As Noah Glyn noted the other day, apparently Nancy Pelosi is not content to let Harry Reid win the title of shabbiest congressional leader uncontested. She says Republicans want to poison children with E. coli. Or something.
“I say to [Republicans], do you have children that breathe air? Do you have grandchildren that drink water?,” Pelosi asked. “I’m a mom and I have five kids . . . as a mom I was vigilant about food safety, right moms? If you could depend on the government for one thing it was that you had to be able to trust the water that our kids drank and the food that they ate. But this is the E. coli club. They do not want to spend money to do that.”
The dishonesty and/or stupidity of all this is really quite breathtaking — and obvious. First of all, you could cut government funding down to 1950 levels and still have money for food safety. But this is what liberals do. They metaphorically lash children to the fenders of government so that the budget cutting blade must slice through them first. Then, after insanely putting them in harm’s way, they proclaim it is the sane budget cutters who seek to harm children. In fairness, sometimes liberals hold the young human shields in reserve and put firehouses, historic monuments, and old-age homes outside the budgetary walls of the fiscal keep.
More from Mark Steyn @ The Corner:
Jonah, it’s not just that Mitt Romney hasn’t paid any taxes since 1975 and that Bain Capital is the planet’s largest distributor of E. coli which it manufactures in petri dishes offshored to Mitt’s safe deposit box in the Cayman Islands, but that Mitt will kill your loved ones five years after his minions lay you off. Just because he can. He doesn’t have to meet you. You might show no outward signs of ill health. You might even have a job and health insurance. But you bear the Mark of Mitt, and decades later when you keel over and expire it’ll be because he once laid off your brother, or your cousin, or your hairdresser’s sister, or someone who once heard something from someone who knows Harry Reid.
Sounds like something Romey’s wife said when questioned about showing the rest of his tax returns: “We’ve already shown you people enough.”
Portland, Oregon issues westside water-boil alert after E. coli found in reservoir
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Who was president that day?
Who controlled the House AND the Senate?
In July of 2012, Galveston, TX had a boil order for water because of E. coli, too.
Remind me, where was Nancy P?
And was Obama president back then?
Also in July 2012 Portland, Oregon (again) had E. coli detected and another boil water order!
That was while Pelosi and Obama still held office, right?
In June of 2012, South Dakota had to issue a boil order because of the presence of E. coli in their drinking water.
What are Obama and Pelosi doing about this epidemic???
Boston, 2010.
Maybe we need new leadership in the Executive branch as well as in the Senate.
Obviously Obama is not up to the task of safeguarding our water supply!
@Liberal1 (objectivity): Your a disgusting waste. Please do your share for our environement and assume room temprature as soon as possible.
@Common Sense:
I believe that his demise would add greatly to Global Warming. All of that hot air escaping as Lib1 deflates.