Trump kills it

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President Donald Trump took his first mission-critical trip down Pennsylvania Avenue on Tuesday to address a Joint Session of Congress, telling his political opponents that ‘the time for small thinking is over, the time for trivial fights is behind us.’

At that very moment, a member of the Democratic Party hissed.

But Trump’s 60-minute speech drew 94 interruptions for applause, including a sustained, tear-jerking ovation for the widow of a Navy SEAL killed in action just eight days after Trump took office.

As Carryn Owens wept and Ivanka Trump comforted her, Trump said her husband Ryan was happy that the lengthy applause ‘broke a record.’

The slain sailor’s father made headlines last week when he said he had refused to speak with the president when his son’s remains were returned to the U.S. in a somber ceremony. He also blasted Trump for green-lighting what he called the ‘stupid mission’ that claimed Ryan’s life.

But the president praised Ryan as ‘a warrior and a hero, battling against terrorism and securing our nation.’

‘Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity’ Trump said. ‘For as the Bible teaches us, there is no greater act of love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom. We will never forget Ryan.’


My favorite part:

“Free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people — and America respects the right of all nations to chart their own path. My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.”

That is so refreshing

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Buh-bye, Dems.
You have earned the right to a permanent minority status.
Patriotism and love of country are cool again.
I love it!

Trump is doing more for this nation in just over a month then Obama the Fink did in eight years and hear the mindless braying for the demac-RATS and wait for the usial junk mail from the eco-wacko groups like GREENPEACE,NRDC,SIERRA CLUB Etc urging us to send them $1000 to save the polarbears

What kind of people sit on their hands when the widow of a Navy Seal killed in combat is introduced? Open-minded, ‘dedicated public servants or spoiled children afraid to demonstrate any support for fear they will lose the sore-loser cry-baby demo?

Apparently reading a speech from a teleprompter is once again entirely acceptable.

Why do you suppose Teleprompter Trump sounds completely different from Twitter Trump?

The left hates America.

They are the anti-anti-communists.


What kind of people sit on their hands when the widow of a Navy Seal killed in combat is introduced?

Left wing politicians of course. Their lefty sheep did worse than that on social media.

The democrats haven’t been this pissed off since ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.

you are a snowflake. it is obvious from your post that you lack culture and civility. just think, the next president will be a republican. did you get your snowflake valor award?

What I don’t lack is the intelligence to recognize that Teleprompter Trump was reading from a carefully written script. Culture and civility? Please. We all know just how cultured and civil Trump can be in an unguarded moment. Actually, that does bother me.

You are a useless poster here greg. You offer zero, you are not even annoying. Not one person here is remotely convinced by anything you say. Surely you have a better use of your time.

If that’s the case, why don’t you do us both a favor. Kindly stop reading them, and kindly cease insulting me every time you see one. Surely you have a better use for your time.



@July 4th American: All of us have known that Greg lacks the ability to reason. He has been so indoctrinated by the left that he can not even craft decent slurs. Even much of the msn had to give Trump credit for some of his statement.

I am not sure why the left can not recognize a person who will do what he says he will do except they have been use to 8 years of their fearless leader talking but not doing.


Yes, there is a complete absence of reason. It is becoming more than obvious as we move away from a suicidal agenda the left would have us follow, that they do not have the best interests of America as their goals.

Why would there be such strong support for a failed president who did not hide his intent to harm my beloved Country if there was not genuine abhorrence for my beloved Country.

Now we see the failed president instigating a soft coup. And, the far left applauds that apparently oblivious to the fact that the far left agenda is National Suicide.

The democrat party is insignificant and is self destructing. The democrat party has nothing of value to offer America.

This is what the democrat party fears most:

President Donald Trump Speech to Congress: ‘Believe Once More in America’

For 8 years the far left told Americans they should hate America, themselves and the terrible crimes done to other people of the world. Thank GOD they have for the most part, failed…..

One can not be a true democrat of today and not hate America. It is akin to abortion, there are no pro life democrats in the democrat party. Likewise, there are no pro America democrats in the democrat party.

@Greg: Even more apparent is that you are running out of faux outrage. At least Trump can speak coherently without a teleprompter.

@Bill: Since I don’t read the garbage anymore, am I to presume there is another feminine hissy fit going on?