Trump Should Leave the CHAZ Alone and Let It Destroy Itself

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Unless the mayor of Seattle or the governor of Washington request federal help, President Trump should leave the CHAZ alone.

For those who don’t know, CHAZ stands for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone; it’s a six-block confederacy, a government-free zone (that actually sounds pretty good!), an area of downtown Seattle occupied by the left-wing terrorists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The police station within the CHAZ has been abandoned, border walls have been built, and vigilantes with high-capacity firearms are now the law.

There are about 500 residences within this CHAZ, 500 people who did not vote to be ruled by this CHAZ and its warlords, 500 properties whose values have plummeted… But these are people who almost certainly voted for the Democrats who are standing by and allowing this CHAZ to continue, so haha.

Apparently, there has been a name change. The CHAZ is now CHOP… Which probably stands for Communist Havoc On Parade…

Anyway, who cares? I live in Rural America, and as I’ve said before, out here in MAGA Land, the collapse of these Democrat-run cities plays out on my 60-inch plasma like a fascinating reality show called Toldjaso!

Unfortunately, one person who cares is President Trump, who on more than one occasion has announced his intent to liberate the CHAZ from its occupiers, which is a terrible idea.

Let’s start with the obvious: Ruby Ridge and Waco. CHAZ is not a perfect comparison. Neither of those unforgivable catastrophes of federal law enforcement overreach involved the occupation of someone else’s property. That’s actually a big difference, but still…

Federal troops clearing out six city blocks of the Woke Taliban is exactly what the Woke Taliban want. These are domestic terrorists, not criminals. Criminals would flee. Terrorists will want to make a statement, and the arrival of federal troops will certainly result in catastrophe, in martyrs, in dead and wounded innocents, in everything being lit on fire.

Besides, this is a local problem, a local crime… And I can’t even begin to articulate how little I care about what happens in Seattle, or in any Democrat-run city…

You get what you vote for, and the idiots of Seattle have been voting Democrat, by a wide margin, for decades. In 2017, they made this lunatic Jenny Durkan their mayor, and now the citizens of Seattle are reaping that whirlwind — and that’s not Trump’s problem, that’s not my problem, that’s not your problem… Let Seattle voters lie in the bed they made, and anyone who needs me will find me over here eating caramel corn, giggling, and enjoying life in Leavemethefuckaloneistan.

Besides, I want the world to see exactly how the left’s Utopia plays out.

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stop all exit and entry into exit into this area. stop all power and water services, cancel cell tower service in this area, stop all rescue and first responders, stop all fire responses. NOW send in the Trump Bikers. Curt, ever dealt with bikers like the Punishers, Hells Angels, Mongols to name a few. these members have causes and in short, the encampment in seattle, should these organizations decide to move, the life expectancy of all in the camp will be limited. these groups take no prisoners. these Bikers are civilians and act on their own. no federal troops, just your average AMerican expressing his/her dislike for individuals like this.
lastly, Ruby Ridge and Waco. was a federal scam. one should take a closer look at a video in slow motion of the kennedy assassination of the bullet impacting kennedy’s skull.

I wholeheartedly agree. Blockade it off and put them on a paying basis for water, gas and electricity. Food is COD.

They had to drop the “autonomous” part of their name because autonomous means they can take care of themselves. They can’t. They are just like most of them were in mommy’s basement… playing adult while mommy cuts the crust off their cheese sandwich and brings it to them.

CHAZ is imploding of its own weight already.
The warlord, Raz, has allowed it to be cut down to a mere three blocks instead of the six it had at its height.
The varying and contradicting manifestos from its so-called leaders are silly, pie-in-the-sky tantrums in writing.
People are leaving.
The barricades are down so fire and rescue (with police escorts) can come in.
There’s no food, no employment, no goal.
The Live cam shows people just milling around aimlessly.
Many are missing their mom’s basement and going home.

@Nan G:

The varying and contradicting manifestos from its so-called leaders are silly, pie-in-the-sky tantrums in writing.

They are intended to be rejected.