Top Ten Things Almost As White As Keith Olbermann’s Staff10. The Oakridge Boys
9. The South African Army Officer Corps, circa 1932-1985
8. John Kerry’s annual Harvard/Princeton Crew Race Pre-Party
4. Hall and Oates, if Oates were actually named Hollis Brower Sturbridge III and was a frequent attendee of John Kerry’s annual Havard/Princeton Crew Race Pre-Party
3. Deerfield Academy’s 2011 Mathletes Team* (*Note: I’m counting AZN’s and Indians as “white” for these purposes, but — and I do want to stress this — butonly for these purposes)
2. Alas, we are saddened to know for a fact — Anthony Weiner’s shaven underscrote
…and the number one thing almost as white as Keith Olbermann’s pale-hued crew…
1. The staff at every other liberal media operation
This picture must contain all the people that still watch KO.