They spied on Trump

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Techno Fog:

Special Counsel John Durman:
DNC/Perkins Coie allies – Rodney Joffe, et al. – exploited a sensitive US govt arrangement” to gather intel on the “Executive Office of the President of the U.S.”
They spied on Trump.

This wasn’t limited to the Office of the President of the U.S.
They also exploited data from Trump Tower, another Trump building, and a “healthcare provider.”
More on the conflict of interest re: Joffe lawyers and Sussmann lawyers.



Who is Rodney Joffe

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We all have known that they spied on President Trump. The media is the enemy of the people and they collaborate with the democrat party.

Trump and his corrupt enablers are the enemies of the people.

Trump and his corrupt enablers are the enemies of the people.

Any proof of that?

Guess not. Doesn’t help that Trump had a booming economy, low unemployment, no new wars, secured border, destroy Obamacare, and pretty much made the country great like he said he would.

Meanwhile, there are oceans of proof for the Russia hoax, the rigged election, the Capitol false-flag, and now just outright treason by our own government against the will of the People.

You’re so f*cked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Trump lives rent free in gregs walnut size brain

Trump’s rent is paid by millions of gullible people who keep sending him money, no matter what is revealed about him.

He paid about a billion of his own money to run for office. He also didn’t take a paycheck and gave that back to the country.

He’s f*cking legend. You have nothing to criticize, so merely demonizing fundraising itself is working for you? No. You look like a brainless drone.

He’s the opposite of the parasitic, money laundering politician that Biden and Pelosi exemplify.

NOTHING has been “revealed” about Trump. He continues to be innocent of all charges invented by a state that, as we know now, is truly illegitimate and defiled the Seal of the President.

The proof keeps mounting, greg. You serve a un-democratic authoritarian state that couldn’t stop getting paid by all that lobby money.

Trump wins again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Trump doesn’t shit his pants. Idiot Biden does, though.

There are differing explanations for why he was nicknamed “Diaper Don”. The least embarrassing was that it was a reference to his throwing of tantrums.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yeah, like the same reason he was deemed a traitor; Democrats are so envious, weak and incompetent that they have to invent reasons to hate and denigrate Trump. Whiny cry babies.

You have a very negative attitude. I suppose politics is the outlet for it.

You have a very negative attitude. I suppose politics is the outlet for it.

I am negative about you ever answering any of the questions posed to you. Obviously, you agree with my point.

There’s made up stories for Trump that get retracted a few weeks later.

There’s video and audio footage of Biden saying “I just got my butt wiped.”

Tantrums? That’s Biden when he gets asked good questions at his fake podium.

You got nothing.

If Trump was in any way dishonest, the spying would have revealed it. The corrupt, lying Democrats merely PROVED how honest Trump is.

Trump and his corrupt enablers are the enemies of the people.

Let’s see… WHO illegally spied on WHOM? Oh, and for all that spying, how much criminal activity was Trump found to be involved in? More proof HE is honest and Democrats are corrupt, lying scumbags.

…and for all that spying, how much criminal activity was Trump found to be involved in?

Still too early to tell. All criminal investigation of him was strictly off limits until he left office a little over a year ago. At that point he ceased to be above the reach of the law. Prior to it, he could only be judged by Congress, and his control over the GOP allowed him to evade, avoid, and then be absolved. But that Magical Immunity has ended.

National security is the absolute LAST consideration of Democrats and the left. They happily expose national security if it furthers their agenda. The only security they maintain is CRIMINAL security; protecting their own activities.

Still too early to tell.

No, it isn’t. Spying catches the parties off guard and exposed. If there was ANYTHING there, it would have been leaked the instant it was found. That’s the purpose of the spying!

So, spy on idiot Biden? Why waste the time; he proclaims his crimes on video. His idiot, crack-head, sexual predator son hands over laptops full of evidence. We can go directly to convictions with these turds, but law enforcement is now used as a political tool of the Democrats.

Trump: clean. Idiot Biden: dirty.

There will be no criminal investigation of Trump, and there will be no charges, no arrests, no nothing.

Your regime just showed us they are out to destroy Trump with false accusations, false stories, and now spying.

They have no authority to do anything to Trump, and if they try, there will be a very real and very legal reckoning.

Just let it go, stop rigging elections, and win on the merits of your platform.

That’s how democracy works.

Trump is the favorite to win a fair and free election in 2024. Any attempt to charge him with another made up crime will be insurrection and grounds for us to finally route out the deep state traitors we did not election.

They were surveilling Trump tower, which is why he bugged out.

Mike Rogers knew this

Last edited 2 years ago by DrJohn

Was Trump a sitting president when this happened? I think it was before then. It was one campaign watching another—possibly with damn good reason. Look at how the Trump campaign bombed Clinton. And there were the Russian hackers, the social media disinformation operation, and hacked material being strategically released on Wikileaks, run by a guy hiding out in a foreign embassy after exposing Top Secret information concerning the United States…

Now we’ve got the Stolen Election scam, the unceasing bombardment of Biden, Republican elected officials openly professing that they hope the chaos on the Ambassador Bridge spreads to every major American city…

Most attentive people saw the pattern a long time ago, but warnings went unheeded, and are going unheeded again.

I know you are trying to change the subject, there is no chaos on the Bridge. Your media is lying I have been checking in on live stream. No chaos in Ottawa, they had a live band 9 degrees and a peaceful concert.

Now we’ve got the Stolen Election scam

Glad you can finally admit that idiot Biden was installed via a scam.

Wah wah. You dipshits literally committed treason to undermine Trump. No sympathy.

Biden has bombed himself, and his pants.

Indeed, I being an attentive person have seen the pattern of government corruption for a long time. I’m a Progressive, and progressives DO NOT support crony capitalism and rigged election. We don’t support companies and politicians colluding, and we certainly don’t support inventing crimes on someone because you’d rather see you own candidate in office.

Clinton lost. Get over it.

Biden lost. Get over it.

You don’t own the country and you don’t get a one-party Democrat police state. That’s treason, and that’s tyranny.

Not on my watch.

Greg they were spying on the WhiteHouse how else did the FBI and WaPo get transcripts of Flynns phone calls?
You really need to get a brain scan or some type of test. I worry about you being severely jabby damaged.

You’re conflating the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign’s interaction with Russia with the privately contracted campaign opposition research that came before it. There WAS interaction between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives. The secret meetings are fully documented. And later, Trump’s newly-appointed National Security Advisor was discovered to have had undisclosed financial arrangements to work as the agent of a couple of significant foreign powers, not to mention undisclosed policy-related conversations with a Russian ambassador.

That’s very suspicious activity—the sort of thing that it would be totally stupid not to investigate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Having a national security advisor speak with an ambassador is suspicious behavior? Spying on a National security advisor is perfectly ok?
It isnt illegal for campaigns to speak to foreigners from any nation.
“Let me set the scene for you. It’s 2008, we are having an election, and candidate Obama, he’s not even president-elect, sends William Miller over to Iran to establish a back channel and let the Iranians know that should he win the election, they will have friendlier terms,” Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel said on NBC’s Meet the Press on May 28.
Was that just a dirty lie from the Clinton Campaign?
The spying had been going on since Trump became a front runner and never stopped.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

There WAS interaction between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives. 

The incoming NSA spoke with the Russian Ambassador. Official business, and Democrat spied on it, weaponized it, lied about it, withheld evidence about it and used it to hurt the country to try and hurt Trump.

That’s very suspicious activity

I’ll say. Democrats will destroy the country to grab power.

The incoming NSA spoke with the Russian Ambassador. Official business, and Democrat spied on it, weaponized it, lied about it, withheld evidence about it and used it to hurt the country to try and hurt Trump

And now we know the corrupt FBI used the fake report on Flynn to coerce veep pence(an out of the closet never trumper) to get Flynn fired. Flynn knew where the dead bodies were buried from the obama admin and he was a liability for the obama team going forward. That same obama team that is running the current biden junta. Time to be frank here; biden is an empty brain, empty suit. The machinations going on behind the scenes is team obama, bank on it…

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Jake “the Snake” Sullivan Was Right in the Middle of Hillary’s Trump Russia Collusion Lies – Now He’s Biden’s Nat Security Advisor

A real pencil neck soy boy who should go to prison for life for his role in treasonous acts against America

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

The FISA warrant was obtained illegally. There was no cause to investigate. Stop pushing an already debunked point.



There is no collusion, but there were crimes committed in paying for the dossier, entrapment of many, and undermining our government because crooked Hillary lost, as she should have.

I know your fringe websites cling desperately to the collusion myth, because they can’t admit it was you Democrats who cheated, not Trump.

Sunk cost fallacy. You are invested, and can’t even see that Trump has been completely exonerated of Collusion. It’s fact.

I see you choose to ignore the significance of one political party using the power of the federal government to illegally spy on an opposing candidate. Of course; it fits into the totalitarian police state character to maintain a single-party state. As long as YOUR PARTY is trampling the Constitution and violating every law and right that gets in their way, you cheer for it.

The Deep State and other decide who our presidents are. We suspected this, but Trump beating Hillary showed it to be true.

He had half the money. NO ONE ever wins in the election unless they have the most money. It’s fact.

Trump had nothing to do with Clinton’s downfall. She did it to herself, and you traitorous clowns can only whine about who leaked the info.

She did it. She’s guilty. It’s real, and it happened.

Then we get an insurrection in the form of a deep state and Clinton-paid temper tantrum about Russian Collusion.


It was and is insurrection. These people will be brought to justice, and our democracy restored.

Epic. This is why they are running the “Toilet” non-story, to keep the Leftist Cult completely blind to this damning and utterly nation-changing bit of information.

Our own government ran a coup against Trump.

It’s fact.

They’ve destroyed our democracy and must be held accountable to our Laws and the Constitution.

So they’re tacitly acknowledging that Trump was dumb enough to be sending sensitive, un-encrypted, official material over open internet channels?

Somebody should have been monitoring these bozos. No doubt Russian and Chinese intelligence operatives were doing so.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

No, you don’t spy on your own President. That’s treason. You don’t say you met with a foreign power behind the back of your Commander in Chief. That’s treason.

You’re not going to be able to spin this one…at all…you dumb f*ck.

Trump didn’t mishandle sensitive material. Hillary Clinton did.

Remember? The lady who put a server in her bathroom and torched 30,000 emails?

She should be serving in prison. You CAN’T POSSIBLY have any issue with Trump and not Clinton.

That would make you a partisan tool, and completely dismissible.

How’s CNN spinning this? How are they saying that spying on the Prez was a good thing, and saying it isn’t is actually treason or something?

You and your fellow bozo Marxists’ house of cards is coming down.

About damn time.

No, you don’t spy on your own President.

Trump wasn’t yet president when this occurred. He was a private citizen who was running for president.

evidence shows that Clinton was spying on Trump while he was in the White House. You just never can comprehend what facts are being written. Greggie, you continue to be irrelevant to any factual discussion. Curt needs to have a minimum IQ for those posting here. That would eliminate you greggie!

greg understands, he just doubles-down on his propaganda talking points.

This is huge. They literally spied on Trump in the WH.

Trump wasn’t yet president when this occurred. He was a private citizen who was running for president.

This is when they STARTED illegally spying on him. It continued while he was President (the last duly elected President this nation has had.)

The spying continued after he took office.

Keep up.

And stop supporting tyranny, will ya?

Greggie poo oh ye of little memory….was dumb enough to be sending sensitive, un-encrypted, official material over open internet channels?
I seem to remember an illegal home brew server in some clowns bathroom a certain SOS was running, then bleach bit of subpoenaed material, that was being transmitted in real time to China and lawdy who knows else. The government property phones that were hammered into oblivion used openly in areas that were easily picked up by Russia etc etc .No transcript FBI questioning of a certain criminally insane candidate for President and her aides.

You are pathetic. You bought into the Mueller gang and lost. On day one of the Mueller gang starting their “investigation” they knew it was bogus. You hung on every story they came out with for two years. In the end you got played for a sucker. Now you don’t like what Durham is revealing and here you are flailing like a drowning fool. You are pathetic.

This is old news we knew they spied on Trump. The question is will they get more than probation. Like the FBI Trash that altered evidence to obtain a FISA warrant.

Once again, an accusation made by Trump and denounced by Democrats is proven true. Of course, we already knew it was fact. Most significant is that the corrupt Democrats spied and investigated him for 5 years; hell, they’re STILL doing it. Yet, they can find NOT ONE crime he has committed. For two impeachments, they had to INVENT crimes.

It defies what one would assume, but it truly looks like Trump was the most honest person in Washington, DC. Spy on Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer or any of the other Crime, Inc. members and see what you find.

Make no mistake, this goes all the way to the Obama WH. Once again, President Trump told the truth and the rest of these shitbags lied. All of the non Reds who post here called it right when the accusation was first made in 2017. Anyone denying it lives in a make believe world or is like the ones who did it- an enemy of the people.

Feb. 12, 2022 – Trump Has ‘Hijacked’ GOP, Is ‘Unfit for Office,’ Says Republican Lawmaker

Republican Wyoming Rep. Landon Brown said Saturday that former President Donald Trump has “hijacked” the GOP and that he is “unfit” to serve in office for a second term.

Speaking on CNN, Brown added that the Republican Party is currently being run by a “fringe” group of far-right conservatives. He also issued his support for fellow Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who was recently censured for serving on a House committee tasked with investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol building.

“I think what’s happened here at this point is we’ve seen a fringe group that is on the far right of our party, has taken over our party, and they are the ones that are pushing this narrative. They’ve been working behind the scenes to come out and come against Liz Cheney since day one with her support of this January 6th panel,” Brown said.

“The Republican Party had the opportunity to stand behind her and they left that, and unfortunately that shows too many people across this country that Trump has hijacked the Republican Party,” he added.

The lawmaker is the only Wyoming House Republican who has publicly issued support for Cheney amid an ongoing divide within the GOP. Last week, the Republican National Committee (RNC) voted to censure both Cheney and Illinois Republican Adam Kinzingerfor their involvement in investigating the January 6 insurrection, as well as for their criticisms against Trump.

The censure resolution characterized the January 6 attack as “legitimate political discourse” and accused both lawmakers of “participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes.”

The censure drew a strong response within the GOP, with several Republican lawmakers praising the RNC while others slammed the decision for remaining too loyal to Trump.

Brown also said that he will stand by Cheney as she faces an upcoming election this November, while adding that he will do “everything” in his power to prevent Trump from running for office again in 2024.

“President Trump has a maximum of four years more in office, and I stand with Liz Cheney that I will do everything in my power to make sure that’s not happening [again] as well,” he continued. “At the end of the day, what he did and the way he handled himself on January 6th, it is clear to everybody that he is unfit for office.”

Trump has not yet made a formal announcement that he will run for office again in 2024, but he has repeatedly hinted at it since he left office. However according to a January poll, as many as 70 percent of Americans have indicated that they do not want the former president to run for office again.

Hey, if republicans control the election process, he should be able to manage with only 30 percent support. Because this is a republic, not a democracy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Ms Cheney and Mr Kinzinger have exhibited illegal behavior by assisting or abetting in altering evidence in the J6 hearings. These are a pair we dont need they should both feel right at home as Democrats, along with anyone that backs them up.
Speaking of controlling the elections, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin has determined there will be no illegal ballot stuffing boxes in our spring election. A win for an election law.

And what is the evidence of that? Because just saying something is so does not make it true.

There’s a reason Team Trump has done everything in their power to block testimony and lock down evidence. Unfortunately for Team Trump, their power to do that has been seriously compromised by loss of presidential power. The January 6 committee has secured all sorts of testimony and evidence, which is all going to be put out on public display—unlike Trump’s “evidence” of a stolen election.

Then there are actual multiple ongoing criminal investigations, working higher and higher up the chain of command inside the Trump organization. Tax fraud to the tune of millions upon millions is no small deal.

I think Trump is considering alternative outcomes that include prison, or another successful grab at the presidency, and that he would do ANYTHING within his power to try to make it the latter. He’d shake the GOP and the country to pieces to avoid his own personal downfall. January 6th was totally clear and unambiguous demonstration of that.

Just my opinion, of course.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

greggie proves that not only he is the village idiot, but most everyone who voted for a democrat seems to be a village idiot, too. Greggie makes a statement that an official independent investigator has found evidence (facts) that President Trump was being spied upon while in the White House by the Democrats “Because just saying something is so does not make it true.” . The next sentences, he posts his theories that have no basis in fact as “true”. By his own admission, nothing greggie and the democrats say can be true to include the lefty media, the spokesmen for the rabid left.

This moron(greg) cancels a meaningful vote.

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BREAKING: Evidence Shows Hillary Team Paid Tech Company to ‘Infiltrate’ Servers in Trump Tower and Later the Trump White House in an Attempt to Link Trump to Russia

This group was led by Indiana University professor and staunch Hillary supporter, Jean Camp. Professor Camp, according to Circa was a staunch Hillary supporter:

Graphic Warning; picture of jean camp

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Some techies uncovered that the Trump Tower servers began to be bombarded with the same exact invalid look-up requests that use the words “trump” and “alfa” together, which were automatically placed in the servers’ log file by the server. According to the New York Times, computer logs showed that two servers at Alfa Bank sent more than 2,700 “look-up” messages to the Trump servers.

At about the same time, the FBI received a complaint from “cyberexperts” about a possible Trump-Alfa Bank connection, which led the FBI to investigate into a Trump-Alfa Bank connection. According to the New York Times:

In classified sessions in August and September of 2016, intelligence officials also briefed congressional leaders on the possibility of financial ties between Russians and people connected to Mr. Trump. They focused particular attention on what cyber experts said appeared to be a mysterious computer back channel between the Trump Organization and the Alfa Bank, which is one of Russia’s biggest banks and whose owners have longstanding ties to Mr. Putin.

BREAKING: Evidence Shows Hillary Team Paid Tech Company to ‘Infiltrate’ Servers in Trump Tower and Later the Trump White House in an Attempt to Link Trump to Russia (

Run, Hillary, run!

obama perverted every institution. He is the Snake.

We should keep our systems and cut the head off, all heads of the system.

obama is just smacking Hillary around warning her to keep her butt and cankles away from 2024. He wants in again(big mike) to finishing the complete destruction of America, a 4th term usurping this country.
obama is a puppet of a larger evil. Get him and climb up the chain of command. Not one piece of the chain should skate.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

This spying on the opposition has been going on for a long time Johnson did it,
Its a party tradition.

A barrage of personal insults usually indicates an inability to put together any sort of intelligent rebuttal.

Trump’s primary goals:

  1. Avoiding jail.
  2. Keep the cash flowing in.
  3. Revenge.
  4. The adoration of his followers.

Greg the Red always gets his/her/its pink pussy hat in a wad every time one of the comrades takes a major hit. It’s just the emotional instability that is a trait of leftists coming out again.

I guess we now know why the bitch came out of the woodwork recently. It’s to counter what is coming out. Maybe she plans on running for office again figuring it’ll save her from prosecution not that anyone will be prosecuted for any of this given the two tiered justice system of ours.

Greg is to be pitied, he is but a coward, to fearful to make his own decisions, or have his own opinions. Led by the Judas goat media to what ever corral with the rest of his flock. He never notices the flock is shrinking, never wondering why.
Yes he thinks the pink hat will help him get the chicks, he may be lucky enough to be chosen to carry her shopping bags while she uses his credit card, oh finally a soul mate. Will he be able to birth their only clump of cells? How he admires the strong man in heels how does he make it all the way through the super mall burdened with packages filled with made in China trash.

I find it hard to pity someone who professes intellect but allows ideology to guide his presentation. He is a fake. No one can be somewhat intellectual but ideological stupid at the same time.

I agree with TrumpWon. Have no pity for totalitarians. People of his/her/its mindset become or support murdering dictators.

I still want to know which side he was on in Vietnam. I guess if your job was peeling potatoes you would not get in too much trouble. Maybe a purple heart for cutting a digit.

I think he fancies himself in the light of a Hanoi Jane

If he was ever even in the military. I have seen two different accounts of what he did over there so he/she/it can’t keep his stories straight. If he was over there, him being a shithouse lawyer would have put people’s lives in jeopardy- American lives that is.

The vast majority of Republicans and the nation supports Trump and his policies. Idiot Biden is controlled by a tiny minority of far left radicals pushing an agenda almost NO ONE wants. This has actually been good for the country because it exposes the leftist agenda and, since most of it has been enacted, shows the damage that results from it.

Your operatives better be getting their cheating on big time; they are going to need even more than utilized in 2020 to simply avert being wipe out in 2022.

A quote from the late Nobel laureate Milton Friedman who said (paraphrase)

“The important thing is not to elect good people into the system, but to have a system where even the bad people are forced to do good things.”

This bombshell, nuclear, is bigger than greg. His dismissal as if it is just another day in the neighborhood, indicates he too knows the walls are closing in. The lacksadial way he responds is indicative of his inabilty to dismiss the reality of what Durham has revealed in his filing. What was done was treasonous and far more significant the the fake narrative of January 6. January 6 is a smokescreen coverup to the election that was stolen, period full stop…

 His dismissal as if it is just another day in the neighborhood, indicates he too knows the walls are closing in.

It’s good to have it clarified that those who constantly attacked Trump did so simply because they feared his successes will cause permanent damage to the incompetent Democrat party, not because they object to corruption. They admire and utilize corruption whenever they get the opportunity (for power or personal wealth) but also know it is good to accuse the opposition of being corrupt.

He and others who defend the corruption used to attack Trump show how readily they would accept a totalitarian police state run by their party. Being completely ignorant of history (because their party so often re-writes it for their own benefit), the can’t envision the inevitability of that oppression being turned upon them. Political spying on private citizens or government leaders is the gateway drug to fascism. Greg is high on it right now, stoned out of his senses.

And what is the evidence of that? Because just saying something is so does not make it true. 

Examine your statement. Durham is an officer of the court. He filed a legal document. You seem to imply that Durham, an officer of the court, would purposely file a false legal document. We all know democrats do that. Does FISA have any meaning to you? And therein lies your delimma….

Durham confirms that an outside government contractor, controlled by Hillary Clinton aligned “tech executive-1” Rodney Joffe, had access to conduct electronic surveillance and spying operations into the Executive Office of The President of the United States (EOP).

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You can’t legally charge Trump with anything.

It will never happen.

This is your Party making up crimes to destroy a political opponent.

We don’t do that in our country.

Trump beat them. He’s still beating them. The numbers don’t lie. His economy was excellent. Covid was released in part to destroy the economy during the election…and even after that they had to rig it.

Good thing we caught it on tape and with hundreds of signed affidavits in the swing states.

The more the Dems say “there is no proof”, the more we know they cheated.


gregs type of reliable sources.

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“In a Stronger Period of Time in Our Country, This Crime Would Have Been Punishable by Death”- President Trump on the Now Proven Attempted Coup of His Administration

I believe in time that when more information becomes available, it will point to mike pence as one who collaborated with the never trumps on both sides of the aisle.

I do not recall but, I think it was the New Jersey orcha, chris christie, who may have recommended pence to President Trump as veep nominee.

Dig through idiot Biden’s toilet and find his brain.

The story itself was to insulate the Democrat sheep from the Durham bombshell.

So far it’s been more of a $3.8 million “Durham Dud”.

You do not know what the fu€k you are talking about. You will have your ass handed to you yet again zipperhead

How much was the mueller report?

How much was the mueller report?

Enough that you should have taken the time to examine what it said more closely.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The mueller report was a 40 million dollar dud for the democrats. On the other hand, it fully exonerated President Trump

Mueller Report: Total Exoneration.

Anyone saying otherwise is a liar.

A liar clinging to lies.

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UNREAL: Liz Cheney’s Husband is Partner at Latham & Watkins that Works on Behalf of Companies Linked to China’s Military and Individuals Connected to Spying on President Trump

What really is the reason Liz Cheney hates President Trump so much? Is it because he’s pointing out that she is covering up the real sedition in the US, the 2020 Election steal? Or is it because he successfully put China in its place and that impacts profits for some Americans? 

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Evidence? The texts from Rep. James Jordon deceptively edited then entered into evidence leaked to the press. Doesnt even show the text was a forward. The 2 hand picked never Trumpers just sit there and allow it. Not even leaking it might not be the entire text it might not even be Jordons words. They are not anyone who represents American values, to the trash bin where they belong.

And the exculpatory evidence suppressed, thanks to the Republicans hand-picked by drunk Pelosi not having the guts to object to it.

Um, so let me educate you. Most of us free thinking and freedom loving Americans think both the Democrats AND the GOP are corrupt.

Who gives a flying f*ck what a paid politician says about Trump?

Trump has broken the deep state hold on our country.

That’s why he represents the Majority.

75 million votes or many more would be available to him today.

Biden, or whatever potato the Dems can illegally slide into their primary, will require six billion, a pandemic, unconstitutional voting laws, and millions of in kind propaganda from Whoopi Goldberg and Stephen Colbert to get any votes that could matter. And most of these would be either fraudulent, or cast out of ignorance, not out of thoughtful analysis.

Beyond a certain point, one can only educate himself. The point of formal education is to learn how to do that. Otherwise, a person has been trained, not educated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Democrats are irredeemably corrupt.

It isn’t Democrats who are methodically destroying all faith in the nation’s election process while simultaneously rigging it to their own advantage.

The 2020 election was likely the most closely monitored presidential election in US history. Trump supporters won’t even take the word of REPUBLICAN state election officials for that.

Keep telling yourself that. No one here is stupid enough to buy that con

You’re here because you HAVE bought somebody’s con.

Keep telling yourself that.


Still going with the “con” grift?

A con is installing a politician by way of big banks, big tech, and big pharma.

Please defend that. Tell us why we should support a corrupt and paid idiot who got money from Trillionaires and foreign governments?

We shouldn’t.

Trump is a legend, and continues to have support. Election-winning support. No illegal law-changes, pandemics, or Billions from companies needed.

You guys are so f*cked.

Um, Democrat have methodically destroyed faith in the nation’s election process.

That’s EXACTLY what they’ve done.

Zero evidence of Rep tampering. Max evidence of Dem cheating.

the 2020 polls were the most wrong they’ve ever been, and the election was the most obscure, least reliable ever.

But keep enjoying clown-world and saying the opposite is true.

You assholes are done.

The 2020 election was likely the most closely monitored presidential election in US history.
We know that But Dominion machines should’nt have been availabe to the internet, our election data sent to servers outside of the USA. Never available to Zuckerburg minions.

Yes. Dem votes are from trained monkeys or harvested via payment from low-thinking people.

We know.

That’s not democracy.

Only a wannabe dictator asserts that any election he doesn’t win is fraudulent.

Democrats, 2000, 2004, 2016 and 2018. IS confession good for the soul?

Remind me on which of those occasions it was that the democrat did not acknowledge defeat and participate in the transition of power. When did they assemble a mob to lay siege to the Capitol in an effort to stop a constitutional process?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg
  1. Stacey Abrams
  2. Kavanaugh hearings

Oh my a siege! How long did it last did all of congress die of starvation? I dont think you know the meaning of the words you quickly parrot from the Judas goat talking heads.
Definition of siege 
1a : a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

It lasted until over 140 Capitol police had been injured, and a woman trying to climb through a final barricade had been shot and killed.

That’s what Trump did.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Did the capitol police break a nail bashing protestors to death in the tunnel? Who opened the 3 sets of security doors?
Greg take my word for it take the L on this one. You will find out eventually how wrong you are just like everything else political in the last 6 years.

He already knows. He’s just being paid to parrot some lies…or he’s a true quisling doing it for free.

Biden is already being written out of history.

Meh. Trump had ZERO to do with it. Video evidence exonerates him, completely.

Now, that vid evidence of orange hats and Ray Epps and the police beating people in the tunnel?

And luckily we know no Biden voter or Leftist cares about injured cops, given they attacked them, maimed them, and killed a few over the “summer of love.”

Trump had nothing to do with it. The FBI has already established that. How many FBI operatives were pushing the riot?

Good to know that now, a cop just being worried is acceptable grounds to shoot a person. Expect that to come up again.

Gore, Abrams, Clinton, Kavanaugh.

But that’s all irrelevant.

The clear and credible evidence of election fraud required Trump and every American citizen to question and prevent the installation of someone who didn’t win the election.

No mob. Just a planned false flag. We know this now. You know it too.

Traitors often manufacture lies to make it look like the other side are actually the traitors.

Didn’t work this time.

The only Constitutional process that was interrupted was our fair and free elections.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

When is all of this “clear and credible evidence of election fraud” going to be revealed?

If it actually existed, putting it all on public display would be the simplest thing in the world.

December 27, 2021 – AP finds fewer than 475 cases of potential voter fraud in six 2020 battleground states

An Associated Press investigation into the 2020 election found fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud in six battleground states, refuting former President Trump‘s claims of a massive, coordinated effort to steal the election from him.

Reporters conducted a months-long examination of the election, which the AP called one of the most comprehensive to date, at more than 300 local election offices where ballots were submitted in swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. President Biden won those states by a combined 311,257 votes.

The AP concluded there was no collusion to steal the election and found fewer than 473 cases of individual voter fraud, with 80 percent of the counties in the battleground states reporting no suspicious activity.

“The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not,” reporters wrote.

The instances of individual voter fraud include a Wisconsin man who thought he could vote on parole and a Pennsylvania man who voted twice, for himself and his son. In most cases, fraud was intercepted by election officials, which the AP said further confirmed the security and integrity of the election.

Trump told The Associated Press he would soon release more information about the alleged massive voter fraud in the 2020 election…

It’s probably best not to hold your breath while you’re waiting.

The AP isnt really looking to hard. In Wisconsin if you voted you remain on the active voter rolls for 4 years, There were those that were activated then deactivated after the election, thousands. 7 Million on our voting rolls with only 4 million total of adult voting age.
Nice independent fact checking AP does both the “research” and comes to the biased conclusion. 2000 mules, hundreds of thousands of votes with no chain of custody.
Now like the safety data the FDA will not release we have the report on Dominion they dont want released.
This has little to do with Spygate and Former President Obama ordering the spying on Trumps campaign and presidency.
Try with your vaxxed damaged brain to concentrate on the subject, I know its hard for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

The evidence has been shared, ad nauseum.

It’s public.

Every effort by the media who helped abet the steal is being made to either lie or post dumb pieces like the above to avoid doing real journalism.


That’s just ONE incident and it was enough to turn Georgia. States with such close margins would only require ONE incident (thousands of mail in ballots, unfolded without signatures, for instance, is ONE incident) to turn the tide.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

It’s been revealed. Ad Nauseum.

It’s public and it’s real. We’ve shared it.

Then where’s the web page where Trump’s “evidence” is on public display? Because any fool should know if it isn’t, it doesn’t exist.

It’s been revealed. Ad Nauseum.



That’s nothing but a cult mantra. There’s no part of the tale that hasn’t been debunked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Who assembled a mob to lay siege of the Capital? The PEOPLE did that, due mainly to the fact that Democrats (and some Republicans) chose to ignore all the evidence of fraud and, instead, just told an incredulous public “Nothing to see here. Just trust us” even though they had destroyed all their credibility and trust over the past 4 years. That, and the fact that Democrats allowed violent protests to become the norm and go unpunished brought about the riot. Nothing else.

But, every time Democrats lose, the declare fraud and illegitimacy. Crooked Hillary STILL does (though it was she who cheated). Big, fat, gap-toothed, tax-evading Abrams still contests her loss. Your bullshit is weak and growing weaker.

Don’t call Gore or Clinton dictators.

They’re just losers.

Biden won nothing.

Donald Trump’s Response to Crooked Hillary’s Spying Revelations Is FIRE: “Punishable by Death”

President Trump released a statement that calls or far more than what Durham is expected to seek. He wants blood and reparations:

comment image


  1. the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Treason is punishable by death….

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Democrats threatened Trump, many of them physically, for over 4 years.

They are traitors.

Treason is punishable by death…

Perhaps your cult leader should bear that in mind, though most would be content if he would just shut the hell up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

We wont shutup we dont want anyone to lose freedom of speech.
Yes treason.
Also the POTUS wants to know everything we are doing= A text from Lisa Page FBI.

Andrew Klavan nailed the Left’s platform year ago:

Andrew Klavan: Shut Up – YouTube

Just….shut up.

greg even said it.

We have no cult leader. That was Obama.

We merely voted for a guy who had skin in the game and wasn’t bought by the usual lobbyists.

That’s what a good American does: votes with their conscience.

They DO NOT vote for a puppet so obviously installed in the primary by the DNC and foreign money.

Trump ain’t going anywhere. He’ll win in 2024.

Your coup has been thwarted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

He bears it in mind. He SAID it. He is well aware who the traitors (Democrats) are and who they are not. The evidence is overwhelming; Democrats tried to illegally take over the country. Traitors illegally SPY on their fellow countrymen.

Jan. 27, 2022 – Biden beats both Trump and DeSantis in hypothetical 2024 presidential contest

A Marquette Law School Poll survey of adults nationwide finds that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump run equally well against Democratic President Joe Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchups, although Biden leads both Republicans.

In a head-to-head matchup, DeSantis is supported by 33%, while Biden is supported by 41%. A substantial 18% say they would support someone else, and 8% say they would not vote. In a Trump versus Biden rematch, Trump receives 33% to Biden’s 43%, with 16% preferring someone else and 6% saying they would not vote.

The survey was conducted Jan. 10-21, 2022, interviewing 1000 adults nationwide, with a margin of error of +/-4 percentage points…

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Greg they dont have a very good record in accurate polling, they chose Clinton by over 7 points. A whole 1000 polled? Most just either hang up or see it as suspected spam call and dont answer.

Clinton Widens Lead As Trump Suffers Self-Inflicted Wounds, Divides GOP

Here we see a pic of Clintons famous toilet seat lapel.

Yeah, they were all in the Student Union Building at a Che rally.

You wish.

Trump has about 75 million votes. NOW.

Biden or whoever the next potato is will require a new virus, illegally changed laws, Mark Zuckerberg’s illegal ballot boxes and white kid harvesters to even come close to half that number.

The jig is up.

Love that you’re getting going on that disinformation “polling” early, though. You might win the igloo cooler demographic, as they are….um…stuffed with copied enthusiasm…and ballots.

Trump is a bottle of poison.

Trump is a bottle of poison.

Subjective, nebulous partisan blathering that is NOT how thinking Americans make their choice for public office holders.

Trump “poisoned” the crony machine.

That’s why we voted for him, and will again.

He poisoned your mind. You’re one of his victims.

The democrat party is poison

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You judge a tree by its fruit. Trump’s fruit is a country divided against itself, to the extent that some under his influence hope for increasing disaster or the destruction of our government as a means to their own ends.

He incited his followers to violently overrun the Capitol, to beat Capitol Police, and to roam the halls chanting for the hanging of his own Vice President, while he sat on his posterior watching the whole thing on television, doing nothing.

What the f*ck does it take to wake some people up???

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You should seek mental assistance.

I am not the one who needs to do so.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

He incited his followers to violently overrun the Capitol, to beat Capitol Police, and to roam the halls chanting for the hanging of his own Vice President, while he sat on his posterior watching the whole thing on television, doing nothing.

President Trump incited nothing. No evidence of that anywhere. The capital police beat the protesters and pence should be hung for treason.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Comrade Greggie, you’re lying, I know you’re lying and you know you’re lying. You constantly harp on 1/6 but you never mention all the damage, brutality toward police and the deaths cause by your side of the aisle when Burn, Loot and Murder and Antifa roamed our national streets while the left either remained silent or claimed it was “mostly peaceful” protesting as buildings behind the reporter burned.

Two Americans were killed on 1/6 and they were not police officers, they were Trump supporters. The scum cop who murdered, YES, MURDERED, Ashli Babbit, an Air Force veteran, has never been brought to justice. Hell, the scum wasn’t even disciplined. Yet, another scumbag, George Floyd, died basically of a self-induced drug overdose and a cop is now spending the rest of his life in prison because scum like you demand “social” justice. Ashli Babbit had the misfortune of being born the wrong color for the political left.

But keep posting your lies. It is people like you that are going to cause the Common Man to rise up against your form of government. Your party is dying as you watch and there is nothing you can do about it anymore except to continue to show your hate for a man who, to my surprise, was a damn good president.

And the longer you try to push your lies, the more you affirm what a total f*cking useless idiot you are.

Very well said. greg is a microcosm of the ultra left. Cheaters, liars and haters. A pathetic excuse of human skin.

You are the microcosm, Bub. It’s 2022, but you’re still stuck in 2020.

The irony is a GOP that’s hanging onto the millstone that’s dragging them to the bottom as if it were their life preserver. An overwhelming majority of voters DON’T WANT TRUMP TO RUN AGAIN, and that sentiment is independent of any feelings they have about Joe Biden.

Trump will be the guy who killed genuine conservatism. He may do what Democrats couldn’t—and, in fact, what they never actually wanted to do, because Democrats include many people who have certain conservative opinions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

There is no evidence that voters do not want President Trump to run again.

You can always test the theory in 2024, and then rant about another stolen election.

You are not taken seriously here. What is it about you that make that difficult for you to understand. Or, is this how you erotically enjoy yourself? You are thought of a a poor joke no one laughs at.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Um, you people bitched about a stolen election in 2000, and then in 2016. Everyone you lost.

Then you rigged and election and think you can get away with it?


The only “test” is that there will be oceans of people watching the polling stations, and any Eric Coomer treatments or igloos coolers in the night will rightly invalidate the outcome of the election, either for or against Trump.

We want democracy.

You just want to win, even if it means destroying our democratic and constitutional processes.

Trump needs nothing to get at least 75 million votes….TODAY.

Biden would need another pandemic, six billion dollars, and igloo coolers to win. That takes time.

If the vote switching had not happened, it would have been President Trump who would have amassed more than 80 million votes.
Most democrats do not want biden to run in 2024. So extrapolating the fact that biden did not get 81 million legal votes, it would be impossible for him to increase his vote total of 2020 of around 35-40 million to 80+ million to defeat President Trump in 2024

Over 50% of democrats do not believe biden is legitimate

Maybe you should take a break from this and go view some of thiose underage photos you have in your computer

Oddly, you folks seem to reference that topic a lot more often than anyone I know on the Democratic side of things.

Mostly because there something to reference…on the Democrat side of things.

Pedophilia runs deep with those who want Marxism.

Pedophilia runs deep with those who want Marxism.

No doubt you have huge volumes of clear and credible evidence for that, as well—possibly appearing in Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit, or various right-wing blogs. There’s also the indisputable association between pizza and pedophilia.

Greg, Greg, Greg I know CNN doesnt report these things, they dont like to tattle on each other.

These are the types that need to be shut away in prison and loved by fellow inmates discus their sexual desires with Bubba not grooming 13 year olds.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

greggie the village idiot. I know it is not nice to laugh out loud at those who have such low IQs, but we can laugh inside at greggie and his insane posts.

Oh, why don’t we just call him a bottle of Bleach, then?


 Biden beats both Trump and DeSantis in hypothetical 2024 presidential contest

Does posting foolish propaganda like this make you feel better about the disastrous failure with barely 40% approval you worship? It must; there can be no other reason to post it.

There is more to be dumped by Durham the DNS traffic hacking is only among the discoveries. What other avenues could the ABC departments at Obamas greasy fingertips and all their tools utilize? Not just the USA but 5 eyes, all feeding the Clinton campaign and POTUS.
Don never utilized Email, they rerouted internet traffic to and from the White House that is what DNS traffic is! Obamas fixer would be a trophy

Kathryn Ruemmler – Obama White House Counsel representing pedophile source in Mueller probe

Check out the law firm connections to those indicted.
How do so many of these people always get connected to pedos?

This goes all the way to obama. obama is guilty of treason. obama is the person behind the curtain pulling the marionette strings on feckless senile biden.

Yes, but who pulls his strings? Why do they have strings?
Maxwell trial Judge has all of the customer information sealed.

Globalists and the party of Davos

comment image
Democrats Are Frustrated with Their Leadership – But Not for Stealing the 2020 Election or Spying on President Trump

They know the end is near. They will lose the House and Senate this year The defeat will be so enormous that the democrat party will cease to exist. And, that will be good for America

Durham is heating up

The Key Word in the Article is “””Cooperating”””…!! They are Squealing on one another because A Coup Gets them a Death Sentence.. 

  • Trump said it the Other day…. in the Past the Treasonous Democrats were Hanged.

No Commie wants to Die, They Know (H) ell is waiting on them…!!!

– Scavino Message Received, Hostage No More, We Are Ready, Drip, Drip Then Flood

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

On Monday FOX News reported that more people are cooperating and coming before the grand jury in the Durham probe. According to FOX News, Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Bill Priestap, and General Counsel to the Clinton Campaign, creepy Marc Elias, have already been called before the Durham Grand Jury.

Baker, Priestap and Elias are bigger fish than Sussmann

This does not stop until they get to obama and George soros and maybe not even then.

There was an orchestrated coup to bring down President Trump. The coup culminated in the January 6 false flag/reichstag fire at the Capital

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

The Durham Probe vs. The January 6 Committee… I suppose it’s a Republican pre-election propaganda strategy. It will be interesting to see how that works.

I’m thinking, not so well with the audience they need to sway, once the January 6 Committee starts formally revealing what they have discovered. They’ll be accused of political theater when they do so because of the timing—but the timing is actually dictated by the election, because they know a republican majority would kill any and all investigations of Donald Trump immediately. They would have to, because they realize his guilt would instantly become their guilt. They themselves have made this so. Democrats had nothing to do with it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The angry 9 democrats on the committee have zero, butkus

Uh huh. On a related note, Trump’s accounting firm just dumped him as a client, stating the last 10 years of his financial records are unreliable. “Dubious” was actually the word they used.

This guy has got legal trouble coming at him from every direction—all of his own making. Nobody made him engage in bank or tax fraud. He has always done precisely what he wanted to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Sure greggie, the village idiot. They say what the Democrats did with the accounting firm for Enron. The left’s overreach on Enron was overturned by the courts after Enron and their accounting firm was destroyed.


Everyones real estate values have wildly changed. It is often good for the bank to make loans on inflated estimates it is always the banks that determine the “value” Its always the government that determines tax value. Bubbles and crashes.
This accounting firm has to justify its own practices its own actions. Trump does not own that accounting firm he is a client.
Seems you know nothing of the real world and never ran a business.
The NY lawyer that turned on Trump due to his own criminal behavior, did not lead to anything either. Except that attorney losing his license, did he also do jail time?
He recorded client telephone calls illegally.

Everyone’s real estate values have wildly changed.

That’s a good line! I’m sure his lawyers will say that, not to mention the Donald himself, whenever it comes up.

The thing is, values can’t simultaneously do both. You can’t claim high to get a big loan, while claiming low to cheat the state of revenue. That would be illegal. Because you’re expected to provide a true figure in both cases.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Um hum, Comrade Greggie. The accounting firm now decides that after being paid to provide services to the Trump organization it has problems with TEN YEARS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT? It took them TEN YEARS to have issues? What the hell kind of lousy accounting firm is it? Or is it that maybe Mazars USA have issues of their own and are receiving pressure from the corrupt Letitia James?

Of course, we know how crooked Andrew Wiseman (who where again, Comrade Greggie?) destroyed the lives of innocent people.

Your party is going down, Comrade. November 2022 is going to make November 2010 look like a split election.

You are a disgrace.

Dont you see everyone is guilty except those that committed the crimes. A Republican majority might see the release of security footage who unlocked the security doors. Pelosi emails and phone calls.The timing not to after the speech, but as the first objections were put forward. Everyones texts not just those selected by this kangaroo procedure.

The village idiot doesn’t know the difference between a kangaroo court and a Grand Jury process.