Trump is still on the ballot. Supreme Court ensures American democracy is the winner.

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by Jonathan Turley

“Nothing in the Constitution requires that we endure such chaos.” Those words from the Supreme Court in its Trump v. Anderson ruling on Monday put an end to the effort of Democratic secretaries of state to engage in ballot cleansing by removing former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election.

The court’s decision was one of the most important and impactful moments in its history.

During the first Trump impeachment in 2019, I cautioned Democrats not to toss aside constitutional standards out of their hatred for the president. I quoted from the play “A Man For All Seasons,” when Sir Thomas More is told by his son-in-law that he would “cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?” More responded, “And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?”

As More described England, the United States also is “planted thick with laws, from coast to coast.” The nation’s highest court on Monday decided to leave them standing.

After months of activists and experts calling for the court to allow ballot cleansing by individual states, the justices refused. Figures like Harvard professor Laurence Tribe had insisted that the legal theory allowing Trump’s removal from ballots was “unassailable” and rejected opposing positions as “absurd.”

Many news outlets posted the analysis of former federal court Judge J. Michael Luttig, who also called the theory “unassailable” and denounced the arguments against disqualification as “revealing, fatuous, and politically and constitutionally cynical.” He predicted that the court would simply affirm the Colorado Supreme Court.

Democratic members of Congress further pushed the narrative that only judicial activists and MAGA justices would oppose disqualification. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., declared: “This is their opportunity to behave like real Supreme Court justices.”

Well, the court rejected that “unassailable” theory in a unanimous decision. While Tribe’s view was repeated with little contradiction on many networks and newspapers for months, it failed to garner a single vote from either the left or the right of the court.

Things are not going well for those seeking to remake the nation. In 2020, Harvard professor Michael Klarman warned that all of the plans to change the country were ultimately dependent on packing the court. With the 2020 election, he stated that Democrats could change the election system to guarantee Republicans “will never win another election.”

However, Klarman conceded that “the Supreme Court could strike down everything I just described,” so the court itself had to be changed.

Now that the three progressive justices have joined their conservative colleagues in ruling for Trump, they apparently also will have to go. Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann declared that “the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively the ‘court’ has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved.”

The problem for many on the left is that the unanimous decision shattered the narrative repeated for months that Colorado would be reversed because the conservative justices would robotically protect Trump (despite the fact that they have repeatedly ruled against Trump and his policies). Now, by Rep. Raskin’s measure, Justices Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor are no longer acting as “real Supreme Court justices.”

Supreme Court transcended ideological divisions

The fact is that the Supreme Court justices have proved, again, that they are precisely the “real Supreme Court justices” that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The court was created to be able to transcend our divisions and politics. On Monday, a court sharply divided along ideological grounds showed the nation that it could speak with one voice. In doing so, it spoke to the things that bind us to each other, including an article of faith in our Constitution that defines us all.

In the news media and in universities, there is a persistent message that the court and the Constitution are the problem. In a New York Times column, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for the Constitution to be “radically” altered to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.”

Georgetown law professor Rosa Brooks previously went on MSNBC to warn citizens not to become “slaves” to the Constitution and that the Constitution itself is now the problem for the country.

Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet and San Francisco State University political scientist Aaron Belkin even called upon President Joe Biden to defy rulings of the Supreme Court that he considers “mistaken” in the name of “popular constitutionalism.”

The lumberjack school of constitutional law is the rage on our campuses. Free from the obstructions of constitutional demands, activists (and a newly constituted court) could set about pursuing the devil as a nation of Ropers.

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The Democ-Rats have yet to learn still trying to get Trump removed in which case the DNC should be paying big times and no taxing t he American People make the Democrats pay the price for their lust for power and the M.S. Media for hiding it from us

Democrats take positions like, “Any individual can arbitrarily ban a candidate from a national ballot (only Trump) based on an imaginary crime having been committed” and then they act like they are shocked when everyone not a far leftist ideologue (and even a few that are!) rejects such a blatantly stupid notion.

Simply put, Trump is running on the most extreme platform in modern history. He has called for the termination of the Constitution. He wants the Supreme Court to grant unchecked power to the presidency, which he plans to use in a personal quest for “retribution” against his enemies. He is pledging to gut the civil service in government departments and to fill posts with political operatives. He’s signaled he’d use the Justice Department not as a quasi-independent arbiter of the rule of law but as a personal political enforcement machine. Many of Trump’s former officials fear he’d pull out of NATO, trash the post-World War II international system and side with dictators.

He says undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the country and vows mass deportations and detention camps. He’s drawn allusions to 1930s dictators by calling his opponents “vermin.” On Tuesday night, an ex-president who has already incited violence to achieve his ends warned supporters that if he didn’t win in November, “We’re not going to have a country.”

It was once fashionable for Trump apologists to chide those who took his threats literally. But after the horror of January 6, 2021, when a pro-Trump mob he told to “fight like hell” beat up police officers, ransacked the US Capitol and tried to block Biden’s legitimate presidency, his rhetoric seems like a chilling harbinger of a second term far more extreme than the first…

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden First Incumbent to Lose a Primary (in American Samoa) Since Jimmy Carter –

It’s another breaking bombshell headliner from Gateway Pundit, folks…

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Jason Palmer 2024


THIS JUST IN…. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a corrupt, treasonous, socialist, fascist, incompetent piece of shit that only got in the White House through election fraud.

All mouth and no mind that’s the trouble with liberals Greg go lay a egg

Everything you oppose you have to make up a lie about and then oppose it. Trump did great things for this nation and if the goddamn, hateful, racist, fascist, anti-American socialist Democrats would get out of the way, we can completely repair all the damage Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden have done to it.

I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a LIVE, Play by Play, of Crooked Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address. I will correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements, especially pertaining to the Border and his Weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, A.G.s, and District Attorneys, to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!). We did this once before to tremendous success – Beating All Records. It is important for the Country to get the TRUTH!

From President Trump

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

Your “tremendous success” was a landslide loss to President Joe Biden.

The 4 year nightmare of biden is soon to be over and America will be great again.

I love my country but hate the government

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

If you think Biden, who spent most of his campaign in his basement, got more (legal) votes than Obama, you must be spaced out on crack.

Biden DID get more votes, and Trump STILL hasn’t produced a shred of evidence that he didn’t.

Simply put, Trump is running on the most extreme platform in modern history.


02/29/24 – Revealed: ‘extremist’ Trump economist plots right-wing overhaul of US treasury

Stephen Moore, a conservative economist whose controversial remarks about women cost him a seat on the Federal Reserve board in 2019, is now co-author of a plan to radically reform the US treasury as part of Project 2025, a vast rightwing effort to advance radical policy proposals for Donald Trump’s possible White House return.

“Project 2025 is all about forcing a far-right agenda on to everyday Americans,” said Tony Carrk, the executive director of the progressive watchdog Accountable.US, which produced an extensive report on Moore’s views and positions.

“So it’s no wonder they tapped a notorious social security opponent like Stephen Moore to help write their policy schemes.”

Moore, Carrk said, had “dedicated his career to slashing social security benefits and taxes for billionaires”.

Like other welfare programmes such as Medicare, social security is a longstanding target of the US right but also something of a third rail for politicians of either party, given public support. Recognising such support, Trump has pledged to “always protect social security” should he return to power. His last opponent for the Republican presidential nomination, the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, says she wants to reform it.

Joe Biden has said he “will not cut a single social security or Medicare benefit”.

Moore remains loyal to Trump but in the past has advocated for privatizing social security, which he has called a “Ponzi scheme”, and told students they should march on the Capitol and burn their social security cards.

Responding to Carrk, Moore said by email: “Actually I favor higher social security benefits with personal accounts. That would give seniors benefits that would net three to five times higher.”

Moore advocates mandatory 401k accounts, in place of social security.

In other words, he advocates diverting FICA taxes into stock market investment pools that benefit the financial industry and the wealthiest capital chip holders—to whom he wants to give additional tax cuts on top of the permanent cuts they already received. Your tax cuts will soon expire, you know.

He added: “Yes, I am strongly in favor of cutting tax rates to make [the] American economy No 1.”

By its own description, Project 2025 is the work of “a broad coalition of over 70 conservative organisations”, brought together by the Heritage Foundation and aiming to shape the presidential transition should a Republican win election this year.

In the words of Paul Dans, its director, Project 2025 aims to prepare “a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state”…

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

The left wing rag guardian, pfft

That’s factual reporting—as in, Everything in the article is verifiable, if you take the time to check.

Have you never wondered why Project 2025 doesn’t say a single word about Social Security?

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg


You, sir, are actually considering doing so to yourself. I suggest you start questioning some of the things you’re being told.

So tax everyone into poverty, so they are used to it at retirement. Unless they never reach it because they are drafted into one of the Democrats wars.
comment image

Last edited 6 months ago by kitt

Despite what your propaganda says, what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has done is blow $7 trillion on NOTHING, drove inflation through the roof, destroyed good jobs, opened the border to over 8 million wage-wreckers, destroyed energy independence, drove energy prices up and then got two wars started to increase energy prices even further, is going to bankrupt both Social Security AND Medicare.

You know what an extremist economic policy is? Forcing banks to search for terms like “Bass Pro Shop”, “MAGA” or “Trump” and report them to the government so they can be spied on and harassed. Censoring free speech is extreme, too.

You won’t find Trump engaged in any of THAT extremism. He is merely extremely Constitutional.

Still Stupid

Yup with debt climbing something extreme must happen or we are Greece on steroids. Unable to withdraw our own funds from bankers and all SS is direct deposit, what could go wrong?

One trillion dollars of new debt every 100 days.

Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

Either you deal with reality before the election, or face the dire consequences of failure to afterward.

While China is increasing their military budget by over 7%, we spend trillions on Michelle hiking paths, failing solar and wind farms and sex reassignment surgery.

Well shutting down the government or not increasing the debt ceiling sends democrats into a frenzy, Republicans just go along with the spending spree.
We do not have a taxation problem we have a spending problem.

Your still a total Moron

Landslide election fraud.

81 million votes my ass. The election was stolen, full stop.

Your still stupider this a sack of rocks

They will be busier than a cat covering up shit on a hot tin roof.

I would expect nothing more from such a simple person.

The platform is national security, economic growth, good jobs, law enforcement, patriotism, protecting the Constitution, a secure border and progress for the entire nation.

If you won’t answer my question about if Obama should be prosecuted for murdering al-Awlaki, would you at least explain WHY you are so goddamn afraid to answer the question?

Last edited 6 months ago by Just Plain Bill

In his distorted mind, immunity only applies to democrats.

the SCOTUS ruled all 9 judges in Trumps Favor you Knothead

And total idiots like you who depend upon the M.S. Media are its gutter level news