Matt Walsh:
OK, can we be done with this clown now?
The support Trump has received so far is baffling. Absolutely baffling. He’s a moderate liberal who knows how to spew a random succession of “right wing” talking points to get attention. That’s all. The guy has been a Hillary Clinton booster for years. He’s supported Democrats for years. He was pro-choice until recently, when he decided to try to trick gullible conservatives into supporting him. He can SAY whatever he wants now, but look at what he has done. He has consistently put his billions into supporting politicians who take away freedom, oppose gun rights, oppose immigration enforcement, oppose rights for the unborn, oppose traditional marriage, oppose economic liberty, and oppose everything else Trump’s supporters should be in favor of.
So what are these people doing? Have they not even taken the time to read, like, three paragraphs of this dude’s biography? He’s a liberal through and through. Always has been.
He gets credit for “telling it like it is,” but he doesn’t tell it like it is. He tells it how he needs to tell it to get attention. The fact that he’s sometimes right is a mere coincidence. Have you actually listened to him speak for an extended period of time? Did you actually listen to his campaign announcement? It was a disjointed, arbitrary assortment of Republican-esque rhetoric. He happened to be correct in some of it, but so what?
Meanwhile, he’s an arrogant, self-obsessed Hollywood liberal with two failed marriages and four bankruptcies to his name. Yet the exact crowd that should see right through him — the precise demographic that should absolutely reject charlatans like Trump — fell for it.
And now look. He belittles POWs and claims McCain isn’t a war hero because he was captured. This article leaves out the part where he says McCain isn’t a war hero, but he said it.
I don’t like McCain as a politician at all. I think he’s dishonored himself in his political career in many ways, and his more recent attacks on the Tea Party have been embarrassing and shameful. He’s been a career politician who refuses to just retire and let principled conservatives take control of the party. He’s a big part of the reason why the Republican Party has been such a failure on the national stage.
BUT to degrade his service and attack him for getting captured is despicable. Period. These are not the comments of an honorable man. These are the comments of an attention starved hack who, by the way, dodged the draft himself.
So come on, conservatives. What in God’s name are you doing? This has gone on long enough. I’m reading some of the comments under this article here, and from what I see, the first dozen are still defending Trump.
What in the world is happening? Can these people really not see Trump for what he is? Or do they really think that everything can be forgiven so long as Trump continues to say things that sound kind of conservative-y?
God help us.
Rich said:
And now he lives in Loonafornia. Well, guess that explains his progressive mind set.
You can bet that if puppies were being sucked out of their mommies before their natural birth, and the puppy parts being sold for animal research, he would be shouting about it from the roof tops. Human babies? Not so much.
@Redteam: I would agree that your continual gay bashing and insinuating that I’m gay—–that would sure surprise my wife—-as well as your bizarre infatuation with gay apparel,would lead many to believe that you, in fact, are a closeted gay.Makes absolute sense.
@retire05: Where have I ever said I am for “sucking babies out of their mothers”–I oppose abortion. I would always counsel adoption and make that process much easier.
@rich wheeler:
Geez and you were soooo proud. Big announcement, getting into the homosexuall movement, big parade, homosexual apparel (don we now our gay apparel) Huge celebrations, parties, parades rainbow lights and flags and now you tell us you ‘re sorry you got involved, it was a big mistake, you weren’t really coming out, your wife would be surprised. Your announcement said y’all were in it together. You may have my permission to surmise whatever you please, but now at least we don’t have to guess about you. You made all the formal announcements, you don’t get a ‘do over’. Get an official release from the movement there and we might pardon you, but I doubt it. Gay bashing? It’s you that is in reverse. I’m not backing up from anything I said.
@rich wheeler:
back tracking on killing babies also? You’ve always said you support the right of mothers to kill their babies. It’s usually done with a vacuum process. Opposing abortions and supporting the mother’s right kill their baby does not fit in the same sentence.
@rich wheeler:
I just quote back to you what you’ve said. You’re the one that made the grand announcement.
@rich wheeler:
Read what I wrote. I did NOT say “Rich says he is for sucking babies out of their mothers”
So? You also oppose cruelty toward animals. But when was the last time you participated in a pro-life event? Wear a pro-life t-shirt? You can say you oppose it all you want but as long as you don’t work to end abortion, you are giving tacit approval to the practice. Comparing your advocacy against animal cruelty to your advocacy against abortion, the babies lose out.
@Redteam: You have a very vivid imagination which is WHY I think you are most likely gay, I’ve never heard you mention a wife.
I said that we walked in the L.A pride parade with other Mercy For Animals activists—no wild clothes , no flags other than an MFA banner. We walk in Veteran Parades as well. Our goal is simple—advocate for the animals wherever we can.
@rich wheeler:
Rich, stop digging. The hole is deep enough.
I don’t think I have ever heard or read a quicker reversal. You come out bursting with pride, yeah, marched in my first homosexual parade, lights, flags, rainbows, gay apparel and the frills, never had enjoyed anything so much in his life, now only two weeks later. Who me? Anybody that reminds you of your comments must be gay, you don’t even know what ‘gay’ is. Must’ve been somebody else. What me worry? Did the head of the homosexual movement kick you out, or what? What, you’ve now denied it three times before the cock has crowed? Oh well, as I said. You can stop digging now.
but they can keep killing babies at their leisure.
@rich wheeler:
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha… Go home Rich, you’re drunk. You’d have to be to think either of those two one digit RINOs have a chance at the nomination. And there is no way in hell that the Republican base, TEA Party voters or many others aside from Hispanics would vote for that loser ticket.
With Hillary’s continually sinking ship, another Loser RINO ticket is the only thing that could save her, so it only makes sense that that is exactly what Democrat and Webb fantasizing Rich wants us to vote for. Note a Rubio or Bush nomination means Hillary wins, because conservatives and Tea Party voters will not come out and vote for another RINO who’s policies make them little more than a Democrat in Republican’s clothing.
Poll: Carly Fiorina Makes Top 10 in Two National Polls
Oh, and Rich should take note that Trump is in the #1 position in both polls. (Meanwhile Hillary is still sinking and Jim Webb remains at 1%.) Which means that the other GOP leaders had best take a serious consideration of why Trump is currently #1 despite all the negativity by his primary opponents as well as the best efforts of the MSM including Fox news to sink his battleship.
@Ditto: A third party run by ego driven Repub/Dem/indie Trump assures Dem victory.
You can cherry pick polls or look at Real Clear Politics average. Trump at 18%..He has highest negatives of anyone running—can he turn that? We’ll see.
Fiorina?? Could be Veep pick of Walker—You like that ticket?
It seems Donald Trump is living rent free in Rich’s head.
@Ditto: That’s right Ditto, aren’t you so thrilled that Rich is trying so hard to help the Republican ticket? I think he’s kinda petrified that Shrillary will be their nom and go down like a sinking ship.
One thing we don’t need is someone from the DC elite to add to the weight of the sinking ship. These people go to DC saying they will represent their state and people and all they do is become power and money hungry. There are very few Reps or Sens that actually seem to be interested in doing the job they were elected for.
It really does seem that the liberal lefties are so delusional that they think they can elect Bernie to complete the countries move to full fledged socialism. We need to throw her an anchor.
@rich wheeler:
I’ve been posting the latest polls as they come out. That’s not “Cherry picking” it’s posting where the current standings of candidates are. . Why would you think I would give any credence to “poll averaging”? Poll results change as new developments come to light. “Poll averaging” is not going to give you an accurate report to where the candidates stand today.
We don’t know yet whether Trump will run third party, so it is ridiculous for you to speculate on it, especially as you are so clearly frightened at the prospect of having a President Trump. He certainly would be better than the Marxist, sociopathic con-artist amateur currently holding the office.
It is really far too soon to make a fair consideration of the candidates as the primary season has just begun and the first debates haven’t even started. I know you Democrats like to make your political decisions with little to no information like good little useful idiots, but Conservative voters are not that way.
@Ditto: President Trump—You can’t be serious Ditto. Do you really think this guy is a Conservative?
Does anyone else believe that? I think he’s a carny.
@Rich Wheeler: Rich, just curious. Kerry said he didn’t think/ or wouldn’t say that Obama would obey the law if the Congress doesn’t approve of his Iran deal. Do you think Obama would or should obey the law as passed by congress ‘over his veto’?
@Redteam: Obama vetos–Both houses need 2/3 override– That’s the law. That is what needs to happen–Like S.Carolina –you said they’d override–wasn’t close.
Override is tough. It will be close.–I personally don’t like the treaty and neither does Webb.
@rich wheeler:
Obfuscation. Here is the question again:
Do you think Obama would or should obey the law as passed by congress ‘over his veto’?
@retire05: Of course he should.
@rich wheeler: F. you missed the question. I said do you think he will obey the law? even if it’s passed over his veto. I just want to see if you think the president has to obey laws.
@rich wheeler: I’ll give you a C- on that answer. Took you two tries to get it correct.
@Rich Wheeler:
I think there is a possibility that Trump makes it to the General election simply because he is the only person (aside from perhaps Senator Sessions.) who seems concerned about what the middle working class folk have consistently said in polling what their main issues are (Job creation, a return to the American Dream for US children, Securing our border, and stopping the out of control illegal immigration which is adding to crime and who have been competing with the US workforce for jobs, and who are one of the main reasons why wages have remained low.)
I’ll not make any decision on whom I support until a few debates have come and gone. Certainly I’d rather have a conservative, but it it is very important to me to first know where they stand. Tell us Rich: As you and your fellow Democrats keep telling Republicans every presidential primary season that they need to nominate a “moderate” candidate, why do you so fear Trump, that you deem it necessary to dissuade Republicans from supporting him? If you are so damn sure that Trump can’t win, what the hell do you care if he runs? What are you so afraid of?
The liberal socialists, which includes you Rich, sure are afraid of him.
@Redteam and Ditto: I”m only afraid that when he drops out he WON’T run third party. Truth