Obama could never understand this level of dedication to the job. It takes special soldiers to perform this day in and day out.
12 years ago
I had the privilege to watch the ceremony. I will always remember it. It’s great to know that our military will NEVER forget, even the unknown soldiers.
Liberal1 (Objectivity)
12 years ago
And Romney, as a Vietnam era draft avoider, will have even less chance of understanding.
12 years ago
@Liberal1 (Objectivity): #3
Why not? Do you think that only the military can understand the concepts of Duty, Honor and Country? I believe that Governor Romney has fully demonstrated his understanding of these concepts.
President Barack Hussein Obama has proven the opposite.
He has never served in the military, either. But then, that’s okay for Liberals. They operate on a much higher plane than the rest of us poor mortals, down here in the mud n’ blood. Liberals are above such low endeavors as war, and are morally justified in sending lesser beings like soldiers and Marines to do the actual fighting. sarc/off
Obama could never understand this level of dedication to the job. It takes special soldiers to perform this day in and day out.
I had the privilege to watch the ceremony. I will always remember it. It’s great to know that our military will NEVER forget, even the unknown soldiers.
And Romney, as a Vietnam era draft avoider, will have even less chance of understanding.
@Liberal1 (Objectivity): #3
Why not? Do you think that only the military can understand the concepts of Duty, Honor and Country? I believe that Governor Romney has fully demonstrated his understanding of these concepts.
President Barack Hussein Obama has proven the opposite.
He has never served in the military, either. But then, that’s okay for Liberals. They operate on a much higher plane than the rest of us poor mortals, down here in the mud n’ blood. Liberals are above such low endeavors as war, and are morally justified in sending lesser beings like soldiers and Marines to do the actual fighting. sarc/off