Think The “Cancel” Mobs Can’t Get Any Worse? Think Again

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America is in the midst of one of the great moral panics in our nation’s history. If we don’t stand up for our nation’s core values, the situation could get even worse – and soon. If you’ve spent any time on social media in the last three weeks, you’ve probably noticed the organized campaigns to get college and even high schoolstudents expelled or denied admission based on their political views. You’ve also seen gleeful mobs celebrating as Americans lose their jobs for running afoul of someone’s momentary political obsessions.

In every sector of American society, people are having their careers destroyed to the pitiless baying of the “woke” masses. It’s happening in business. CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman spent 20 years building the fitness brand into a multi-billion dollar company, only to be thrown out of the empire he built for declining to go along with the “racism is a public health crisis”  dogma.

It’s happening in journalism. New York Times editor James Bennet, a liberal, was fired for publishing an op-ed by a sitting Republican senator advocating for a military response to nationwide rioting — a position the majority of Americans agreed with. The same fate befell Philadelphia Inquirer editor Stan Wischowski, who was terminated for approving an article that condemned looting and arson.

It’s happening in entertainment, in academia, and pretty much anywhere someone can be found who is not sufficiently supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement.

It’s even happening to people who didn’t do anything at all. An L.A. Galaxy soccer player was forced to resign because his wife tweeted that rioters should be shot. A lawyer in San Francisco was fired because his wife was rude to a man she thought was spray-painting BLM propaganda on a building that wasn’t his (it was). On Thursday, this Stasi-esque trend reached another level when a company called Equity Prime Mortgage fired the stepmother of the officer charged in the controversial shooting of drunk driver Rashad Brooks after he fought with and fired a taser at police. The stepmother was apparently fired for no reason other than family loyalty.

On Monday, the panic reached what one can only hope will be its peak when a San Diego Gas and Electric employee lost his job for “making a white supremacist hand gesture.” We’ve long since debunked the notion that the OK sign is somehow racist — that was just a fiction perpetrated by internet trolls — but in this case, this man lost his livelihood despite the fact he wasn’t even making an OK sign. He was apparently cracking his knuckles as he drove.

What America is going through right now is not merely another, more intense round of “cancel culture.” We’re now in the midst of a full-force, totalitarian remolding of our society, one that seeks to place the petty resentments of an outraged minority of leftist activists above everything else in American life. Because of their willingness to riot, loot, and assault anyone they perceive to be insufficiently sympathetic to their cause, leftists are able to bully ordinary people into submission. As a result, television shows such as “Cops” and “Live PD,” classic films such as “Gone With the Wind,” and iconic brands such as Aunt JemimaMrs. Buttersworth, and Uncle Ben’s rice are consigned to the “dustbin of history.”

I used to speak frequently to nervous conservatives who were convinced that if we only allowed the left to tear down Confederate war memorials, they would be satisfied. How quickly events have disproved that wishful thinking. From Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the western pioneers, activists are now coming after cartoon sports mascots and college fight songsEverything — from the core of our country’s history to the values and norms undergirding American culture — must be uprooted to appease the mob.

They are tearing down dozens of statues and facing no consequences whatsoever for vandalizing our public spaces — including memorials to our nation’s greatest heroes. When private citizens try to do the job the government won’t and protect our culture, our history, and our public property from destruction, local officials step in and remove the statues on behalf of the vandals, lest they injure themselves while imitating Iraqis celebrating the fall of Saddam Hussein.

These people are not seeking change at the margins. They are demanding a total cultural revolution, and cowardly public officials are giving it to them. If you look at this national outpouring of hatred and recrimination with horror verging on despair, I assure you that you are not alone. Tens of millions of Americans feel exactly the same way.

President Trump is doing exactly what an American president should do in a crisis like this. He is working to maintain law and order and prevent cowed local officials from allowing political violence to flare again. He issued an executive order to add to his legacy of reform and address legitimate concerns about law enforcement in this country. He also issued a separate executive order targeting the systemic bias in Silicon Valley’s censorship offices, which has allowed our social media platforms to become echo chambers for left-wing extremism and “cancel culture.”

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The left and only the left fear free speech and thought and seek to crush it. Totalitarian regimes hate free speech.

If you study history you learn that dictators, Pharaohs, Mohammad and many others made it a practice to destroy the cultural reminders of a conquered people.
It made it easier to control their new subjects if they were unmoored from their past.
The Left is acting like a conquering horde.
They are obviously taking their marching orders from puppet masters few of them could identify in a lineup.
Yes, they can get worse.
Everyday they are getting worse.

12 gauge 00 buck shot, deer slugs, 77 gr 5.56 and a fully auto 7.62 AK makes a big impression on a crowd in your lawn. killing several of these protesters send a nice message-don’t tread on me. none of these welfare free loaders with $200 sneaker, $1000 cell phones, millennium and snowflakes living at mom and daddy’s with an allowance think they will die. can you imagine the shock of a millennium/snowflakes parents receiving the news there child was killed while protesting- when they thought he/she was over to a friends house??
-“get off my front lawn or I will make you fertilizer.” simplicity!
Time to be an American and stand up to this tyranny. Your ancestors did and that is the only reason why you are here today
As a famed 3 star general in the AF, Curtis Lemay, during the cold war noted ” when you kill enough the rioting will stop”

Classic films such as “Gone With the Wind,” and iconic brands such as Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Buttersworth, and Uncle Ben’s rice are consigned to the “dustbin of history.”
If gone with the wind makes them sky scream, wait til the get a load of Blazing Saddles. Its safe for a minute they are still judging 1940 and havent reached 1974 yet.
With an average of 2,577 films produced each year around the world, they must choose those where black actors get oscars, poor Hattie McDaniel.
Divide and conquer down to the last shread of anything we have in common except the government and Pseudo experts that never did the job but have an incorrect opinion on tv.


marx’s manifesto destroy all of the current social structure and rebuild a new social order. terrorist obamshith – hope and change. does not get any more simpler