Trudeau has lost control of the country.

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Thread by Candice Malcolm

Trudeau has lost control of the country.
Invoking the Emergency Measures Act — the most sweeping set of powers available to a prime minister, the act that replaced the War Measures Act — only confirms his complete and utter failure at dealing with a positive, optimistic & peaceful grassroots movement.
This comes 18 days after he dismissed this movement as a “small fringe minority.”
The Freedom Convoy will go down in history as one of the most powerful & effective protests in our history. It’s inspired “Canadian-style” freedom convoys all over the world, overzealous rules are being removed, failed leaders are being replaced.
Trudeau has been absent all weekend, hiding out somewhere, having closed door meetings with no updates, showing no leadership whatsoever. This comes one week after a poll showing BOTH sides of the convoy blame Trudeau the most.

After initially fanning the flames, smearing the truckers & sounding remarkably delusional & out of touch, Trudeau stepped back. He seemed to acknowledge he was making things worse, so he almost disappeared, waiting for someone else to solve problem. Police, Mayor, Premier?

This is where things get really interesting. One of the most remarkable things about the protests is the relaxed, almost supportive attitude of the police. Many seem simply unwilling to arrest & break up these protests (even when they’ve crossed into civil disobedience)
This has clearly triggered Ottawa journalists. They are fuming and furious that the police aren’t cracking down, towing the trucks, issuing mass fines and arresting the protesters. They desperately want to the police to do Trudeau’s dirty work and end this thing.
Instead, we see many videos like this (that angered the journos & led the Ontario Provincial Police to launch an investigation). The police are trying to de-escalate tensions, keep the peace. But also, culturally, they’re on the same side as the truckers.

They don’t want to arrest their friends, guys they play hockey with, ppl they go to church with, went to high school with. They don’t want to stop people who are (rightly & bravely) standing up against unjust & illiberal laws. Especially when public opinion has sharply so shifted

So suddenly Trudeau wakes up, realizes he’s lost control and that every day he’s absent is another day the protesters are emboldened and his supporters think he’s failed. So he leaks to the media that Emergency Measures are coming and will come out this afternoon swinging.
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Unfortunately for Trudeau, his sweeping powers need to be enforced by someone. The police, the military, the towing companies have all to varying degrees thus far refused. Will issuing stronger, louder warnings in his serious grown up voice change their minds?

Or will issuing *yet another* set of “temporary and emergency” powers (after two bloody years of “temporary and emergency” powers) simply show a leader who is angry, out of touch and more interested in fortifying his own power than in doing what is right for Canada?
It’s a serious gamble, one that requires others to do the heavy lifting and be on the front line against peaceful protesters, families, blue collar workers, veterans and the diverse group of Canadians who want their freedoms back.
Final point here (aimed to those claiming law & order conservatives are hypocrites for supporting the convoy).
The rule of law is based on the principle that laws are just, equal and fair. Bad laws undermine the rule of law and need to be stopped. That’s what this is all about.


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Will Canada turn into France? France where they tear gas women and children, pull over cars with small french flags and pull guns on them?
Those Schwabb young leaders sure are a$$h0les.
Australia was reportedly using sonic weapons on the crowd, the police all had earplugs in.
I know these measures endear them to the fascist leftist crowd that Trudeau knelt with.
One pic out of France made me lol, a mostly peaceful farmer with a liquid Macron spreader aimed at the police.

Trudeau allowed police to destroy multi-million dollar farming and building equipment simply to PREVENT it maybe being used in the truckers’ convoy!
The insurance companies say these machines are beyond repair and must be replaced.
The gov’t is liable.

Electrical damage including the cutting of battery cables, starter solenoids, glow plug solenoids, and control box wiring was inflicted. Additionally, a number of fuel lines and filters were removed with their intakes being spray foamed shut.

Fizzard asked the officer to confirm “exactly what the damage was done by the RCMP.”

“I don’t know what we did to disable those vehicles, Syd,” Savinkoff stated. “The specific steps that we took to disable those vehicles, I don’t know.”

So, is this what the people want?
A gov’t that destroys private property under the suspicion it might be used in a peaceful demonstration?
1st someone else’s.
Next, yours.

Video at above link.

The backlash is going to be so broad, so fierce and so intense that Castro Bastard Boy will wish he’d never been in charge.

What the protesters just saw WAS backlash.

Nazi Backlash, that’s for sure.

What the protesters just saw WAS backlash.

I predict, they ain’t seen NUTHIN’ yet.


The people wanted them to leave the damn bridge, the government got a court order that they do so, they were notified and told they should leave or be arrested—and then, after giving them sufficient time to do so, they were.

Unfortunately, they can’t be billed for the estimated $51 million dollars in lost wages that they inflicted on the working families of Michigan.

Last edited 3 years ago by Greg


Is that the new talking-point number?

$51 million to the “working families” of Michigan…as the Canadian Government ignores and illegally seizes millions given to working truckers and their families as they fight off illegal mandates that cost them money and do nothing to end the pandemic?

You really don’t think this sh*t through, do you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nathan Blue

Nah, Comrade Greggie doesn’t think this sh*t through.

He just types what his handlers tell him to type.

I think he really is some clueless old coot who has nothing better to do than help the Marxists he adored in Vietnam win.

But like AJ/Ron said he never said he worked at Amazon, whoever is using the “greg” account today might forget they/it/zhe claimed to be a Nam vet.

I think his Fonda fetish went too far. Adopted her ideology just in case he gets a chance, as most beta-males do.

You should wipe Trump’s fingerprints off of your brain before talking about other people’s “handlers”.


News flash, useful idiot; Trump was not my initial choice. But I would vote for Daffy Duck before I voted for Hillary the Hore.

Unfortunately, your party put Daffy Duck in the Oval Office on January 20, 2021.

No surprise it upsets you to have someone mention your handlers. Do they give you your instructions in English or Mandarin?

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario in Canada have now all announced they will be removing the use of covid passports. the tighter Castro’s bastard son squeezes the more the slips from his slime dripping grip.

You should wipe Trump’s fingerprints off of your brain before talking about other people’s “handlers”.

Wow! You must really realize you’ve gotten your ass kicked to fall back on your “Trump! Trump! Trump!” mantra.


A group of lawmakers led by Mitch McConnell is reportedly trying to cut Trump off at the knees.

There are approximately 1 million reasons why the words “Donald Trump has won the 2024 election” should send shivers down people’s spines, up to and including the prospect of again watching the president of the United States board Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe, and seeing Christmas ruined for countless children by the leader of the free world. Probably the number one reason, though, is the minor matter of the guy making it abundantly clear that the rules don’t apply to him, plus the sneaking suspicion that if he managed to make his way back to the White House, he’d order the military to invade states whose governors he didn’t like or have his enemies put to death

I don’t think she likes this guy very much.

Unfortunately, many members of the Republican Party have no interest in stopping Trump, either because they’re absolutely terrified of experiencing his wrath, or they think he’s the greatest thing that ever happened to the United States (and have already pledged their undying loyalty to him). Which makes a New York Times report, one stating that a group of politicians led by Mitch McConnell is trying to cut Trump off at the knees, a hopeful development.

As Mr. Trump works to retain his hold on the Republican Party, elevating a slate of friendly candidates in midterm elections, Mr. McConnell and his allies are quietly, desperately maneuvering to try to thwart him. The loose alliance, which was once thought of as the GOP establishment, for months has been engaged in a high-stakes candidate recruitment campaign, full of phone calls, meetings, polling memos, and promises of millions of dollars. It’s all aimed at recapturing the Senate majority, but the election also represents what could be Republicans’ last chance to reverse the spread of Trumpism before it fully consumes their party.

Mr. McConnell for years pushed Mr. Trump’s agenda and only rarely opposed him in public. But the message that he delivers privately now is unsparing, if debatable: Mr. Trump is losing political altitude and need not be feared in a primary…In conversations with senators and would-be senators, Mr. McConnell is blunt about the damage he believes Mr. Trump has done to the GOP, according to those who have spoken to him. Privately, he has declared he won’t let unelectable “goofballs” win Republican primaries…

I never thought I’d say it, but I wish Mitch McConnell luck.

Last edited 3 years ago by Greg

Yes. Trump is the Majority, and he was costing the uniparty installs lots and lots of money.

Trump will never be charged, never be arrested, never serve any time or fines.

To attempt it is the kind of further insurrection on the part of the Democrat Party that will finally see the Majority move to have them removed from power.

I never thought I’d say it, but JUST TRY TO ARREST TRUMP. It will help us get back to democracy sooner.

In the Texas Republican primaries, EVERY candidate vies for favor by touting support for and/or from Trump. Even George P. Bush claims he will “finish Trump’s wall”. Opponents are attacked for being “rinos”. Trump, his policies and his successes are WILDLY popular and the left’s ongoing false accusations only bolsters his popularity and erodes the credibility and trust of Democrats… if there is ANY left at this point.

mcconnell is no match for MAGA. When the republicans retake control of the Senate, mitch can be nowhere near leadership. If it is even possible, mitch may be more compromised by the CCP than biden…

Source: Vanity Fair, known for their far left propaganda and support for Democrats. Trump becomes more popular every day, especially compared to the utter failure of idiot Biden. A great big, gigantic “I told you so.”

Bush 43 is part of this effort to prevent DJT’s return. They see the writing on the wall and the coming red wave of 2022 and 2024. They believe that positioning now will keep “their” cabal afloat. News to Bush 43, mcconnell and mccarthy, the gig is up…

The people wanted them to leave the damn bridge

And the reports and videos of the people protesting the truckers blocking the bridge are where?

Back up what you say.

Are you in mourning that your favorite liar, Rachel Maddow, is “on leave”? Or are you preoccupied with trying to find a video of Stelter choking his chicken during a Zoom meeting?

Your disorder is sufficiently apparent that there’s really no need to comment on it.

If Trumpists take over the House and Senate, you’ll get what you truly deserve.

Can’t be worst than high gas prices, wars in the ME and eastern europe, continued slavery in China, open borders spreading covid and human trafficking, drugs killing more George Floyds every day, our own government installing itself, and hyper inflation.

As trump said in 2016, what do you have to lose?

Our country is a disgrace and the normal American is being fleeced of the prosperity a competent Trump helped restore.

No sane person would trust Biden or the establishment.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nathan Blue

As trump said in 2016, what do you have to lose?

If we give him half a chance, he’ll show us.

As much debt as Trump has, do you think he considers inflation a bad thing?

I thought Trump was a rich Billionaire extorting money out of the poor and getting paid by the Trillionaires of the world?

Oh wait, that’s Biden and Pelosi.

And concerning “leverage”…it’s an educated business thing. You wouldn’t understand.

But the news can misreport it and get you to dance like a monkey.

Only a Democrat would consider inflation as “revenue.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Nathan Blue

If we give him half a chance, he’ll show us.

He did have half a chance. And he showed us border security, energy independence, economic prosperity and opportunity, trade equity, national security and respect around the world.

Now, what has the idiot Biden showed us? Incompetence, stupidity, open border, energy dependence on adversaries, economic disaster, MORE COVID, Afghanistan debacle, world-wide embarrassment.

Let’s give Trump the REST of his chance. The nation and world really needs him now.

The request is pretty simple; you claim “the people” are demanding the bridge be cleared. Where’s your proof? Only the elitist socialists want to ignore the obvious and easy way to end this (i.e., END THE STUPID F**KING MANDATES) PEACEFUL protest.

There are huge cracks in your short sighted brain stem, not all Canadian MPs are hep on Castro Jr.s emergency declaration, or federal over reach.
The premiers of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan joined Blanchet(Quebec) in opposing Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act on the truckers.

Unfortunately, they can’t be billed for the estimated $51 million dollars in lost wages that they inflicted on the working families of Michigan.

UAW strikes shut down jobs all down the supply chain. What ultimately ends the strikes is negotiations. Fidel Trudeau is too gultess and elitist to sit down and hear the concerns of dirty, stinky, not-rich-off-of-China-investments truck drivers, so he chooses fascism.

END THE MANDATES!. Problem solved.

That expensive equipment was NOT on any bridge, Greg.
It was in a field on the farm land of the owner of the equipment.
The RCMP destroyed these farm machines because they MIGHT be used in the protest!
MIGHT be used!
What’s to stop police under this thinking from destroying your stuff even sitting parked in your garage?

BTW, in news this AM, California has dropped the mask mandate.
The USA’s CDC is going to drop it this week.
Canada’s mandates are so yesterday.
The truckers have won.

The solution to this is so simple, so easy, so painless. Just END THE MANDATES, you stupid, papered, candy-ass simp! Now, he will spread the protests all across the social spectrum.

The Trudeau’s are traditional admirers of Chinese Communist dictators. Pierre was beloved by Mao because he spoke in support of the communist regime while ignoring the atrocities. This has extended on through Castro, Jr., who also supports Xi and ignores the atrocities. Now, I guess he’s ready to commit a few atrocities himself, just to see what it feels like.

Seizing and plundering your oppositions resources is a war maneuver.
With these new powers lil Castro can just empty anyones bank account at will. They have taken over 1 million US already, no negotiations simply dictates to those that are done with dictates. Justins polls are sinking lower than Bidens.

Conservatives can live through these kinds of totalitarian crackdowns.

It’s the sheep the Left used as voting cattle and quislings. They are ones who pay the real price.

Invoking the Emergency Measures Act

I guess the “Enabling Act” had already been used by another Nazi.

Is Canada going to be like in Australia will they become a Police State with that Imbecile Trudeau running his Nation into Ruin? This idiot needs to be replaced

Leftist always over-reach because they are authoritarian and all the world over people just wanna be free.

News in the Regime of Canada
Swing low sweet chariot
Tow truck drivers that will not cooperate with Massa Justin will be arrested.

Breaking — Ottawa police chief just resigned…

I heard that I guess not being able to shoot to kill was wearing on him.

The American truckers convoy starts soon.