Trump Pulls the Plug on WHO, Deep State Left Without Its Favorite Scalpel

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by Jeff Childers

The New York Times ran a sullen op-ed yesterday penned by Obama’s old Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, titled “Without the United States, Global Health Will Fall Apart.” It had been renamed; the piece’s original title was: “Trump’s Withdrawal From the W.H.O. Will Be Disastrous for Global Health.” Either way, it translated to “Trump’s withdrawal from the WHO will be disastrous for THE DEEP STATE.

Poor globalists. They have such terrible public relations. Sebelius, 76, is another Silent Generation artifact wheeled out in a desperate effort to rescue their sinking New World Order, which they’d barely gotten off the pier. I mean, they’d just achieved granting the WHO all those new pandemic powers and stuff.

But now this.

Just like that, on Monday, Trump signed an executive order reversing Biden’s executive order that reversed Trump’s executive order, a dizzying cascade of executive-order dominos, with the ultimate result being that the U.S.A. shredded its W.H.O. membership card. Again. And we won’t be paying any more dues.

The WHO has lost so much public trust they had to scrape the bottom to come up with has-been, non-influencer Kathleen Sebelius. I kind of felt sorry for her. Her problem —same as anyone trying to defend the “international health agency”— is that nobody can name a single thing the WHO has ever done that helped anybody.

Even Sebelius had to stretch back eleven years to find a good example, all the way to 2014 —reaching completely past the pandemic, curiously— and citing an obscure 2014 Nigerian Ebola outbreak. Sebelius claimed (without evidence) that the WHO’s contact tracing prevented a global Ebola pandemic, a wildly exaggerated and perfectly absurd claim that would cause most honest epidemiologists to laugh like braying donkeys.

Kathleen also omitted the messy cholera epidemic that the WHO “accidentally” caused in Haiti in 2010, infecting 820,000 and killing over 10,000 innocent Haitians the WHO was there to help. Whoops! Haiti, which had not seen a case of cholera in over 100 years, is still trying to get the WHO-caused disease under control, with its most recent countrywide outbreak in October, 2022.

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Sorry Haiti! Omelets and eggs! And, you’re welcome for all the free medical care.

The cholera epidemic can be directly traced to Haiti’s destabilization, which led inexorably over the next decade through its descent into a barbaric third-world hellhole. Now, they’re eating the cats and the dogs and even worse things.

Who, or W.H.O., could have seen all that coming?

First of all, the WHO pathetically failed at its single best chance to prove its value during covid. A pandemic! Which is the WHO’s entire raison d’etre. Sebelius’ inability to name a single example of any WHO success story during the last five years damned the agency to perdition. The WHO did not stop the covid pandemic. It didn’t alleviate the pandemic. It made things worse and covered up the lab leak.

This single failure, the failure to be of any meaningful value to stop or ameliorate the covid pandemic, completely justifies Trump’s decision to make like a tree and leave.

But the main justification emerged between Sebelius’ lines. As always with these people, their love affair with the WHO is not really about health at all. It is about death and killing. It is about world domination. “Many,” Sebelius slyly said, giving away the game, “regard America’s global health work as smart diplomacy.”

Aha. Health diplomacy is a military-industrial dog whistle. For example, consider this 2022 article from the journal of International Policy and Society:

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Get it? In case her winking eye wasn’t visible to the other neocons in the digital room (or in case they thought her blinky condition was just flaring up again), Sebelius added, for emphasis: “Even the most hostile countries welcome our medical expertise and support.”

See? The WHO causes our enemies to welcome our medical teams. This statement seems confusing at first because, well, why would we want to give our enemies free healthcare? Don’t be mistaken, I get it, viruses don’t respect borders and so on. But see above: the WHO hasn’t cured any viruses. It causes viruses.

No, Sebelius’ subversive unstated point was that the WHO provides a way to smuggle our spies into hostile enemy territory, dressed in white lab coats.

The WHO’s mission isn’t really about health. It’s a very expensive and dangerous cog in the deep state’s regime-changing machine. Everything becomes clear when you look at the WHO through this lens, including last year’s massive power grab, pushed as a “pandemic treaty.”

The pandemic treaty wasn’t really meant to lock down businesses and colleges in epidemic areas. Its real purpose was to lock down American hegemony — worldwide. It was a deep state global power grab disguised in a white lab coat of happy health diplomacy.

In other words: We’ll give you free healthcare and take over your government for the same low price!

Which is why Kathleen Sebelius appeared this morning like an old witch appearing out of a puff of black smoke — because the deep state is furious that Trump is just throwing away their best tool for forcing other countries to do “our” will, such as putting drag queens in charge of kindergarten classes, all in the name of emergent healthcare.

Getting out of the WHO is draining the swamp. By pulling America out of the WHO, Trump amputated one of the deep state’s tentacles. Sebelius’s essay is the stump waving around and getting icky blue blood on everything.

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A small step in the RIGHT direction!
Man i voted for 9 times tried 8 straight years to stop American taxpayers from supporting UN! I said stop taxpayer subsidy! NO PULL AMERICA OUT OF UN. haddthe /bush “Republicans” not blocked him UN would have had to leaveAmerica..Probably suffered same fate as League.

For those <70 It seemed UN was anti America 70 years ago. Itwas clear 65 years ago UN was America's enemy. Ronny was right!
Ronny said we were proving Lenin right. "America was giving (LENIN SAID SELL)UN the rope to hang Americans with! Ron was right 44 yers ago; would still be right today!