Top Scientist Backs Team Debunking Greenhouse Fraud

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World leading scientist slams the greenhouse gas effect and endorses the work of a rising group of independent climate analysts. Move signals further collapse of cornerstone of man-made global warming among top tier of world scientists.

Will Alexander is Emeritus Professor of Civil and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He has come out to issue an unequivocal statement endorsing a new paper published by a think tank of independent climate analysts known as the ‘Slayers.’

Alexander’s comments are intended as a wake up call to COP17 international climate delegates converging on his native South Africa in Durban at the end of November. The top hydrologist declares:

“the whole climate change issue is an exercise in futility. There is no analytically believable evidence that links greenhouse gas emissions with adverse climatic changes.”

In ‘Earth-centred climatology: Memo 10/11’ (September 17, 2011) Professor Alexander showcases ‘Copernicus meets the greenhouse effect,’ a new paper by Canadian researcher, Joseph E. Postma that exposes crucial flaws in key government climate equations that incorrectly model Earth as if it were a constantly radiating star. It is this error, says Postma that leads government climatologists in their mistaken belief there is a ‘greenhouse effect’ trapping industrial heat and causing man-made warming Earth.

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The more time elapses, the more time real scientists have to evaluate the results of climate models and the underlying assumptions. Who would have thought that the Sun would cause the Earth to warm?