Today’s Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System

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Stella Morabito:

There will be more street theater in the days to come. Every week after President Trump’s inauguration, the headlines have been full of protests: at local townhalls for GOP members of Congress, campus events, counter-protesting pro-life demonstrations. If you are of sound mind and watched the anti-Trump demonstrations unfold on Inauguration Day, then during the recent anti-speech riots at the Cal Berkeley and New York University campuses, two developments probably stood out to you.

First, you could see how violent rioters systematically infiltrated and punctuated those purportedly “largely peaceful” protests. I dare say, the Black Bloc presence and body language looks eerily similar that of ISIS terrorists, right down to the black hoods and masks.

Second, there is a particularly cult-like feel to the behavior of these mobs: the incoherence, blind rage, encouragement of lawlessness, and utter hostility to anyone who doesn’t conform to their mindset. It’s an anger sustained by vilification tactics reminiscent of the “two minutes hate” in Orwell’s novel “1984.”

Rather than acting as individuals who exercise rational thought, participants in these mobs act more like atomized parts of manufactured hives. They have been deployed at the drop of a hat—at airports, town halls, campuses—no doubt to create the illusion of mass resistance to a duly elected president and his administration. Such mobs are also aggressively pre-packing and swarming town halls of GOP members of Congress in solidly GOP districts.

To what purpose? The professed hope, as stated by founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA Carl Dix as well as Princeton University professor Cornel West, who are founders of the Soros-funded group,  is to mobilize “tens of millions” of resisters into the streets to bring down the Trump administration. Sen. Tim Kaine recently lent them his relatively moderate voice by calling for people to resist the Trump administration “in the streets.” Former President Obama gave them a shout-out as well.

If aggressive mobs can deploy enough warm bodies through their organized pyramid scheme of recruitment, the reasoning goes, then law enforcement will be overwhelmed and have to throw in the towel. Or maybe what’s left of civil society will devolve to civil war.

We’re In an Ideological Cold War

Those who are pushing for sustained street resistance seem to be banking on two things. First they are betting that mainstream Americans won’t realize until it’s too late that we are in the midst of a virtual civil war that could turn violent. Dennis Prager recently wrote of this Second Civil War, warning Americans to wake up to it. Second, agitators are also wagering that Americans will not have the stomach for the prolonged fight they intend to bring to the streets, a point noted by psychologist Tim Daughtry in his book “Waking the Sleeping Giant.”

So is this some kind of a joke? Revolution in the streets of America that overturns the election results? So far it all sounds so goofy, at least where it doesn’t get violent. We can watch in wonder as a shrieking NYU professor verbally assaults numerous police officers with the sort of impunity only afforded to the far-left. We can assure ourselves that there aren’t that many irrational people. Even if true, however, that’s beside the point. Too many citizens are at sea in understanding what freedom even means.

We need to ask ourselves: What brought us to this place where the losing side has so utterly and violently rejected the peaceful transfer of power from one president to another, and previously agreed-upon electoral process and rules? It’s past time to ponder the quote from Thomas Jefferson: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Destroying Our Education System Got Us Here

Let’s face it. Today’s street theater is the culmination of decades of radical education revision. The radical Left’s systematic attack on the study of Western Civilization has essentially been an attack against the study of any and all civil societies. It is an attack on the features that make a society civil and free. Those features include freedom of expression, civil discourse, the Socratic method of figuring out truth, value of the individual, and a common knowledge of the classics of history and literature that help us understand what’s universal in the human experience. All of that had to go.

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Two more of these NEA controled campeses that need to be totaly cut off from any funding and abolish the the Dept of Education its now the Dept of Indoctrination run by the NEA

Isn’t it ironic that relies on the fascist playbook to push their socialist agenda.

“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means” (Inigo Montoya)