By Tyler Olson
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday thanked his lawyers and senators who voted against his impeachment conviction and foreshadowed his political future in a statement following the 57-43 Senate vote to acquit him of inciting an insurrection.
“I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth,” Trump said. “My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.”
He added: “This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.”
Trump did not make any statements during the impeachment trial, and his statement Saturday is his first all week.
The vote Saturday was significantly more votes than the 48-52 vote in his 2020 Senate trial but still 10 short of what would have been needed to convict.
Trump also foreshadowed his political future.
“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun,”
Historic win.
Unlawful impeachment attempts: 2
Actual Trump impeachments?
Un-impeached Trump. Victorious again.
@Nathan Blue: Teddy bear Cruz is cutting it up on Twitter.
Can you imagine a member of congress actually sworn in to tell the truth? Nancy Pelosi no less, no wonder the whole witness thing crashed and burned.
America 2 Totalitarians 0
@Eric Farrands: How could Trump “call off the hounds”? They weren’t his. There is no possibility a case this weak would ever be brought in a legitimate court. As was clearly shown, there WAS no incitement. Dream on.
@Eric Farrands:
@Deplorable Me:
If you can still support Trump after learning that he knew Pence had been evacuated and still didn’t issue a public statement urging rioters to go home until hours later, then you’re a bigger scumbag than Trump.
@Craig Melendez:
@Craig Melendez: Sorry, moron. That’s not the silver bullet you’re being indoctrinated to believe it is.
And you’re a f*cling scumbag for supporting Marxists who ignore the law, due process, and rig elections.
The Capitol riot was a false flag.
Leftists commit the violence. Not Trump.
@Nathan Blue, #8:
So you’re suggesting that Trump was going to abandon his Vice President to a angry lynch mob of violent leftists?
Oh, is that the latest hoax?
Partisan garbage. Easily dismissed.
Any headway on that real impeachment for Dictator Biden?
That’s actual evidence and not doctored videos.
@Craig Melendez: How do you think Trump could control the mob that was in the Capital? They were led and motivated by BLM/ANTIFA and were not following any directions from Trump. I’m not so stupid as to consider someone guilty of a charge when all the evidence proves otherwise. Anyone that does is a scumbag, especially when they refuse to hold their own leaders to the same standard.
How can you support the idiot Biden when he has incited and not called on BLM/ANTIFA to cease their violence? How can you support the idiot Biden knowing he got to the White House through fraud? How can you support the idiot Biden knowing he is a life-long racist? How can you support the idiot Biden knowing he is a CCP puppet? You’re a bigger idiot than he is.
@Greg: Trump told the mayor and Congress he had 10,000 troops ready at their disposal. Why didn’t they call on them? Why is their negligence Trump’s responsibility? That’s why the cowards backed away from witnesses; their culpability would have been exposed. In fact, why are they so stupid as to obviously believe this was the first incident of violence that has ever happened? Had left wing violent behavior been faced by law enforcement and put down harshly in the beginning, no one would have the impression that storming the Capital was nothing but an opportunities for selfies. Yet, even as this national embarrassment of a farce procedure was ongoing, BLM/ANTIFA attacked DC, Seattle, Olympia, Portland and NYC WITHOUT a word of denouncing the violence from Democrats. Beyond any argument, the left promotes violence committed in its name.
@Nathan Blue: Yeah, that’s the latest hoax they are throwing against the wall hoping it sticks to SOMETHING. Of course, their followers are mostly stupid enough to embrace it.
comrade greggy poo: so why weren’t you in d.c. to protest? no bus ticket, bike broken, dui on drivers licence with yellow plates would have been a problem. are you a member or supporting member of black terrorist movement or antif**k-up? Trump played the child abuse killer rankin and the scum bags commicrats and treasonous republicans like a jv girl’s field hockey team. The Art of the Deal, you really need to read it.
During the bogus and faux impeachment trial the commicrats debated and fawned over over words of their choosing. the habits of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency of which the commicrats engaged in. Likewise, the tongue is the most mobile structure in the human body. William Blake wrote:
A Truth that’s told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.
Suggest that you aquire, if you have the financial resources a book entitled Language in Thought and Action by S.I Hayakawa and Alan R. Hayakawa.
@Deplorable Me, #11:
Because neither the mayor of Washington DC nor Congress have authority to do so, Sherlock.
Only the President of the United States has authority to activate Washington DC’s own National Guard. The specific task of the DC National Guard is to protect DC and respond to such emergencies. That’s their entire point.
Only the President of the United States—and the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army by presidential delegation—have authority to call state units of the National Guard into Washington DC. That includes the National Guards of Maryland and Virginia.
Why the hell do you think people were frantically trying to call Trump for help?
Well, SHERLOCK, they absolutely do. Unless Trump calls a state of emergency, THEY are the ones that call the Guard. Plus, as we have seen, there was ample intelligence for them to have had increased law enforcement presence there before hand. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this was set up and STAGED.
@MOS#8541, #12:
The Senate impeachment trial vote was 57 guilty vs. 43 not guilty, and a number of those voting not guilty—including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a long-time Trump supporter—subsequently opined that Trump was clearly guilty of dereliction of duty and failure to honor his oath of office, but that they voted to acquit because they believed it was unconstitutional to try a man who was already out of office. McConnell made that statement on the floor of the Senate after the trial. It is not part of the official Senate record.
McConnell also openly acknowledged that Trump’s election fraud claim was a lie, as pretty much everyone but Trump’s cult followers already know.
I don’t believe William Blake has actually weighed in on the matter.
@Deplorable Me:
Uh, no. Neither the Mayor of DC nor Congress have any such authority. They ABSOLUTELY CANNOT call out the National Guard. They are nowhere in that chain of command.
Nor is Mike Pence. VP Pence called the Pentagon to request National Guard assistance because the Acting Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army have delegated authority to activate the nearby Maryland National Guard. If they elect do so, they are of course answerable to the Commander in Chief.
Neither of them could have ordered the DC National Guard to respond to the emergency. Only the President can call out the DC National Guard. That authority has been delegated to no one else.
An order from Trump would have resulted in immediate action. All he had to do was pick up the telephone.
@Greg: I just keep asking the same question, expecting, foolishly apparently, an answer one day. IF the evidence was so clear that Trump was guilty, WHY did the Democrats feel they had to LIE and edit video? Couldn’t they, as the Republicans did, simply provide the actual evidence?
NO ONE is fooled by their corruption. It’s simply a matter that some accept it.
I guess while they pretend to honor and respect the Capital Police, Schumer, Pelosi and McConnell have been blaming them for their own incompetence. Now, where’s Officer Sicknick’s autopsy? Why does that have to be hidden? Hiding something? Something there the left doesn’t want known?
@Deplorable Me, #18:
Well, what?
Chief Sund was requesting permission from the Capitol Police Board to allow him to ask for National Guard support two days before Trump’s rally speech had taken place. He had concerns. Apparently his superiors didn’t share them. There was no violent right-wing protest or siege of the Capitol Building in progress.
What bearing does that have on the fact that Donald Trump sat on his posterior for two hours after mob violence ceased being a hypothetical occurrence, ignoring pleas to send assistance?
@Greg: Your hatred blinds you from obvious facts. First, how did Trump incite anything days in advance? Next repeat again WHO is requesting the National Guard. Apparently someone other than Trump can get that done and Trump HAD made 10,000 troops available.
Apparently, Democrats WANTED this to happen.
@Deplorable Me, #20:
You are 100 percent WRONG on that point, as has already been explained.
Only Trump could activate the District of Columbia’s own National Guard units—no one else can do so. Only Trump, the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of the Army could send any state National Guard units into the District of Columbia—no one else can do so. Neither the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the Army is likely to do so when their Commander in Chief is capable of making such a decision.
January 7, 2021 – VERIFY: Who controls the National Guard and how are they deployed?
@Greg: Yawn.
Guess it’s time to own the fact that an un-elected dictator has the capital of our country under military control…because, well…he’s a dictator.
Too bad they couldn’t impeach Trump. He’s the untarnished 45th President of the United States FOREVER.
All the partisan media tripe is dismissed, since we know Billionaires are the prime swamp creatures who took over the government decades ago.
“What am I signing?”
“The country over to bankers and the primitive, un-cultured wannabes of the CCP. Nothing you haven’t signed before, Joe.”
“Only Trump” was supposed to do a lot of things, including being protected under the Constitution from hoax accusations and false trials.
The occupation of DC is on Democrat hands, period.
you are clueless to who is William Blake . you were never educated in the classics.
@Greg: Who deployed 35,000 troops?