Jordan Schachtel:
President Donald Trump signed the second version of his immigration moratorium Monday — titled “Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States” — barring foreign nationals from six terror-tied countries from entering the United States who did not have a valid visa by 5:00 EST on January 27, 2017.
Here’s what you need to know about Trump’s second attempt at an immigration order, after the first was controversially overruled by the Ninth Circuit Court.
1. It’s not a ‘travel ban’
Many in the mainstream media have misled the public in labeling Trump’s immigration order as a “travel ban.”
The executive action imposes only a temporary suspension of entry to the United States of citizens from the six countries listed on the order: Syria, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan. The moratorium will last 90 days, after which the White House will reevaluate the national security portfolio with respect to travel into the United States from the listed countries.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will lead a 20-day review investigating each country’s security profile individually, according to a fact sheet on the moratorium released by the White House. After a thorough review, targeted countries will have 50 days to comply with requests from the United States regarding the improvement of their security and vetting procedures. The countries listed have limited to no existing diplomatic relations with the United States, which may complicate the requests made by the government.
2. What’s different from the first moratorium?
The original executive order — which was controversially struck down by a federal court — included Iraq as one of the countries included in the 90-day moratorium and security review. The White House says the new order will no longer include Iraq “based on commitments from” its government.”
“Iraq has taken steps to increase their cooperation with the United States in the vetting of Iraqi nationals and as such it was determined that a temporary suspension is not warranted,” the White House said in the press release.
Additionally, the first immigration order went into effect immediately, while the one signed Monday will take effect on March 16, 2017.
The new order will temporarily put a 120-day halt on all refugee admissions into the United States. The previous executive order banned Syrian nationals indefinitely.
Trump’s new executive order also releases guidelines on implementing better screening and vetting standards for the U.S. immigration program as a whole. The Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and the office of the Director of National Intelligence will be in charge of a worldwide review to enhance America’s national security procedures.
Additionally, a presidential memorandum issued with the executive order will implement “immediate heightened screening” procedures.
I see where old Chucky Sleeze(Shumer)is again whining that trumps plan is mean spirited Yeah you old buzzard You need your head examened you have a few loose nuts that need to be tightened in fact the entire demacratic party is full of loose nuts