Trump’s 2,552 Counties to Kamala’s 382: MAGA’s Mandate is Clearer Than Ever

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by Paul Ingrassia

Yesterday, a visual showcasing a county-by-county breakdown of President Trump’s electoral landslide victory was featured in Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points Memo.

O’Reilly made the point that, given the sheer number of counties President Trump won (2552 compared with Kamala’s 382), it incontestably shows that his victory was indeed a landslide victory. In addition to winning almost seven times the number of counties as the disgraced Vice President, President Trump won back both the House and Senate and carried all seven contested battleground states by large margins.

With his historic landslide victory, the most consequential for any Republican President in decades (if not centuries), the President has more than enough political capital to implement a revolutionary agenda, one based on mass deportations, cutting government regulations, instating wide-ranging tariffs, and putting our overseas entanglements to an end.

All this and more are on the docket once the President is officially sworn into office. As I wrote in the article that O’Reilly cited:

“MAGA represents a complete rejection of modern liberalism, root and branch. The ideology’s pernicious fixation on equity and diversity, at the expense of quality and freedom has finally been renounced by the American people. The forces that have been working so vigilantly to bring down this country and make every American ashamed and embarrassed of his birthright and history, so much so that they hoodwinked millions to dismember monuments dedicated to great heroes, rename public buildings, overhaul the calendar and its sacred holidays and traditions, and engage in pitiful episodes of ritualistic self-loathing and denounce Christian morality, have been utterly rejected. The invidious superstitions that unify the cult of HR-managers, social justice activists, and pronoun policers have been dealt a major blow, hopefully terminal, and should never be permitted to go anywhere near the levers of power again.”

The next four years will be historic for the country. If all goes well, the President will leave behind a mighty legacy to match his monumental feat at the ballot box – this legacy will be one that long outlasts him, finally putting this country on a long overdue course correction, and – having thoroughly rejected and rooted out wokeism from the government and its many bureaucracies in toto – finally setting up the rest of the twenty-first century to truly be a golden age in our nation’s history.


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My home County(Siskiyou)on the Oregon, California Border is Red were very Conservative here and don’t care too much for those Eco-Freaks trying to shut down Logging and Farming