Thread via Jonathan Weissman
This is the untold and shocking story of Pfizer’s 12-to-15-year-old clinical trial. Just 2264 adolescents were randomised between October 2020 and January 2021. I will describe the various related, serious and life-threatening injuries sustained by these youngsters.
1180 of these youngsters received at least one 30μg dose before the data cutoff date, 13 March 2021, comprised of 1131 adolescents during the blinded study and 49 from the placebo group, who turned 16, were unblinded and chose to be treated under the FDA’s recent 16+ EUA.
Although the study’s sample size was tiny and its statistical power weak, clinical trial data (however incomplete!) is as gold dust, as it represents a closed cohort. It can detect a crucial safety signal before treating every adolescent on the planet. Injuries included…
* 1 related life-threatening fever
* 1 related life-threatening anaphylaxis
* 1 related with “reasonable possibility” myopericarditis, hospitalised, “limited activity” advised at 2 months
* 3 on SSRI medication for depression, each hospitalised with symptom “exacerbation”
One more. Maddie de Garay suffered severe abdominal/chest pain and extreme numbness within a day of dose 2. She developed blood in her urine, mobility issues, is now paralysed and uses a nasogastric tube to eat. Mislabelled as “functional abdominal pain” and “neuralgia”.
Aside from those 7 youngsters, lymphadenopathy, swollen lymph nodes, occurred at a statistically significantly higher rate in the treatment group (9 vs. 2). Likewise for lymphadenopathy instances judged to be related to treatment (7 vs. 1).
The reactogenicity safety data is dramatic. These side effects were likely too obvious for the study blind to be maintained. The study’s administrators were unblinded anyway! Post dose 2, in the treatment group, 51% used antipyretic medication vs. 9% in the placebo group.
There were no severe COVID-19 cases in either group. What was the efficacy “benefit” for all these injuries? The clinical endpoint was symptomatic infection confirmed by an NAAT test. We don’t know the positive PCR Cts, the symptoms, nor whether transmission was reduced.
To reiterate, the study’s data cutoff date was 13 March 2021. These injuries were all known by the time:
* Pfizer boasted their drug was “well-tolerated”
* the trial results were published in the NEJM
* the MHRA extended their TUA
* the JCVI advised the UK-wide rollout
BONUS: There was an extra event in the open-label study:
* life-threatening serious adverse event hospitalised a 16-year-old with “depression”
This is aside from the 3 depression SAEs during the blinded study. No indication the youngster was taking an SSRI or depressed before.
I’ve now written up these related, serious and life-threatening adverse events from Pfizer’s adolescent clinical trial in a table. Remember, these occurred amongst only 1180 subjects. All of these adverse events occurred prior to Pfizer’s press briefing on 31 March 2021.
Well… mandate it anyway. Makes for good numbers. Human misery, health, death, loss doesn’t matter. Obey the mandates.
The risks from a 12-to-15 year old taking the vaccine is 30 times higher than the risk of catching covid for a 65-to-70 year old!
It is probably hundreds of times more risky for that young person to take the jab over getting the infection.
And now, that we have Pfizer-created “ivermectin-light” for hundreds of times the price of the generic ivermectin, there is an “approved” treatment should one catch covid.
So, these jabs need to be prohibited, not pushed on our youth.
Latest J.Couey post…
He shows us that it is clear that those who made all the mistakes, and on who’s behalf their critics were stifled by govt controlled media and their anti-social big tech allies and others, are admitting they were wrong. they want to be forgiven, as if they were doing their best (they clearly were’t) and as if they couldn’t have known they were wrong (they not only could have, but most did). And now they want us to forgive and forget?!
He then reviews some previously discussed immunology and introduces new (to his channel) material that is yet a further indictment of the malicious bunglers responsible for so much of the pain and suffering of the past 2 years.
His approach is to get as many people to understand the biology/immunology, so they can see for themselves why everything official we are being told about SARS-COV2 is wrong, And that it can not be wrong by accident.