Turning Police into Scribes: An Analysis of the Overruled NYPD Bill

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BY Peter Halligan

From here:

“NYPD cops will be forced to report on even their most minor interactions with the public after the City Council on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected Mayor Eric Adams’ veto of the “How Many Stops Act’ — which he and other critics argued would threaten public safety.

NYC” Mayor Eric “Adams, who fought the bill tooth and nail in recent weeks, failed to sway the two council members he needed to beat the override — which passed in a bruising 42-9 vote.”

At least that shows that the NYC Council can override any dictatorial ambitions of the mayor!

What’s it all about?

“Under the NYPD bill, officers will have to record the “apparent” race, gender and age of nearly every person they question — even someone who could just be a potential witness to a crime, or other of the lowest-level encounters.”

Nothing like a bit of forced racial profiling! I wonder how the police will record someone who identifies as a someone of a different “apparent” age, race and gender or eve species? Do those people’s rights to do so simply get ignored? Grounds for abuse of their rights? I wonder if the forms the police use will have enough space for the Heinz 57 varieties of gender.

“The Democrat-led council also voted to override Adams’ veto of another bill banning solitary confinement in Big Apple jails.”

Ok, so no ban on solitary means solitary will be allowed – presumably for violent offenders. I wonder how many solitary cells there are. Better not be too much violent crime!

““Today’s override is one more step toward the city council goal: Destroy the world’s best police department,” NYPD Detectives Endowment Association president Paul DiGiacomo said.

“Thanks to the politicians, the divide between the police and citizens will grow. And so will retirements of our best, most experienced detectives. Heartbreaking.”

All part of a plot to weaken the police force so crimes go undetected, unprosecuted and unpunished? Well, the punishment part is a matter for the City’s attorneys. You know “no bail”, for offenders – back on the streets within hours, and “hey look, we reduced the crime rate by not bringing any prosecutions! And “are incarceration rate is falling because we let all the criminals out” – you know that sort of thing.

I wonder what the threshold is for criminal migrants who have already broken Federal law by crossing into the US without permission. Will they be identified as residents of their home country o as “criminals on the run – race and residences to be determined”..



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Democrats opened our borders, Democrats brought in and distributed millions of illegal immigrants without vetting, Democrats hamstrung cops to prevent them from enforcing the law, Democrats ban cops from defending and protecting citizens, Democrats refuse to punish criminals (probably because so many of THEM are criminals). It is the policy and platform of the Democrat party to make life in our cites as bad as it can possibly be for the non-elite, especially those in poverty.

“Protect” of the “Protect and Serve” on police cars should just be marked out. Police only serve and they are intended to serve the Democrats. Cops are being, more and more, forced into the position to do NOTHING about crime because it can only turn out bad… for THEM.