Tucker Carlson’s Deconstruction of Zhou’s Unhinged Rant

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by Mark Wauck

Tucker watched Zhou last night giving an unhinged rant, so the rest of us wouldn’t have to. The first half of Tucker’s deconstruction deals with the insanity of the continuing Russia Hoax that drives US politics. Tucker is very good, but readers here won’t get anything but reinforcement from that part. So, instead I’ve cued up the video for the second half, which is brilliant. In the second half Tucker focuses on domestic politics—and how stupid our country has become. In fact, in an article that commenter ML linked this morning, we find an analysis — courtesy of NYT polling — of the seeming direct correlation in America between education and stupidity.

The Nonwhite Working Class Bails Out on the Democrats

Cast your mind back to those heady days of 2012 when Barack Obama vanquished Mitt Romney and won a second term in the White House. In that election, Obama carried nonwhite working-class (noncollege) voters by a massive 67 points, while losing white college graduates by 7 points. That means Obama did 74 points better among the nonwhite working class than among white college graduates.

In the next two presidential elections, that differential steadily narrowed as Democrats did worse among nonwhite working-class voters even as they improved among white college graduates. In 2020, Biden carried the nonwhite working class by 48 points (19 points less than Obama did in 2012) while carrying white college graduates by 9 points (16 points better than Obama). That cut the Democrats’ positive differential between these two groups almost in half, down to 39 points.

Now it’s Biden running for a second term and, astonishingly, that positive differential may have entirely disappeared. According to the just-released New York Times/Siena poll, Biden is actually doing worse among the nonwhite working class, carrying them by a mere six points, than among white college graduates, where he enjoys a 15 point advantage over Trump. Amazing. There is perhaps no better illustration of the Democrats’ transformation into a Brahmin Left party, beloved by the educated but increasingly viewed with suspicion by the working classes of all races.

So student debt forgiveness as a political meme is nothing but a pretty straight forward vote buying program. We knew that, but now we see the numbers behind it.

Put that together with what Tucker is telling us about America—the craziness that far too many Americans will vote for, and the fraud we’re willing to tolerate. There seems to be no depth of depravity to which the American ruling class won’t descend in pandering to … white college graduates?

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Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a lying, corrupt, incompetent, treasonous pedophile piece of shit and he proved it beyond any possible doubt last night.

81 million Americans are glad that they voted for Joe Biden instead of the crazy cult leader from Queens.

Not only were most of joe’s votes phony, but there’s tons of buyers’ remorse among those living people who did vote for him.
His so-called rallies when running were filled (sparsely) by his own staffers pretending to be local supporters.
He just goes out in public for an ice cream and CALLS it a “campaign stop.”
But most people in those shops are trying to look invisible hoping he will leave them alone.

Biden is old and wise. Trump is old and crazy.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is old, stupid, incompetent, corrupt and degenerate. Trump is quick, smart and a true leader.

biden is old and senile

Well, you’re half right; Biden is old but he has never been wise. He’s just your typical Democrat racist, only now with dementia.
Dementia that was on full display last night.

Those who have been in the senate past and present have said about biden, the absolute dumbest senator ever in the history of the senate.

Biden is an old compulsive liar and a malignant narcicist. He was a liar in 1987, when he had to abandon the primaries, before any primary was held because of his accumulation of probable lies he got caught in.

But, it’s not all his fault as it is genetic. As the son of a used car salesman he can’t help lying his way to sell a lemon to those who fall for his shtick.

How can copy machines and dead people be glad?

Who’s seen them since 2020 election day? And even then, they mostly were absentee voters. Kind of like an imaginary friend for the gullible liberals.

The speech was a disaster.

You obviously know damn well that it wasn’t. /

The speech was a disaster.

The speech was an unmitigated dumpster fire disaster

Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

Old Joe Suffers Brain Glitch at SOTU: “I’m Gonna Get in Trouble for Saying That, But Anyone Can Get in Air Force One With Me to Fly to Toronto, Berlin, Moscow…”

Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

Looks like a couple of clowns are not happy.


Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

I noticed Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden started sputtering and breaking down around 30 minutes into that diatribe!

You are right it was PERFECT, a campaign speech for the ages, War War and more death, ignoring the SCOTUS, building ports in other countries while our stuff is ignored, and unless he can legalize illegal invasion the murdering scum can keep pouring over our border, he will fight any measures the States will try to stop him. And Pay up til it hurts and you move your business overseas.
Free shit for every one til the country is broke and the money is worthless.
We want them babies to program.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Why would any right thinking American vote for another four years of failure and destruction?

Because that is what they want for this country.

Sounds like “Pedo Pete” will unleash the “pink cunt cap brigade” from the Trump inauguration riots on the SCOTUS judges.