I broke KDJ’s Rule #4 of How to Remain Happy: Don’t argue with commie dunderbutts on Facebook.
The first Stalinite all but begged me to debate him this week about how “racist” white Americans are and how they refuse to accept their racist notions. I showed him the mother of all truth bombs: FBI graphs showing that, though white people outnumber black folks five to one, black people kill more than twice as many white people as vice versa every year.
Then I educated him on who is behind 85% of anti-Asian violence.
I walloped the man-bunned testicle-hater with a list of the women and girls raped and murdered by illegal immigrants. I informed him that lying to lawful people about who is targeting them is cowardly and dangerous. I invited him to help me warn people — especially women — who are targeting them for violence. He blocked me.
FACT-O-RAMA! Pushing “victimization” is a key factor of the Marxist plan to conquer America.The Bolsheviks pitted the poor against the Kulaks in the early days of the U.S.S.R.. Today, Democrat divide Americans by race, which the Marxist group BLM has done for years.
Check out this brief video below to see how communists weaponized “victimization” to a grisly conclusion in the former U.S.S.R.
Race-baiting isn’t just a lucrative side hustle for toilet dwellers; it’s a necessary ingredient for the Marxist stew we find ourselves swimming in today. As a former New York City liberal, I understand the recipe very well:
- Declare a group of people to be oppressors of another group.
- Appeal to the weak, scared, and malcontented people. Assure them that they are not only victims but that hating the oppressors also makes them “noble” and better than they are.
FACT-O-RAMA! Weak people need to feel good about themselves. If you convince them that the so-called oppressors are “evil racists” and combatting them is a sign of honor, they will happily denigrate and even violently attack the alleged “bad people” for a phantom sense of self righteousness.
- Convince the same people that if they aren’t 100% on board, they will become the bad guys. This will ensure that they remain faithful.
- Instruct them to ignore any information that does not agree with the narrative.
Yes, Marxism is a cult.
Another dolt, who called himself a “Marxist sympathizer,” admitted to falling for nine of the blue-anon conspiracy lies below, all of which the Pravda press pushed, but assured me Trump is the “greatest liar in history.”
A mental bellyflop who actually thought ivermectin is “horse goo” and believed every fib posted below, promised me that Newsmax is a lie-factory.
The commie cake recipe also requires a heapin’ helpin’ of fear, and the Democrats’ pantry has every component they need.
As the election draws closer, you will be bombarded by progressive, fear-mongering claptrap, including some of the Democrats’ greatest hits, such as:
The most amazing thing about leftist is even when they have been repeatedly lied to (and disappointed) by the Ministry of Propaganda, they will STILL rabidly and vapidly believe every NEW lie they are fed.
Liberal Democrats wont be Dancing in the Streets the Assassin failed and is Dead and here is hoping it gets worse for them just wonder who is behind this all
Those making the plans

I’m getting Snowpiercer vibes.
Zuck can run but he can’t hide.
There are always all those servant types on a boat like this.