Trump & Elon Musk vs. USAID: Who Knew Defunding Corruption Would Be So Controversial?

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by Jeff Childers

Yesterday, eclipsed by other news, the USAID takedown receded from corporate media front-page headlines. But the burgeoning story continued to develop. The AP ran an article late yesterday headlined, “Trump and Musk move to dismantle USAID, igniting battle with Democratic lawmakers.

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Social media regulars are well aware the Democrats howled in protest yesterday over the closing of an “independent” agency that nobody outside government circles ever paid any attention to before now. USAID is an insider joke, a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, know-what-I-mean kind of thing. It’s a perq for progressives who tow the globalist line.

To the literati, if you could say “my non-profit just got authorized with USAID,” it meant welcome to the club and enjoy your ride on the gravy train. But it’s over. Regardless of what happens next, that particular perquisite for government insiders has been shattered forever.

You might even say the entire world is breathing a tremulous sigh of relief.

The USAID drama reached a shrill, feverish pitch yesterday. A coterie of Congressional Democrats led by party low-lights Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-Minn.), along with a few dozen hastily assembled “protestors,” showed up at USAID’s shuttered HQ, and filmed themselves indignantly demanding access.

What they planned to do if they actually got in is anybody’s guess. Probably insurrection.

Two bored security guards refused entry, so the furious progressives delivered speeches to each other on the sidewalk using USAID HQ as a prop. Trump is blowing his nose on the Constitution! It’s a coup! Nobody elected Elon! Et cetera and so forth.

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More significantly, President Trump appointed Secretary of State Marco Rubio as the new Acting Director of USAID. Secretary Rubio then assigned an unnamed manager, who Democrats darkly suspect to be a known USAID hawk. “USAID has a history of acting like it’s a global charity,” Rubio explained in an interview. “It ignores the national interest of the United States, but these aren’t donor dollars; they’re taxpayer dollars.”

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CLIP: Fox interviews new USAID Director Rubio, who said USAID undermines American foreign policy through ‘rank insubordination’ (1:47).

The Democrats’ Dirty Tricks brigade showed up in force, too. It’s not clear yet where it started, possibly Wired magazine. But the hellish fever swamps of progressive mania discovered DOGE’s core team of ex-Musk employees. There are six, and they are all extraordinary young men between the ages of 19 and 25.

One, for example, once won an award for using AI to decipher a 2,000 papyrus scroll that experts couldn’t make any sense of. The names and addresses of the young men were instantly leaked to media and the Internet, and of course the death threats began immediately on BlueSky, which is the vaunted new home of the intellectual, peace-loving, and tolerant left.

Fortunately, interim District of Columbia U.S. Attorney Ed Martin quickly clamped down on the doxxing and threats. Rolling Stone ran a snide, resentful story last night headlined, “Musk, Trump Prosecutor Targeting People Who Divulge Identities of DOGE Staff.” The sub-headline groused, “The self-described free speech champion is not pleased that the public has learned the identities of his young henchmen.”

As a lawyer, it seems likely to me that the six young men will soon have highly lucrative defamation cases against far-left news outlets with deep pockets. A key category of commercial defamation, considered so injurious it requires no proof of damages (which are presumed), is when the defamatory statement tends to injure the person in their chosen trade or profession.

Rolling Stone called them “babies” and strongly implied they were totally unqualified. Even worse for the media assassins, the DOGE men are not public figures, despite Rolling Stone’s efforts to make them famous. As private citizens, their defamation cases will be much easier to prove.

And lest we forget —but how could we?— in 2021, Democrats re-defined “insurrection” to mean non-violently interfering with government operations. So, I hope Rolling Stone’s insurrectionists are not trying to interfere with DOGE’s operations. We know what to do with insurrectionists.

You can read the hundreds or thousands of shrill missives decrying these courageous young men, and still have no clear idea of exactly what horrible crimes Democrats think they are committing. Don’t waste our time suggesting the crime is “accessing private data”; after all, Democrats were quiet as churchmice when Biden presided over the biggest leaks of American’s private information in history.

So … what are Democrats really so upset about?

Who knows. If anything, USAID’s long-overdue public exposure picked up steam yesterday. In one stellar example, Elon pointed out that USAID funded the Wuhan coronavirus experiments. In doing so, Elon accidentally (and correctly) called covid a bioweapon, which confirms that the space billionaire is really getting it.

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We might finally be getting somewhere. One of the most mysterious and least understood facets of the pandemic was how, within a few short weeks, every single country in the world but one fell into line with US pandemic policy. They all adopted the same draconian solutions, the lockdowns and the mandates, without any democratic debate or even a single vote in any congress, parliament, or legislature anywhere.

I will not be surprised if we soon discover that USAID was the tool that was used to co-opt the world’s democracies during covid.

Somehow, despite moving at turbo speed, Trump has kept Congressional Republicans on board. The fact that the only folks complaining about the demolition of USAID are Democrats is very telling. If anything, the USAID battle seems to have loaded more lead into Republicans’ pencils. For example, yesterday Senator John Kennedy told reporters that anybody upset about USAID should “call somebody who cares” — and they should get ready for what’s coming next.

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CLIP: Senator Kennedy tells people upset with USAID’s closing to prepare for anguish when the plug gets pulled on the Department of Education next (0:14).

The Democrats may have just begun to fight their battles to save USAID, but Trump has already won the war. USAID has always been hard to kill. Republicans have been sounding the alarm about USAID for years. For example, back in 2017, Florida Representative Francis Rooney complained to reporters that USAID funds the World Economic Forum, even though “everybody arrives in a Gulfstream G5.”

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Rooney wasn’t even close to being the only one to raise the alarm about the rogue agency. But the “independent humanitarian agency” was too just wonky and too complicated for the public to ever fully grasp the danger. So, like flying cockroaches after a nuclear war, USAID survived in dark corners of obscurity and under rotting logs of confusion.

But now —thanks largely to Democrats’ hysterical response— the klieg lights of sharp public scrutiny have been aimed squarely into the windows of the deep state’s global laundromat. Everyone can see it now. There is no conceivable way USAID can skitter back into the shadows. It is done. The era of USAID as the globalists’ tool of destabilization is over. The brand has been nuked. They’ll have to build a new cockroach farm.

The genius of Trump’s strategy was not so much in pulling out USAID’s money plug, as effective as that was, but in creating the massive controversy over the little-known agency. Think of it—how else could they have gotten the public and all the lawmakers to give USAID the necessary attention? Genius.

As for Musk’s six intrepid young DOGE geniuses who are helping save America, the Democrats’ deplorable efforts to assassinate them may just backfire, and their careers might be rocket-fueled instead. We shall see.

Finally, give a moment’s thought about how USAID’s liquidation has freed the entire world, especially those poor souls in destabilized countries in Africa and Eastern Europe who were valiantly battling hordes of progressive NGOs funded by U.S. tax dollars. At minimum, they are now enjoying a welcome reprieve. But maybe this means they’ll get their countries back.

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Mr Childers
Are you dreaming? “But maybe this means they’ll get their countries back.”
Or just”Wishing upon a star”?

American taxpayers were a significant factor n them “losing their countries”; butter from the only one!

Grunts no type; its true!

Dont stress it bro.
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Aye. aye, SIR.

OMG did you just assume my gender bwahahahaha cant wait til that shit is long burried. 😉

Elon being attacked.
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Dems and RINOs tried to normalize the idea that cutting the degree of rise in the federal budget equaled a “cut.”
No one on the right bought that, but they trotted it out every year.
Reconciliation meant that the budget just kept growing.
Now, here’s Trump.
He’s cutting some thing past the bone and to the death.
Uniparty rhetoric doesn’t work on him.

Next up is the trotting out of a few anecdotal “horror stories,” aimed to tug the heartstrings.
And, also look out for the violence.
Some will take to the streets, others will try to “do a Luigi.”

Whatever collateral damage might come of this suspension and audit, it’s the fault of those who could have insisted on oversight instead of jumping on the abuse band wagon. If someone doesn’t put oil in their car and the engine seizes up, it’s not the mechanic that is rebuilding the engine’s fault that the dumbass can’t drive anywhere. Extreme abuse will require extreme action to repair the damages.

The long term planners are having their feet knocked out from under them, I heard there are some 400 of these slush funds. After all how else would we be unable to get out of debt while raising taxes and finding new things to control?

Democrats don’t care about anyone but themselves. Thus, when you see them screaming and whining about the suspension and audit of USAID, there can be NO DOUBT that it is driven by the loss to their own pockets. It is amazing how much Trump learned about government over the past 4 years. He is DEFINITELY outmaneuvering the left up one side and down the other.