UC Davis Pepper Spray Massacre ‘Victims’ Smile and Almost Giggle Describing Their Torture

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Sometimes the best thing you can do to help the revolution is simply keep your mouth shut.

Two of the oh-so-tragic “victims” of the now legendary UC Davis Pepper Spray Massacre foolishly gave an interview to KTVU, appearing perfectly healthy while smiling and almost giggling as they describe the unbearable agony of getting pepper sprayed:

Yeah, it hurts, girls (I was pepper sprayed twice while covered the 2008 Democratic convention in Denver, so I have a recent experience with it), but that’s the whole point: it briefly hurts the eyes, but causes no lasting damage. That’s why these non-lethal crowd-control measures were invented in the first place – so people wouldn’t have any basis to complain when they were used to disperse crowds.

Their giddy and smug demeanor – reveling in the media glory of being the victim-du-jour of evil police brutality – completely undermines their message about the “excruciatingly painful” pepper spray in their eyes.

But no matter – expect the mainstream media to run with this story for as long as they can. Victimology trumps reality every time.

Video here

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