Mahmoud Ahmedinejad shakes hands with King Abdullah of Saudi. Barack Obama bows. Both men represent their countries. Ahmedinejad considers himself to be the equal of Abdullah. Obama prostrates not only himself before an Islamic leader, but the United States of America as well. He knows who his superior is.
Disgusting….as an American, this is very embarrassing…
0blama is the poorest excuse for President our nation has had to endure. One of his worst decision was his VP pick. Think about it, America is on tick away from Biden!! And it’s been down hill from there. The broken promises to get elected, the failed jobs stimulus, the disgusting increase of our national debt, and scandal after scandal. 0blama biden are shovel ready!!
Yeah, but Achma-dinnerjacket-and a job paid his own way through college, doesn’t buy any oil from the Sauds and doesn’t have to rescue their children from these rob-clad pedophiles.