Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media: poll

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The Hill:

The Trump administration is more trusted than the news media among voters, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The administration is considered truthful by 49 percent of registered voters and untruthful by 48 percent.

But the news media is less trusted than the administration, with 53 percent calling it untruthful and just 39 percent finding it honest.

The numbers split along party lines, with nearly 9 in 10 Republicans saying the Trump administration is truthful, compared with more than 3 in 4 Democrats who say the opposite.

The Emerson poll found that 69 percent of Democrats think the news media is truthful while 91 percent of Republicans consider the Fourth Estate untruthful.

Independents, meanwhile, believe both the administration and the news media are untruthful, with 52 percent saying the administration is untruthful and 47 percent saying the same about the media.

The poll echoes Gallup’s annual poll on the public’s trust in media

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With only 32% who still trusts those lying liberal journalists they have a long way to go

From the Emerson College Polling page article, America Trusts Trump More Than Media, Oppose DeVos for Education Secretary:

“The national data was weighted by 2016 election results, gender, party affiliation, race, age and region. It is important to remember that subsets based on gender, age, party breakdown and school carry with them higher margins of error, as the sample size is reduced.”

From Applied Survey Methods, A Statistical Perspective:

Ideally, a selected sample is a miniature of the population it came from. This should be reflected in the sample being representative with respect to all variables measured in the survey. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case. One of the problems is non-response. It may cause some groups to be over- or under-represented. Another problem is self-selection (in a online survey). If such problems occur, no reliable conclusions can be drawn from the observed survey data, unless something has been done to correct for the lack of representativity.

A commonly applied correction technique is weighting adjustment. It assigns an adjustment weight to each survey respondent. Persons in under-represented get a weight larger than 1, and those in over-represented groups get a weight smaller than 1. In the computation of means, totals and percentages, not just the values of the variables are used, but the weighted values.

In other words, the individual responses of some classes of surveyed people counted more heavily than others; the individual responses of members of under-represented groups counted as more than one response, while the responses of individual members of over-represented groups were counted as less than one response.

What classes of surveyed people did Emerson weight?

“The national data was weighted by 2016 election results, gender, party affiliation, race, age and region. It is important to remember that subsets based on gender, age, party breakdown and school carry with them higher margins of error, as the sample size is reduced.”

The total sample size was 617 people. “Media” is being lumped together in the poll as a single, monolithic entity. The net result of all of the vague elements involved is that you can toss any conclusions that might be drawn from the resultant numbers as totally meaningless.

@Greg: Oh no! Stats! That’s Greg’s bullsh*t game! Oh no you di-ent!

Don’t even try to distort facts like Greg does. He’s really, really into his own self-perception of being better at analyzing than anyone else.

..that will hopefully go away, once he gets into his 30s…

Getting into my 30s would require a time machine. I celebrated my 20th birthday during a one-year tour of duty in Vietnam.

The big problem with the Emerson poll is that they are comparing Trump with “the media.” They’re not differentiating at all between the most reliable news and information outlets that adhere to the highest standards and the tabloid birdcage liners you might see while standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. Donald Trump is always equal to Donald Trump, but not all media news outlets are equal.

The relevant poll questions are #13 and #14. As you can see, there isn’t even a direct either/or comparison between Trump and “the media” being asked about. They’re comparing the weighted responses from two different questions.

Even if two had been combined into a single, direct comparison question, the question would be total nonsense. It would be like asking, “Who do you trust more, Donald Trump, or all other news sources combined?” Or “Which do you trust more, in general…Donald Trump’s statements, or the statements of all other persons?”

I keep advising people to turn on their critical thinking abilities. Stop letting other people tell you what your conclusions should be. A lot of people telling others what they should think are not particularly smart. Many who are smart have ulterior motives.

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won
Journalists, media types, reporters, you have two choices: you can fix these problems, or you can watch your profession go down in flames

Trump lies constantly. Anyone paying attention knows this for a fact. Keith Olbermann lays out how the media should deal with it. He’s got it right.

Keith olberdork, right. He is a bastion of intellect, not…..

Olbermann is, in fact, very smart. And Donald Trump is, in fact, a habitual liar, who has surrounded himself with accessory liars.

“Alternative facts” are nothing less than lies.

People notice. The media is focusing on it. Trump is in need of a major distraction. There’s a serious possibility this is going to result in an unnecessary war, sooner rather than later. First, an excuse will be needed—something that can be characterized as in imminent threat.

If you’ve ever watched any three nights of his show, you know that Olbermann went to Cornell. But he always forgets to mention that he went to the school that offers classes in milking and bovine management.
Indeed, Keith is constantly lying about his nonexistent “Ivy League” education, boasting to Playboy magazine, for example: “My Ivy League education taught me how to cut corners, skim books and take an idea and write 15 pages on it, and also how to work all day at the Cornell radio station and never actually go to class.”
Except Keith didn’t go to the Ivy League Cornell; he went to the Old MacDonald Cornell.
The real Cornell, the School of Arts and Sciences (average SAT: 1,325; acceptance rate: 1 in 6 applicants), is the only Ivy League school at Cornell and the only one that grants a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Keith went to an affiliated state college at Cornell, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (average SAT: about that of pulling guards at the University of South Carolina; acceptance rate: 1 of every 1.01 applicants).

@July 4th American, #9:

An agricultural and life sciences college… What a total waste of time. And he’s such a failure in life. (Net worth, $25 million—earned, not inherited.)

Robert C. Baker, who invented the turkey dog and the chicken nugget, went to Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I would think you’d appreciate the significance of that, being a corn dog yourself.

Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is ranked #7 in the nation among Agricultural and Biological Colleges. Olbermann is inclined toward humorous, self-deprecating commentary. That might be lost on someone who thinks Donald Trump’s constant boasting is the norm.

@Greg: And this was performed differently than other polls? Get a life Greg. The media has no credibility anymore after publishing articles with out verifying sources. They even make up fake news!@Greg: Olberman was also fired for cause!

@Randy, #11:

The media is going to put the Trumpster in the dumpster.

They gave him a spotlight for months without comment, figuring enough people would figure out the bullshit for themselves. Enough didn’t. So now they’re going to give him the spotlight, with running commentary. It’s not the media vs. Trump; it’s reality vs. Trump. It’s what Trump himself does and says.

Even FOX is getting nervous about this guy and his entourage. The business with Flynn and the Russian ambassador? Uh oh. What happens if people notice what’s going on in eastern Ukraine? Trump’s still talking up Putin. Great guy! One helluva leader! Murdered political enemies? Hey, the U.S. kills people too! Stories like these are not going to play well together.

And then we have the Donald seated at the table in Mar-a-Lago, taking an official call on his shoe phone about the North Korean missile launch as Prime Minister Abe, his translator, waiters, and other assorted dinner guests and attendants sit and move about within easy listening distance. Somebody even got a photo of Rick, the guy who trots around at the President’s heel carrying the nuclear launch codes and briefcase. Security-wise, this is all pretty much totally nuts, and people are going to be quick to figure it out.

There Was A Security Fiasco At Mar-A-Lago, It Just Didn’t Involve The Silly Facebook Photo

ShowUsYourTaxes: Here’s Every Time Donald Trump Has Said He Would Release His Tax Returns

Which he now refuses to do. And the GOP chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee won’t ask him to do so. Because:

“My belief is that if Congress begins to use its powers to rummage around in the tax returns of a president, what prevents Congress from doing the same to average Americans,” Brady said. “Privacy and civil liberties are still important rights in this country, and [the] Ways and Means Committee is not going to start to weaken that.”

Well, my belief is that he repeatedly said he would do so, to reassure voters who would have taken questions about what he might be hiding far more seriously had he not made such a promise. Had they not been so reassured—that is, lied to—they might well have decided not to vote for him. There are, in fact, many unresolved questions about potential conflicts of interest and foreign entanglements that could affect the security of the United States of America. Questions involving Russia, to name just one.

It is also my belief that the President of the United States is not an ordinary citizen doing an ordinary job with ordinary responsibilities, and consequently must be held to much higher standards concerning disclosure. You should expect to surrender part of your privacy as an ordinary citizen when you become the most powerful public figure in the land. If you don’t like it, don’t run for the office.

@Greg: You really are superficial Greg. You have no capability to determine reality from falsehood, right from wrong or proper behavior to improper. You are a true blue lefty who has gulped the kool-aid and asked for more.

CNN Reporter Didn’t Know SHE Was Still On The Air, Admits Obama PAID THEM To Lie

If you happen to watch CNN, you’ll know that the network has become a front for the Clinton Campaign and a bastion for spreading liberal nonsense. Now, a report by one of its own journalists has found that CNN has also taken bribes from foreign countries.

The CNN reporter who blew the lid on this issue was none other than Amber Lyon, formerly employed by CNN and an “award winning reporter.” Yesterday, Lyon “blew the cover” on the network’s suspicious business practices.

Lyon claims that CNN “is paid by the U.S. government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others.” Lyon also told us that the network is a tool for the Obama Administration to manipulate the information the American Public gets to see.

Lyon claims that Obama has been controlling what we know through CNN, her former employer.

Lyon’s findings suggesting that the network acted as an information filter for the Obama Whitehouse has confirmed the suspicions of many that government corruption reaches far into supposedly non government sectors of America.

A few years ago, Lyon was interviewed by Joe Rogan, and revealed some very shocking testimony concerning her reporting of the 2011 Arab Spring Protests in Bahrain.

Lyons being interviewed by Joe Rogan about her experience reporting the 2011 Arab Spring in Bahrain

During Lyon’s interview with Joe Rogan, she explained that she and another female colleague were part of a 4 person team sent by CNN to Bahrain in 2011. Arriving in Bahrain, Lyon noticed something very odd- the United States government had been supplying over $1 billion worth in weaponry- including tear gas- to the oppressive Bahraini regime looking to suppress popular protests in the country.

Lyon was threatened by United States government personnel while staying on a U.S. Navy base in Bahrain. She was told not to report the incident, or face grave consequences.

Instead, CNN told her to be quiet and not report the Bahraini government’s suppression of peaceful protests, but was forced to report complete lies.

Sit back and enjoy this one, Tucker Carlson destroys this leftist political hack….

BRUTAL! Tucker Carlson Destroys WaPo Hack and Paper’s Entire Credibility in One Short Interview (VIDEO)