They’re Fluckeing us over

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For me the interesting part of the story is the ever-evolving “coed”. I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time, she was described as a 23-year-old coed. Magically, at the same time Congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception, she appears and is even brought to Capitol Hill to testify. This morning, in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show, it was revealed that she is 30 years old, NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.

In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.

While she is described as a “third year law student” they always fail to mention that she is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.

July 30 2011

Does your campus’s LSRJ chapter face opposition in regard to facilitating a comprehensive conversation about reproductive justice? Well mine definitely does! While my campus has a mix of people with different backgrounds, and a rich liberal arts community, the Midwest doesn’t exactly scream bleeding liberal. Some LSRJ chapters at conservative campuses face opposition in the form of other, more conservative, student run organizations; some face it from their administrations, and others from their peers, or the community in general. Whatever the opposition is, it can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening.

The question is, how do we combat this conservative opposition and oppression, in order to facilitate a discussion and educate others about the RJ movement? I am obviously not alone in facing these problems, as Sandra Fluke of Georgetown lead a packed room in a discussion on this question at the first Issue Caucus that I attended at the Leadership Institute, LSRJ’s national conference at Berkeley.

While no solution was definitively reached, and I personally don’t begin to have the “right” answer, I was really charged by the discussion and feel many great ideas were presented. Some campus chapters decided to take an adversarial approach, feeling it important to use those “scary” words the opposition fears.

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Years ago I read how the woman who “did the research” on how a woman’s standard of living goes down after a divorce was caught lying about her results. She knew for TEN YEARS that her stats were bogus. She claimed that during those 10 years she was making sure her other results weren’t off.
For those that don’t know, her study was the one that tilted things way in favor of women in divorces. It claimed their standard of living went down 75% with the man out of the picture. As a result divorce court judges gutted the husbands even when the divorce was no fault of the husband.
It turns out she was another radical leftist feminist who had no problem lying to advance her agenda. Leftist feminists don’t want equality. They want dominance over and the destruction of men.
Now I won’t pretend that men are always the innocent victim, but her work tilted things unfairly in favor of women. If we truly want equality between the sexes, we must treat them equally in the eyes of the law.

“……….she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy.”

Kind of like those lesbians who searched the Yellow Pages for Christian photographers then demanded one cover their ”wedding.”
The photographer’s filled schedule was overlooked in the media’s attempt to slime her as something-ist.

Domestic terrorist are part of the Democratic Machine. Where is the investigative journalism? Age, past educational history, past political associations, these are elements of a good journalist doing prior to doing anything. The bomb maker is the DNC,. The transporter was the media. The explosives were false and putrified information and political racism. The settings were , the hill and the today show. NOw we all know where nbc stands. There is an excellent new book out- Suicide Terror ed. by Falk and Morgenstern. All of you do need to read it. Smile America….domestic terrorist are now on tv and the hill. But than it takes skill to kiss ass on the hill. senator brown in ohio, knows all about ass kissing. he offered the deciding vote on opicare.

“conservative campuses”….. pull the other one. 😉

Just another shining example of someone who wishes for “liberation” from personal responsibility. And the disgusting thing is that people like this will “demand” that “liberation” from personal responsibility at all costs, including lying and promoting falsehoods.