President Obama’s statement about the attack at a Navy & Marine Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tenn., that left four U.S. Marines dead and a police officer wounded avoided some details while also referring to the attack in an odd way:
It’s a “heartbreaking” circumstance for those who have served our country, says Pres. Obama
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 16, 2015
Obama says shootings were a “heartbreaking” circumstance for Marines who had served their country
— Michael Tackett (@tackettdc) July 16, 2015
Obama on #Chattanooga attack vs. Marines: no mention of “terror,” no mention of “Islam,” “a heartbreaking circumstance.” #WaronCircumstances
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) July 16, 2015
Michelle Malkin helped the president with his choice of words:
Lightning strikes are “heartbreaking circumstances.” Systemic assassinations of our troops is an act of war, fool==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 16, 2015
And then some:
We’ll probably get a speech within the next day or two about the Crusades or Inquisition.
Unlike Michelle Malkin—who isn’t held accountable for running her mouth before putting her brain in gear—Obama might want to have a few established facts before he begins telling the country what the facts are.
Here’s a link to what he said. What’s the problem with it? Besides Michelle Malkin’s screwed up attitude, of course…
Obama’s comments about the Chattanooga shooting
Yep, ignore the obvious pandering in reclassifying what happened to refit the events to Obama’s own political narrative ie downplaying any terror angles to cast it as an unfortunate act of God
What could possibly be wrong with that?
Why it’s a lie of course but, liberals like to be bs’d and like to defend said bs even more
What did the killer think?
He wrote two blog posts, both July 17.
He said:
1. “A Prison Called Dunya,”
2. “Understanding Islam: The Story of the Three Blind Men.”
Seems like Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez saw Islam as his motivator.
His daddy was on the US Terrorist Watch List.
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Oh, good LORD?!?! Did YOU just write that? Really? The guy that said Trayvon Martin could be his son? The guy that sent representatives of the government to Michael Brown’s funeral? The guy that said Freddie Gray had his “spine snapped” by police? This is the guy you think does a good job at responsibly considering the facts before engaging his hate-inciting mouth?
Greg… really. You are absolutely embarrassing yourself.
Obama chose an interesting man to take the lead on this Chattanooga attack.
He picked William Killian at DOJ.
“DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights”
Greg, to add to Nanny G posts: Reuters reports ..’SUSPECT MADE MULTILPE TRIPS TO THE MIDDLE EAST…” conjoined with Ft Hood and Little Rock in2009, Michelle Malkin is closer to the motive than “… heart breaking circumstances…”
@mike191, #7:
All that Michelle Malkin’s statements were based on were her hatred for the country’s president. She knew no more when she opened her yap than did anyone else with a television.
There was absolutely nothing incorrect, insensitive, inappropriate, or in any way misleading about anything Obama said, or how he said it.
Except it’s a lie
He’s just pandering to the radical Islamists
Imagine your kids dead and you have to listen to this trite appeasement from our president
Nah nothing their to get upset about
It’s a wonder he doesn’t demand taxpayer funds for grief counseling for the dead Islamists family
Greg, The Presidents condolences to the victims of the shooting were fine and touching. The problem is this Presidents inability to direct a motive to Radical Islam and/or Islam in general. As to Michelle Malkin’s statements arrive from her hatred for this President is a nice dodge of her premise: “systematic assassinations”
versus ,”.. heart breaking circumstances…” Nanny G posted details that would lead into Malkin’s premise. I added some details that would buttress Malkin’s.
I am curious what the President states ,when the FBI has finished the investigation.
“Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual – a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.
For millions of Muslims, the morning of Eid is marked with the call to prayer echoing through cities and towns across the globe. Millions of people head to local mosques for special Eid prayers followed by festive gatherings, gift exchanges, and feasts among friends, neighbors and families. The diversity of traditions paint the vibrant images we see from around the world capturing the spirit and excitement of Eid – colorful dresses or white garments decorating the masses of people standing in lines for prayer, lanterns and ornaments lighting up bazaars and neighborhoods, intricate henna designs painted on hands of young girls and women, and an abundance of delectable foods and aromatic cuisines.
As Muslim Americans celebrate Eid across America, the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs. This past year New York City Public Schools announced adding Eid to their official school calendars alongside Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays – an acknowledgement of the great diversity and inclusiveness that adds to the richness of our nation. During this year’s White House Iftar, I had the opportunity to meet inspiring young Muslim Americans who are leading efforts for greater understanding and unity across diverse communities. Following the Iftar, one of the young attendees helped spearhead an effort that raised more than $75,000 for the churches burned in the wake of the shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Americans of all faiths and beliefs must stand together to protect our democracy and strengthen our country as a whole.
Michelle and I hope today brings joy to all of your homes, both here in the U.S. and around the world. From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!”
This is the email sent out by the White House, at 4:40 p.m., hours after the Tennessee shootings and before the President made a comment about those shootings.
Has there ever been a more tone deaf president in the history of this nation?
@Matt, #9:
What is a lie? Can you point out the statements in the video that are a lie? Can you explain how any statement he made in that video is an example of pandering?
People just say this bullshit. Other people seem to believe it just because somebody is saying it.
@retire05, #11:
That message wasn’t meant to express holiday greetings to psychopathic Islamic fanatics any more than a White House Christmas message would have been meant as a show of support for someone like Fred Phelps.
The problem isn’t that the President is tone deaf. The problem is other people’s hearing. You hear only what you want to hear. You hear things that aren’t even being said. You hallucinate a subtext that isn’t really there.
The lie and the pandering are from the sins of omission
ie his refusal to acknowledge the obvious
If you don’t on purpose acknowledge the reality of the situation and parse words to make it seem less monstrous or to promote an alternative dialogue it is a LIE!
Mr president will go out of his way to both praise Islam and will go out of his way not to condemn radical Islam
He’s trying to have his cake and eat it too!
That’s pandering on the first order.
Otherwise show me where he’s called out radical Islam on anything
Ft hood workplace violence…
He’ll come up with some alternative narrative every single time
Just because he spews some sympathetic words in a speech doesn’t fly because as usual he’s on both sides and his lack of a moral center is a slap to the victims and comfort to the enemy as he never calls them out
Guess he’s on their pr team
@Matt, #14:
He doesn’t only call them out. He sends special forces teams in to kill their leadership, blows up their personnel and equipment with airstrike when they concentrate to do battle, and hunts them down and kills them with drone strikes.
How exactly does that fit in with your accusations of pandering?
There was also comprehensive telecommunications and internet data mining going on–all largely automated and anonymous—looking for tell-tale patterns that could be early warning signs of pending domestic attacks, but somebody thought that tool represented a grave threat to the privacy of law abiding citizens.
Obama’s message of comity to Muslims was just hours after four U.S. Marines had been slaughtered by a Muslim. Perhaps you can point out the part of his message that states clearly it is NOT directed to “psychopathic Islamic fanatics” just those “peaceful” Muslims.
Like it or not, his timing was less than suitable. But then, Obama does seem to have a soft spot for Islam.
So…………………….do you think Obama will call any of the families of those slain Marines? Remember how he was so gracious to Michael Brown’s family, even sending emissaries to the funeral? Not so much for Chris Kyle or Kate Steinle. Oh, well, they were just to beneficiaries of white “privilege” and not worthy a word from The Won.
You know, Gullible Greggie, I do have to thank you for one thing. I have long wanted to know how a people could allow bad things to happen and ignore their leader’s inhumanity toward others. I have long wanted to know what kind of person would just follow blindly, always defending the indefensible, always making excuses for evil that was their leader. Now I know. It is people like you.
You would have made one hellofa Nazi, Gullible Greggie. Loyal all the way to the gallows.
Now, at 5:05 p.m., Obama left the White House to fly to New York for a DNC fundraiser while the bodies of the four dead Marines were barely cold.
Yeah, Gullible Greggie, that’s tone deaf. Or just outright insulting.
@retire05, #16:
Most people are smart enough to understand what should be obvious without needing to be told about it. White House Christmas cards don’t have small-print disclaimers listing the people and groups that the holiday greetings don’t apply to.
This line of discussion is too ridiculous to continue.
Again he doesn’t call them out
Ha ha ha
He kills them with drones
Ha ha ha
If really wanted to make us safer he would capture these buttheads, water board them
Till they gave us good Intel then get the whole group.
How many did he release from gitmo
How many went right back to killing Americans
How many were higher level leaders
Just like his recent non violent criminal pardons of cocaine dealers
Yeah them coke dealers don’t hurt anyone
My sister in laws brother was an addict and they found him dead with his hands and feet cut off
Must have been a disgruntled
Ex military guy on a rampage not some coke dealer wanting his money
Both sides Obama the master parser leader of the bs’d
Obama has a mouth to say that he thought the Cambridge PD “acted stupidly” and a mouth to tell us that if he had a son that son would look like Trayvon Martin. But no mouth to send condolences to Chris Kyle’s widow, or the family of Kate Steinle, or to the families of four slain U.S. Marines. He can send a delegation to Michael Brown’s funeral, but nothing for Chris Kyle, Kate Steinle and any other white person.
You want blatant racism in exhibit? There it is, Gullible Greggie. We now have the most racist president in the history of our nation.
And I’m sure you’ll continue being a good little
NaziObama sycophant.You really are a disgusting person, Gullible Greggie.
Almost certainly, but you won’t receive notification of it in your e-mail. He doesn’t maintain a mailing list of dipshits.
You mean you’re not on the White House email list?
And you think Obama will call the families of the slain Marines? Will that be after the DNC fundraiser tonight? Because you know, raising money for the DNC is much, MUCH more important that letting families of slain military know they are being thought of by the Commander in Chief. And when do you think he’ll get around to calling Kate Steinle’s family (you know, the white woman slaughtered by one of Obama’s “undocumented” scum.)
@retire05: And, lest we forget, Obama refused to go to or send any then-currently serving high officials (or even his family) to Maggie Thatcher’s funeral in 2013.
She was only Prime Minister of the UK (our closest ally) for 11 years.
But, apparently, she was the wrong color.
That same year Hugo Chavez died (commie- Venezuela) and Obama made sure he sent an official delegation of high-ranking US officials to his funeral.
Yeah right,
Obama’s foreign policy successes
Frittered away most of what we gained in Afghanistan
Letting Iraq falling under Iranian control
Letting Iran maintain control in Syria along with Assad
Supported Muslim brotherhood in Egypt which then systematically started confiscating property or killing of Coptic Christians and any other groups
Covered up Benghazi basically to divert from fact we were arming al Qaeda from weapons there
Lost Yemen an ally
Condemned new Egyptian leadership which is actually trying to get rid of terrorists and restore peace between the different sects
Allowing sanctions on Iran to be relaxed even before any deal in which we get nothing which has resulted in new funds being sent to Iran backed terror groups which had stopped during sanctions
Allowing U.S. planes to act as irans Air Force in Iraq so Iran can maintain control
Making a bad deal with Russia on Syria which maintains warm water access in med for Russia
Relaxing arms sanctions in irannwhich has led to Russia now exporting anti air weaponry to Iran
All but guaranteeing Iran gets a nuke which has started an arms race in Middle East as revelations that since Saudi bankrolled Pakistanis nuke program they are now set to take possesion of nukes as soon as Iran gets theirs
It’s not if but when as everyone but this administration knows
Traded 4 terrorist leaders for a deserter
Released countless detainees from gitmo who made it back to kill our soldiers
Backdooring a deal w Cuba to vacate gitmo lease so he can bypass congress in getting detainees into U.S. Or released instead of shot or hung which they deserve
Letting China run rampant in south China seas threatening our military and our allies along with gunning down phillipino civilians on contested islands
Placating our enemies with non-combative dialog so as not to offend them while they behead kill rape Christians and those that support us
BTW he uses drones because he doesn’t want to get his little hands dirty
He and Kerry are probably expecting a Nobel peace prize for this
Yep Gregg I feel safer already
Did you have kool aid stand as a kid because you sure expect the rest of us to drink it
@Greg: @Greg:
Dipshit ehh
Guess that means you lost the argument because you now personalized it with a name calling attack
Just like Obama, sharpton and others referring to opposition as racists, homophobes… Is because they don’t want to discuss the facts just use rhetoric to label them in an bad light
So just take solace in the fact you acted like every other liberal
By the way, the word Malkin most likely wanted was systematic. She needs to fix her own vocabulary before she tries to fix the President’s choice of words.
I suggest you look the word systemic.
Once again, you prove you’re an idiot.