Trump’s Popular Vote and the Collapse of the Propaganda Veil

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X thread by Larry Schweikart

You’ll recall I mentioned a week or so ago that in fact I was not euphoric on election night, mainly because I had been so certain this result would occur.

Something has happened, though, as other Americans digested the Trump victory. Reuters described the confidence in the economy today as “euphoric.” I think Glen Reynolds’ substack today absolutely nails it. “The Clock Strikes Thirteen.” He references a time when all of a sudden problems just begin to “go away.”

I’m sure you’ve all had a pain or sickness and thought “My God. Am I ever going to be normal again?” Sometimes it’s horrible pain. Then . . . one day, it’s just gone. You didn’t do anything special. It just sort of burned itself out.

When I wrote a week or so ago that I didn’t think the DemoKKKrats could “resist” this time around, I was right. Reynolds explains to a great degree what that is. He argues here it’s a “preference cascade.”

I felt it a month ago, but couldn’t verbalize it. But I recalled from working on our film “Rockin’ the Wall” about Rock Music and the Berlin Wall, the same thing happened. One day East German guards were shooting anyone who took a hammer to the wall-The next day? Nothing.

As Reynolds explains, it’s not that people didn’t notice what was happening—the woke crap, the cancel culture, the rioting, the illegal invaders, the constant money to Ukraine. Noticing isn’t enough.

Soviet citizens knew what was going on a decade before the USSR imploded. Two common sayings told everything: “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.” and, “There is no Truth (Pravda) in the News (Izvestia) and no News in the Truth.”

But, as to a lesser degree here, the system—the mass propaganda Hoax News industry, the celebrities, the perpetual DemoKKKrat lies kept people isolated, often unaware of any different views by a MAJORITY of others.

I said at the time that it was important for Trump to win the popular vote. I would have preferred 10 points, but even 1.5% is perfect for there could be NO claim that Trump “snuck in” due to the Electoral College. The PV was important to shatter the propaganda veil.

Totalitarians call this “preference falsification,” the notion that “no one believes what you believe.” They only partially succeeded with this with the China Virus vax, but ultimately sizeable minorities resisted this “preference falsification” no matter how many politicians & celebs took the vax or how many doctors and businesses went along with the maskies. They were only successful in closely confined areas where tyrants had total institutional control (airplanes/schools) or where the institutions themselves enforced.

Come election time, though, the preference falsification structures began to fail. First, Trump held RALLIES: his supporters could see, weekly, that “Gee, there are an awful lot of people out there like me.”

A key breakthrough though came when @ElonMusk got Twitter. By restoring a MAJOR—if not “the MAJOR”—social media site to true democratic discussion, suddenly it became obvious to over half the country that “Gee, there are an awful lot of other people like me,” including doctors, professors, and celebrities. Nor could Musk be blown off as a kook. Right. A kook who has the best shot in human history of putting someone on Mars.

RFK, Jr. played a key role also in bringing one stream of leftism into MAGA. Suddenly there were “those people who think like me too!”

As Reynolds notes, what happened next was a “preference cascade,” where a majority’s preferences suddenly could not be suppressed by Hoax News, Hoaxified Entertainment, or regulation. Americans NEVER bought into the woke bullying or canceling but they had few weapons.

But when you reach a cultural, political, economic and social breakpoint, the authorities can no longer isolate and bat down the moles: the moles are everywhere, and not nearly enough hammers to whack them.

People can cite the “I am Spartacus” outcome, but there’s a big difference: the majority of Romans weren’t there to stand up with ol Spart.

It’s been said many times but true: if dozens of shoppers went into grocery stores without masks, the policy would have ended then.

Once again, the Hoax Pollsters kept saying Trump would lose (once they recovered from the reality of where the race really was with Rutabaga). Once again they were wrong, but unlike 2016 Trump now had the popular vote–and Elon–to prove it.

As Reynolds wrote: “When Trump won, it was not only obvious that he had won, but that the people who told us that he was a marginal figure in American politics had been lying.”

Not only did people realize/accept that the Hoax News and Hoax Pollsters had lied about 2024, but that they almost certainly had been lying about Trump since 2015.

That’s where the cascade came into play.

And as Reynolds concludes, “Preference falsification is undemocratic, and it makes a nation stupid.” And if you don’t believe that, read the countless libtards I have been posting in my own substack and “Today’s News.” THEY STILL DON’T GET IT.

Like the Russian members of the CCCP, who are still waiting for a return to Leninism, the leftover analpedestals are still insisting that Cackles ran a “moderate/centrist campaign.”

Some of the smarter ones, such as Ruy Teixeira, know that woke is poison and that the progs will kill the party, but still believe they can be good DemoKKKrats and sip that poison chalice every night. Nope. The DemoKKKrats must be destroyed.

And that’s as important for the “good” DemoKKKrats as it is for Republicans, for so long as any of the Botoxic/Rutabaga/AOC/Newsome/Witless Protection Stalinists still even have a single delegate’s worth of influence, they are SCREWED.

Because, you see, the “preference cascade” has already happened, people are really and truly woke now, and the toothpaste ain’t goin’ back in the Prog tube.

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RFK, Jr. played a key role also in bringing one stream of leftism into MAGA. Suddenly there were “those people who think like me too!”

Seems like the cascade preference includes leaders of our food industry, too.
Since the election a plan is in place to remove some, maybe many artificial dyes from our foods.
Since the election articles are being published about the dangers of eating “seed oils.”
Maybe a move is in order to start removing them from our fast foods and processed foods.

And on the vaccine front, after RFKJr was announced as possible head of the FDA, many medical policies are changing.
Mandated mRNA vaccines are no longer acceptable.
Pretty soon we will see a new, smaller recommended schedule for vaccinating youngsters.

And all this, BEFORE Trump is even officially in office!

I and most of my family didn’t fall for the Scamdemic nonsense, we also have been avoiding the ineffective flu shots. As an official old guy my Dr. is pushing a few extra jabs, I’m skipping them also.

The Propaganda veil is alive and well, sometimes its what they ignore or quash. An emergency congressional hearing on Unidentified flying objects buzzing NJ, they call them drones they are larger than our military drones, why are they calling them drones? they have no idea what they really are, not a threat, well if you dont know what they are, who/what is controlling them, where they are coming from or disappearing to nor their purpose how are you determining what threat level they really are?
Just so happens it is near where War of the Worlds radio play began its story.
We have zero information on the Trump shooter, meh, there are agencies that simply wont cooperate with congress, isnt that a punishable offence? I guess only Trump loyalists go to jail for telling Congress to G F Itself.
3 of our fellow Americans have frozen to death in flimsy thin tents in NC FEMA no where to be found
but can have a guy arrested for tearing down a barrier to the temporary road built by miners to access Chimney Rock. It may only be a dirt path where you cant drive 55 but it saves residents a 3 hour drive to reach a grocery store. FEMA deems it unsafe Wonder if the pioneers would have been allowed to leave St. Louis if it were up to them.

The Election proved that most all Americans have totally lost their trust of the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and sewer dwellers and especially the New York Slimes(Times)and Crumby News Network/CNN