I’m the guy who predicted a Trump victory against all odds in the 2016 election. I also predicted a “Trump Miracle” for the economy. I called Trump “Reagan Part Deux.” Here’s my new prediction: President Trump guaranteed his re-election this week.
Liberals have got to be sick to their stomachs. No matter what they do or say, no matter how hard they try to distract us from the truth about the booming economy, “The Trump Miracle” shines through.
I was going to write this column about the Trump administration’s war with California, illegal immigration and liberal politicians serving as “lookouts” for illegal felons. It’s time to set an example. It’s time to enforce the rule of law. This move is cheered by middle class Americans sick of being treated like second class citizens. Brilliant. But this topic will have to wait.
Then I decided to write this column about Trump’s new trade tariffs on steel and aluminum, backed on stage at the White House by cheering blue collar steel and aluminum workers. Trump kept his campaign promise to fight for American workers and American jobs. His move was cheered equally by Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and liberal Silicon Valley billionaire Elon Musk. Trump just won the votes of millions of working class Americans. This is not your father’s GOP. Brilliant. But this topic will have to wait.
Although I will make a prediction here. Trump exempted Mexico from his tariffs- for now. Why? I predict Trump will demand Mexico either pay for the wall, or be hit with the 25% steel tariff. One way or another Mexico will pay for Trump’s wall! Brilliant.
Then I decided to write this column about Trump’s remarkable breakthrough with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. First Little Kim announced he wanted to discuss nuclear disarmament. Then he shocked the world by inviting President Trump to meet in-person. Trump accepted. Trump’s blustery taunts and intimidation tactics WORKED. “The Art of the Deal.” Trump pulled off what no other modern U.S. President could. But this topic will also have to wait.
Because the new job numbers just came out. I almost jumped through the roof. The Trump economy is exploding. In the end, this is what matters. Americans always vote with their pocketbooks. The economy is booming like nothing seen since Reagan.
I coined the phrase “The Trump Miracle” to describe the remarkable results of Trump economic policies- including dramatically lower taxes and regulations. The newly released numbers make me look subtle.
The Trump economy added a resounding 313,000 jobs in February, crushing expectations of 205,000. It was the biggest “beat versus expectations” in almost a decade! And to top it off, December job growth was revised upwards
from 160,000 to 175,000 and January from 200,000 to 239,000.
The number of employed Americans rose to 155,215,000- the highest in history. The number of black Americans employed hit an all-time record high of 19,087,000. And a record 72,530,000 women were employed. The 4.9% unemployment rate of Hispanic workers is right at all-time lows too.
I remember when I wrote at Fox News way back in 2015 that Donald Trump would be the greatest president for blacks, Hispanics, women and gays ever- simply because he would create the most black jobs, Hispanic jobs, women’s jobs and gay jobs. Bingo! http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/02/donald-trump-first-hispanic-president.html
But I saved the really great news for last.
Aw, come on. That is just Obama’s brilliant time-released economic recovery, set to go off years after he left office.
And, just like when Obama’s economic figures would almost invariably be revised DOWNWARD a month or so after all the ecstatic celebration of a weak showing, the media goes radio silent.
I hate to count chickens before they hatch, but Trump continues to defy convention. So, expect the left to ratchet up their maniacal attempts to do what they have given up hope of ever accomplishing through a Constitutional election.
2.1 million jobs were added to the U.S. economy in 2017. Trump cultists conveniently forget that 2.5 million jobs were added in 2015 and 2.2 million jobs were added in 2016. Thus far, job growth was stronger under Obama.
The GDP expanded by 2.3 percent in 2017. This wasn’t as good as several Obama years. The rate of GDP expansion was 2.5 percent in 2010, 2.4 percent in 2014, and 2.6 percent in 2015. Maybe we can talk honestly about an impressive new trend when we’re above 3 percent in something other than people’s imaginations.
In 2017, the rate at which Americans are saving fell to the lowest level since before the before the 2007-2008 recession. This is not a positive indication that consumers will continue to spend at current rates. The rising Consumer Price Index could also be a warning sign. Most people don’t need to look at the CPI to know prices are rising.
What is measurably higher is public confidence concerning the economy. Perhaps the fact that republicans have at last ceased their 8-year-long, 24/7 messaging campaign that the economy is doomed because of Obama has something to do with that. We can thank them at least for finally shutting the hell up on that point.
@Greg: You forget that most of those jobs (2014, 2015) were full time jobs that were turned into 2 part time jobs due to OBAMA care,
@Greg: Now, are you using Obama’s FINAL stats or his stats before they were revised down, as they always were once the media had covered his exciting, enormous 1 – 2% growth figures?
Obama told us to get used to his lethargic, weak economy, high unemployment, low labor participation, low paying, part time jobs because that was the new “norm”. In other words, that was the best he could do and he wasn’t interested in trying to do any better.
And Trump’s economy is not driven by printing more money and loaning it out at 0.0% interest rates. Interest rates have actually been going up, something that when rumors of rising interest rates circulated sent Obama’s economy circling the drain.
We are all better off NOT under Obama and NOT under Hillary.
Liberals must be pulling their hair and beating their heads against the walls since Trump was elected he is driving the Eco-Wackos from the NRDC nuts just like with the rest of the enviromentalists nutjobs
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #4:
You’re correct that the figures were subsequently revised after more complete data came in. In fact, a couple of Obama years that I cited were revised upward: The correct figure for 2014 was 2.6 percent, not 2.4 percent; the correct figure for 2015 was 2.9 percent, not 2.6 percent.
Obama inherited an nose-diving economy with a GDP growth rate that bottomed out at MINUS 2.8 percent The GDP had gone negative the year before he was sworn in.
Trump inherited a recovered economy and an initial year in office with a positive GDP growth rate of 2.3 percent.
It’s also interesting how all of the monthly positive job growth numbers that were deemed phony during the Obama presidency magically became real numbers the moment Trump began to claim them, when nothing whatsoever changed about the computation formula.
Trump’s “popularity”—such as it is—relies upon the gullibility of his followers.
You are right they should be changed to real full time jobs, just to make you cry. With the shortage of skilled blue collar workers high schools should ramp up the old shop classes and apprentice programs. College has become to expensive without the guarantee of employment, and no way to declare bankrupsy on the debt. Colleges should have to pay 1/2 the debt if they cant place the grad in a job, education related, within 6 months of graduation.
Yeah, that was the one where he promised if he got to spend $865 billion on “shovel ready jobs” unemployment would never go higher than 7.9%. It hit 10.2%. A recession brought about, by the way, due to liberal policies that ultimately cratered the housing and financial markets.
Trump inherited a lethargic, sick economy clinging to life on the virtue of free, freshly printed money and crushed under regulations. Trump has turned that around and is growing a healthy, vibrant economy based on financial principles. Trump’s popularity, growing daily, is based on him shredding the left wing media’s depiction of him. His accomplishments are nourishing that popularity.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Remember that economy was trashed due to the Democrats who reduced the requirements for minorities to qualify for home loans.
@Randy: Yeah, the Community Reinvestment Act, something the left likes to forget ever happened as they parrot the “Bush’s recession” mantra.
Right. And the deregulated financial industry—which incentivized high risk, adjustable rate mortgages that were subsequently hidden in fraudulent investment instruments—had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
@Greg: Oh, no. That was a large part of it and it was Clinton’s brainchild. Glad you are catching on.
@Greg: Keep digging. You got nothing, but it’s fun to watch you fail so amazingly.
Tell us more about how everything good is Obama and everything bad is Bush/Trump…I need something to help me get drowsy for bed…
Early Tuesday morning; teleased seven minutes ago by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence:
Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution
Unfortunately the original classified version of this document was completed January 6, 2017, so any response to Russia’s recent and ongoing actions became the responsibility of the Trump administration. Lots of luck getting any meaningful action from the primary beneficiary of their meddling.
An hour earlier: From the GOP with love — Trump gets gift from Russia panel
In fact, republicans controlling the House Intelligence Committee released their own statement to that effect and shut down the Committee investigation over the objection of the minority members. They’ve betrayed their responsibilities to the security of the nation to protect their man in the White House.
Now it’s all up to Mueller. I don’t think they have the nerve to try to take his investigation down. At this point, they’d never get away with it. I almost hope they try.
Oh, what a surprise. Just like taking out ISIS. Just like restoring the economy. Just like restoring respect from other nations. Just like handling illegal immigration. The Obama administration passed EVERYTHING off to Trump. He had all the intel and warnings about Russia and did NOTHING. Anything Trump does will be a vast improvement.
Just like the 2016 election, you only accept the results that serve your political agenda. No one is shocked when you don’t accept the truth.
Up to Mueller for… what? Invent the “evidence” you imagine you need to salve your butthurt? This collusion joke has been investigated for over two years and you have not one shred of any indication there was ever any such thing as Trump collusion (plenty of Hillary and DNC collusion, however). This is the SECOND investigation that cleared the Trump administration. Will you accept strike three without another screaming at the sky fit?
What say you Trumpists about young Marine Captain and a Dem. winning in a PA.district DT won by 20%?
I say OH RAH—Shades of Jim Webb—Take back The House.
Rex is out–took awhile after calling DT a moron–Betsy is next–she truly is a moron.
@Rich Wheeler: Welcome back, was going to put your comments on a milk carton.
@kitt: Thanks—
BTW—I know, you know, DT is a flam flam man with a loud mouth.
That young Dem Marine is the kind of Congressman his constituents can be proud of—-let’s hope there are more like him preparing to run and send Trumpists home.
Semper Fi