Thread via Eddie Zipperer
Interesting number from the new Harvard-Harris poll: “The police” are one of the most popular U.S. institutions with a net favorability 19 points higher than the CDC, 24 points higher than the FBI, 33 points higher than the DOJ, and 83 points higher than Antifa.
That explains why Democrats are out there now pretending they supported the police all along.
Most important issues facing the country:
37% Inflation
29% Economy
23% Immigration
What issues do you think GOP is focused on?
37% Immigration
24% Inflation
21% Economy
What issues are Dems focused on?
27% Jan 6
25% Women’s rights
23% Climate Change
Voters say Dems are most focused on Jan 6 which ranked as the 19th most important issue facing the country. Then women’s rights which ranked 5th. Then Climate which ranked 8th.
Meanwhile, the three issues people see GOP as most focused on rank 1, 2, and 3
On all three of the top issues facing the country, people said they were more likely to vote for GOP on those issues
Inflation: GOP+12
Crime: GOP+12
Immigration: GOP+11
If we go down the list to issues Dems are focused on, we find that even on the issues their focused on, Dems don’t have big leads on those issues:
Jan 6: D+2
Abortion: D+3
Climate: D+5
OMG! Here’s a number that should wake some Dems up: 64% say that rising crime is “the fault of woke politicians.”
A majority, 52%, of DEMOCRATS say rising crime is “the fault of woke politicians”
GOP wants to close the border to illegal crossings, increase incarceration of criminals, and reduce gov spending. Does this appeal to you?
60% total said this platform appealed to them. 45% of DEMOCRATS said this platform appealed to them.
36% of GOP says that Biden’s election in 2020 was illegitimate, but 32% of Dems say that Trump’s election in 2016 was illegitimate.
Really interesting poll. You can view the whole thing here:
Defunding the police was a stupid idea that appealed to stupid people who blame police when a CRINIMINAL assaulted a cop and wound up dead. It was a strictly Democrat phenomenon. Reasonable, rational people can see that if the cop is proven to be at fault, the cop will suffer the consequences, not an entire city police force. But Democrats love to pander and they chose to pander to a small minority that blames police for criminals committing crimes instead of the vast majority that want crimes punished and criminals in jail.
Democrats are the king of stereotypers; they see a few hundred black con artists, creating a crisis so they can rake in millions and live in mansions and believe that is how every black person thinks. The same goes with Hispanics who, in reality, appreciate leeching illegal immigrants about as much as the rest of us do. They should get out more because, when they do, they suddenly find out that the vast majority of the citizens do not (surprisingly) like being mandated to be a crime victim.
Watch the Useful Idiots with their stupid Defund the Police Signs and Banners then we is left to protect their sorry little persons from Home Invaders or robbers when they have had the citizens disarmed as well.
Three things:
2.Also black life in America under dem leadership, progressive DA’s and Atty Gens as well as defunded police has suffered greatly.
Higher crime is impacting them disproportionately in dem-run areas.
As they shut up about defunding the police, dems running for election and re-election shut up about it, too.
3. Dems lie and get away with lying, so why not just say that “Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.