortunate word-salad moment, she doesn’t do much that’s newsworthy, so it’s not too difficult to put her out of my mind.

She’s been popping up all over my various news sources the last few days and it’s a little weird.

The weirdest thing was something I read yesterday, and we’ll get to that in a moment.

It’s no secret that there is a lot of Biden fatigue among the Democrats. The pundit class is addicted to bandying about theories about how and when he might exit the race and pave the way for a different commie. Regular readers here know that I don’t think the doddering POTUS is going anywhere.

Stephen Green dug up something yesterday that’s one of the strangest “How to get Joe to go” ideas I’ve seen yet:

“At what point,” MacKinnon asks, “does someone with influence within the Biden family cry ‘uncle’ to save the president and the family further embarrassment?” Not to mention election day slaughter which, let’s be clear about this, is the Dems’ only genuine concern.

“It’s becoming clear that there is only one person in the country who might be able to dissuade President Biden from seeking a second term.

That person is DOCTOR Jill Biden.

VodkaPundit and I have been in agreement all along that Jill Biden is the reason Joe ran in the first place. I’ve been adamant about her being the reason I think all the alt scenarios are ridiculous.

That brings me to the weird thing I mentioned at the top.

Every Democrat in America who isn’t Jill Biden is secretly or openly wishing that anyone but Joe Biden was running. When I say anyone, I mean anyone. Rick wrote a post yesterday about notorious lefty frozen-hot-take guy Matt Yglesias suggesting that Democrats take a “second look” at Kamala Harris.

Yeah, they’re having a rough go of it over there.

Yglesias’s reasoning in all his writing is tortured, but this is pretty bad even for him. Rick highlights some of it, noting that Yglesias eventually gets around to playing the gender card. I thought it was Democratic talking point law that both the race and gender cards had to be played at the same time when flailing for positives about Madame Veep.

Yglesias’s speculation about Harris is predicated upon Biden stepping down, which is why I teed this up with the Jill Biden story.

The mere thought of a Harris presidency is creepy. She’s a less coherent, more radical Biden. Her one upside compared to her boss is that she tends to know how to exit a room without assistance.

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No one can figure out what these people are going to do. There is speculation all over the place, but it can’t be done. The reason is, logic and service, doing what is best for the country is not what is driving Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s decision. His personal fortunes, his money, his prospects is all that factors into his decision.

As to the good Dr. Jill, she would like nothing more than for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to die in office. Think of all the attention SHE would get? All the sympathy showering down on her as if what SHE wanted wasn’t her driving factor.

The whole family is low-life trash. That insane demonstration of drug-driven nightmarish fantasy Dr. Jill tried to pass off as a Christmas performance proves it.

joe’s departure (by quitting over Hunter breaking his heart – or – by death) needs to be exquisitely timed.
Kamala shouldn’t have so much time in office before the election that her own actions lead to a record that voters would rally against.
But she needs to serve long enough so that she seems to be taking charge.
Maybe in October?