Daniel Greenfield:
The last time a feeble leader of a fading nation came bearing “Peace in our time,” a pugnacious controversial right-winger retorted, “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war.” That right-winger went on to lead the United Kingdom against Hitler.
The latest worthless agreement with a murderous dictatorship is being brandished by John Kerry, a man who instinctively seeks out dishonor the way a pig roots for truffles.
John Kerry betrayed his uniform and his nation so many times that it became his career. He illegally met with the representatives of the North Vietnamese enemy in Paris and then next year headed to Washington, D.C. where he blasted the American soldiers being murdered by his new friends as rapists and murderers “reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”
Even before being elected, Kerry was already spewing Communist propaganda in the Senate.
Once in the Senate, Kerry flew to support the Sandinista Marxist killers in Nicaragua. Just as Iran’s leader calling for “Death to America” didn’t slow down Kerry, neither did the Sandinista cries of “Here or There, Yankees Will Die Everywhere.”
Kerry revolted even liberals with his gushing over Syria’s Assad. Now he’s playing the useful idiot for Assad’s bosses in Tehran.
For almost fifty years, John Kerry has been selling out American interests to the enemy. Iran is his biggest success. The dirty Iran nuke deal is the culmination of his life’s many treasons.
It turns America from an opponent of Iran’s expansionism, terrorism and nuclear weapons program into a key supporter. The international coalition built to stop Iran’s nukes will instead protect its program.
And none of this would have happened without Obama.
Obama began his rise by pandering to radical leftists on removing Saddam. He urged them to take on Egypt instead, and that’s what he did once in office, orchestrating the takeover of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and across the region. The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, but Obama had preserved the Iranian regime when it was faced with the Green Revolution. Now Iran is his last best Islamist hope for stopping America in the Middle East.
Obama and Kerry had both voted against designating Iran’s IRGC terrorist ringleaders who were organizing the murder of American soldiers as a terrorist organization while in the Senate. Today they have turned our planes into the Air Force of the IRGC’s Shiite Islamist militias in Iraq.
Throughout the process they chanted, “No deal is better than a bad deal.” But their deal isn’t just bad. It’s treason.
Obama isn’t Chamberlain. He doesn’t mean well. Kerry isn’t making honest mistakes. They negotiated ineptly with Iran because they are throwing the game. They meant for America to lose all along.
When Obama negotiates with Republicans, he extracts maximum concessions for the barest minimum. Kerry did the same thing with Israel during the failed attempt at restarting peace negotiations with the PLO. That’s how they treat those they consider their enemies. This is how they treat their friends.
A bad deal wasn’t just better than no deal, it was better than a good deal.
Obama did not go into this to stop Iran from going nuclear. He did it to turn Iran into the axis of the Middle East. After his failures in the rest of the region, this is his final act of spite. With the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood and the decline of Islamists in Turkey, supporting Iran is his way of blocking the power of his successors in the White House to pursue a more pro-American foreign policy.
Obama made this deal to cripple American power in the Middle East.
Iran get to keep its nuclear facilities, its reactors, including the hidden underground fortified Fordow facility which Obama had repeatedly stated was, “inconsistent with a peaceful program.”
The deal gives Iran a “peaceful” nuclear program with an equally peaceful ballistic missile program. It puts into place a complicated inspection regime that can be blocked by Iran and its backers. It turns Iran into the new North Korea and the new Saddam Hussein, lavishing money on it while running future administrations through a cat and mouse game of proving violations by the terrorist regime.
Not just those 2 buffoons…the entire democrat party leadership.
Just look at the effectiveness of Slick Willie’s nuclear treaty with North Korea in stopping them from getting the atom bomb. Obama, Kerry, and the RINOs who enabled this agreement with Iran – where we caved to every Iranian demand – have smoothed the path not only to Iran getting the bomb, but also.gave them over $100 billion to further foment islamic terrorism.
Treason is too light a term for what these scumbags committed.
Kerry likened Assad to Hitler–how does this deal “help” Iran get the bomb?
He is, in fact, consolidating his territories as The New Emperor of America. Here’s photographic evidence.
@Rich Wheeler:
It lifts sanctions on Iran.
It gives the Iranians $100 billion to use to keep working on getting their bomb and foment for islamic terrorism.
It gives the Iranians a minimum of 24 days to stall (and hide their nuclear weapons efforts) if the IAEA ever tries to do an on site inspection.
It does nothing except make it easier for Iran to build an atomic bomb, all while falsely claiming it will “slow them down”. This is a repeat of the Clinton stupidity with the North Koreans. Obama caved to every single Iranian demand, and got nothing but a worthless piece of paper from the Iranians, who are even more untrustworthy than Mr. “You can keep your doctor if you like him”.
It is treason. The only thing this criminally insane agreement will lead to is a nuclear arms race between Middle Eastern countries that think dying while engaging in brutal slaughter of infidels is a ticket to their version of paradise.
Republican Lawmakers Vow Fight to Derail Nuclear Deal
Uh huh. Derail the nuclear deal. And then what? So far they haven’t said anything about that part of their plan.
Surely they have an alternate plan. “Derailing the nuclear deal” without an alternate plan would be stupid.
Our Congress has been threatened..
by a putz.
I am waiting to see if they have any backbone THIS TIME to go against this b/s “legacy” of the Liar in Chief.
Our Money is going to people who will surely, without a doubt, use it AGAINST US…they Hate Us…
How do these stupid people NOT SEE this??
Obama and Kerry (and Hillary) are treasonous, as are those who make weak excuses for their treasonous activities.
It is amazing how stunningly accurate D’Sousa was in his documentary on Obama.
Anyone with more critical thinking ability than that of an inebriated, elderly mushroom can see what a craven, traitorous, utterly insane agreement Obama and Kerry have made in total surrender to the evil Iranian thugocracy.
For all the outright lying by Obama that this agreement will delay the Iranian thugs from developing atomic weapons, we have nothing but the word of the lying Iranian terrorists that they will comply – and now we are hampered with having to go through an international mediator to re-institute economic sanctions against Iran if we somehow are able to determine they are violating this agreement.
It is beyond comprehension that Obama would – if he actually cared about US national interests – would accept what this agreement says. The man is a disgrace to the office of President, and his contempt for this country is shameful.
I still haven’t heard any details about the GOP’s alternate plan. That’s because they haven’t got an alternate plan.
Here’s the reality of the situation:
If they successfully derail the Obama administration’s deal—which no one suggests is a perfect solution—the two remaining options will be either highly risky military intervention, or a year or two of useless hand-wringing and political finger-pointing as Iran quickly moves ahead and then achieves its nuclear weapon objective.
So, do you want a less-than-perfect agreement that rolls back Iran’s nuclear program while increasing its visibility? Or do you want no agreement at all, which means you must quickly choose between the two remaining options?
Bear in mind that our republican-controlled Congress has already demonstrated an incapacity for decisive action on any politically controversial issue in the run-up to the 2016 general election. So, I’m guessing we would probably be looking at 15 months of useless hand-wringing and political finger-pointing, while Iran accelerated rather than rolled back it’s nuclear program.
@Greg: It is, of course, now too late for an “alternate plan”. However, Congress established a plan long ago, and Obama pretended like he supported it; impose devastating sanctions on Iran until they came to the negotiating table, ready to negotiate.
Guess what… it WORKED. But, what did Obama do, first thing? Lift sanctions. From then on out, the Iranians played the tune and Obama and Kerry did the dance.
In fact, Obama talked a tough game all the way to the end; then he caved, totally and completely.
The alternate plan? NEVER have such an anti-American despot like Obama in the White House EVER AGAIN.
“Less than perfect agreement” is like referring to Bruce Jenner as a “Less than perfect woman”. This deal was a complete capitulation to the Iranians.
This deal in no way slows down the Iranian nuclear program, and the idea that agreeing to a 24 day period for Iran to hide their efforts increases the visibility of their nuclear program is delusional.
MAD doesn’t apply here as a potential deterrent, because the islamic thugocracy thinks a) the West is too cowardly to ever use nukes, and b) they welcome the chance to die for Allah while killing infidels.
This craven act of weakness will result in greater death and destruction for the world than any military effort to destroy the mad mullahs – which should have been done in 1979 after they invaded our embassy – just as we experienced in WW II because the war weary West refused to stop Hitler when he occupied Alsaice-Lorraine in 1936. Unfortunately the moral fiber this nation once had that enabled us to defeat Germany and Japan is in far less quantity these days.
No, it isn’t, and repeating the claim doesn’t make it so.
I have yet to hear any rational alternative approaches detailed by Obama’s critics. That might make for a worthwhile discussion.
If republicans shoot this down without having a credible alternative, they’ll own the consequences. Lots of luck trying to pin them on the Obama administration.
Refer to the link in my post #8. Then by all means educate us as to what Kerry negotiated that was not total capitulation to the Iranians. Denying facts doesn’t make them any less true, Greg.
The ridiculous talking point you leftists rehash from your obamacare defense of “We have to accept this fetid crap sandwich of collosal failure, because the republicans don’t have an alternative solution (that we leftists find acceptable, that is) arrogantly insists that only leftist-acceptable feelgoodism is allowable, consequences be damned.
This debacle:
1) Ends all sanctions against Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism.
2) Gives Iran, an evil nation whose leaders regularly call for death to the US and Israel, over $100 billion to use in building their atomic weaponry and to fund islamic terrorism.
3) Limits international nuclear inspections to only “declared” nuclear sites, and shields undeclared sites from inspection.
4) Prohibits any Americans from being on the international inspection teams.
5) Allows Iran to continue using all of its nuclear enrichment centrifuges – whose only purpose is to produce weapons grade nuclear material, not nuclear reactor fuel.
6) Gives Iran 24 DAYS in which to move, hide or otherwise conceal nuclear weapons activity before a site inspection can occur.
7) Prevents resumption of economic sanctions against Iran for violations of the agreement, forcing mediation through an international body.
8) Overturns criminal charges against at least one Iranian general who committed international terrorism.
9) Forces the federal government to take legal actions against US states that have laws prohibiting investment in companies that do business with Iran.
10) Leaves 4 US citizens held captive in Iran languishing in captivity (juxtaposed against the 5 terrorists Obama ordered traded for the traitor Bergdahl).
11) Relies on the Iranians to be truthful that the uranium they turn over is really 97% of their stockpile.
Yes, Greg, tell us how this agreement isn’t a total capitulation to the muslim terrorist government of Iran, and does anything to slow down their efforts at building a bomb….
Wow…the chirping crickets sure seem loud, don’t they?
If Obama was Hitler, Gullible Greggie would be Goebbels.