For example:
He’s even got Hillary Clinton, of all people, telling us that actions have consequences.
A consequence of Hillary’s actions in Libya — “we came, we saw, he died” — was black people being sold as slaves in open-air slave markets. So maybe she should sit this one out. But note how despite her dreadful track record, she’s still treated as part of the competent establishment. Because, in fact, competence is not required for membership in the establishment, as the last decade or two demonstrate.UPDATE: Is Trump speaking for the “forgotten part of America” that actually fights its wars? “And in the post-election analysis of the 2016 cycle, discussion of war fatigue has been all but absent. This oversight may plausibly be due to the fact that most American elites in the chattering class have not, at least in recent years, been directly affected by on-going conflicts. Children of elites are not as likely to serve and die in the Middle East, and elite communities are thus less likely to make this a point of conversation. The costs of war remain largely hidden, and an invisible inequality of military sacrifice has taken hold.”
UPDATE (From Ed): Howard Dean: US Should Leave Afghanistan.
—The Nation magazine, April 20, 2011.
If Trump said he was all in on breathing they would tie plastic bags over their heads, the resist crowd such Morons.
These people survived warfare and despots for centuries, they need us after less than 20 years of being there?
Hmmm… remember when al Qaeda was on the run, ISIS was JV and only videos caused unrest?
It’s worth a try.
For decades the left has turned a blind eye to Muslims throwing gays from rooftops, enslaving women and spreading terror because they wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. Now, suddenly, it keeps them up at night. Yeah, and Hillary should just shut the f**k up, forever.
Imagine the reaction if Trump had announced adding say 20 thousand more troops to Syria instead.
@Mully: We don’t have to. Democrats simply reject and oppose anything he says or does. Not a sure sign of maturity or intelligence.
2,000 mostly military advisors are there.
But we had special forces there, too.
And ISIS is no longer being armed by Obama/Hillary allies in Syria.
Dems arm them, they immediately hand over their American armaments to the ISIS fighters.
What’s less covered is the Saudi promise to come into Syria to protect the Kurds there.
jihad has been around since the 6th century, butchering, looting and raping every country that they entered. these animals count heads as a means to their heaven, so when you butcher a pregnant female and open her pregnant uterus and kill the unborn child it is toofer. the asshole now gets credit for two deaths.
@Deplorable Me: @Deplorable Me: @Deplorable Me:The vid was produced by a neighbor. Remember it well. Thanks to The “Patriot”: Act Petraus was able to throw him in jail.
Constitution abrogated”:
1st Ammendment – had had no right to free speech
4the Amendment – had no right security in his house. No protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
6th Amendment – had no public trial. Speedy or otherwise!
8th Amendment Excessive bail was in fact set!
@Rodney Stanton: I have no idea what you are referring to.
” only videos caused unrest?”
Petraus’s CIA rousted a man from his house, took his possessions because he made a vid about ROP killers!
A man , who before CIA jailed him, lived near me; and had the temerity to put a ROP killer vid on Tube!
@Rodney Stanton: Oh, yeah… missed it.