The 2024 United States Presidential election certainly isn’t lacking any drama, is it? A lot of it feels like a hangover from the 2020 election because we’ve got the same candidates, but there are some twists this time around.
Chief among them is the Democrats’ attempt to “win” the election via corrupt members of the judiciary. They don’t rest on their election anomaly laurels, the Dems. They knew that they would be saddled with Joe Biden as the nominee again and figured that the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine might not be enough to get the old boy across the reelection finish line, so they needed a new tactic.
Trump has been counter-punching, of course, and yesterday was given his biggest victory yet in his battle with Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. This is from Matt:
On Monday, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in Trump v. United States that presidents have “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, a major victory for former President Donald Trump.
“Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts,” the ruling, written by Chief Justice Roberts, explains. “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”
This decision presents a variety of problems for those who are legally harassing Trump. Matt Vespa writes over at Townhall that it could even have implications for the recently concluded Soviet show trial in Manhattan.
The most intriguing part of the decision was Justice Clarence Thomas’s concurring opinion, which gives Trump ammunition in his battle with Special Counsel Jack Smith and is, as Victoria writes, “a multi-page dismantling of the legality of the special counsel’s office.”
Biden was trotted out well past his bedtime to complain about the ruling. He’d been given a bad spray tan and just enough Adderall to enable him to read off of a teleprompter for a few minutes. He didn’t take any questions, of course.
President LOLEightyonemillion and his handlers had a lot riding on Merrick Garland’s rogue special counsel attack on Trump, and it has to be particularly galling in what’s left of his mind that Clarence Thomas is the SCOTUS justice throwing a massive monkey wrench into the plan.
It was almost exactly 33 years ago when, as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden did everything he could to destroy Thomas’s reputation and keep him off of the Supreme Court. He enabled Anita Hill and her spurious accusations and attempted character assassination.
Democrats didn’t want Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court because they all have a visceral hatred of Black conservatives. Heck, their media lapdogs still trot out Anita Hill every so often for no good reason whatsoever and treat her like royalty just to give them an excuse to rehash her lies about Thomas.
The current Court is basically the Thomas Court. Clarence Thomas will be regarded by judicial historians as one of the greatest Supreme Court Justices.
That would be The Uncle Tom Court. He has been properly bought and paid for by a right-wing billionaire. Hey—four million dollars was chicken feed for a Supreme Court Justice.
You really think these guys are on the side of the average American family? They care like Putin cares about the average Russian.
They’re going to have your Social Security for lunch.
Why do you lie?
Because lying, fraud and scare-porn is all the Democrats have.
President Biden has total immunity from criminal prosecution, because the Supreme Court Donald Trump stacked just gave it to him.
What would Donald do?
No ones above the Law you Moron
Why are you so gullible?
Why are you? You swallow the leftwing mantra like a ship channel hooker.
The rule from SCOTUS has limitations yet you scum bag Democrats refuse to acknowledge that. Why, what do you think you gain by coming to this forum and lying?
greg is a typical communist leftist. He gains nothing by coming here except for some self perversion that excites him. He is a moron.
The choice is yours, America…
HA! Who was it that got two new wars going? Yeah… the “dove”, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the compromised, corrupt, incompetent, treasonous pedophile.
The left is fascist. It’s been demonstrated.
Notice the left, traditional place where all anti-war movements start, has been pro-war for joe’s wars?
Wait for it tho.
As soon as Trump is elected these same lefties will become “peaceniks.”
From the Spurwing Plover to the Angry Ostrich Go Away
Just like they lie about “abortion bans”. They have no issues, only lies and fear porn.
Uncle Tom? Racist much?
Racist a LOT. Clarence Boy won’t obey the Democrat massah, so he’s gotta be whipped.
When is Biden going to claim the in-kind contributions from when he (and tramp Jill), along with the whole grifting family, stayed at the multimillion dollars estates of Dem donors?
Uncle Tom, you pos? You really are a died in the wool Democrats, right out of the Jim Crow era.
What would you say if you learned that a liberal leaning Supreme Court Justice had received $4 million in unreported gifts from George Soros?
I’d love to hear an honest answer to that, but I won’t hold my breath.
When is Biden going to claim the in-kind contributions from when he (and tramp Jill), along with the whole grifting family, stayed at the multimillion dollars estates of Dem donors?
That’s not the answer to the question, is it? What would you say if you learned that a liberal leaning Supreme Court Justice had received $4 million in unreported gifts from George Soros?
That is made up bullshit. How about justice breyer?
That would be totally different, since Soros is actually the motivation behind many cases that go before the Court. Soros is in the influence business.
You know what I’d love? I’d love for you to answer my question:
Please provide the cases involving his friends that he has decided on. Please provide any case any of that money or those gifts have impacted. We’ll wait. (of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve asked)
Here’s Thomas’s reply to racists such as yourself.
What would you say if you learned that a liberal leaning Supreme Court Justice had received $4 million in unreported gifts from George Soros?
What would you say if you learned that a liberal leaning Supreme Court Justice had received $4 million in unreported gifts from George Soros?
Who is minding the store while joe goes nappy nap?
Colorado is now in play. Trump leads in New Mexico, and by 7 pts in Pennsylvania.
New Biden campaign internal polling is a disaster in swing states.
And Greg is getting more and more hyperbolic! It’s pretty entertaining, watching him squirm, whine, cry and belly ache. Just like he and all the other fascists took delight in our objections to the Democrats weaponizing the justice system into fascist lawfare.
Payback is a Dr. Jill.
Georgie gets them when they are DAs and lower courts, The very rich person that Clarence pals with hardly has the reputation of you hero Soros.
Curt, how long are you going to allow Comrade Greggie spew his lies on this forum? Isn’t over a decade long enough? The guy is an absolute lunatic. He needs mental health help.
I don’t object to logical political opposition. I do object to raving political lunatic.
Just asking for a friend.
Don’t you enjoy watching him unravel right now? THIS is worth it all!
I don’t ban someone just because I disagree with him. Sure he’s a liberal fruitcake who’s wrong 100% of the time but unless he spews severe racism (one guy I banned last year still tries to post and his stuff is just anti-Semitic x1000, beyond disgusting). You’ve seen the few I’ve banned over the years, those types I have no problem doing away with. But it needs to be beyond the pale.
Plus, we would of missed his compete meltdown over the last week.
That’s gold.
Please provide the cases involving his friends that he has decided on. Please provide any case any of that money or those gifts have impacted. We’ll wait. (of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve asked)
It isn’t about his friends, yo-yo. It’s about his economic class.
What about Biden’s economic class? How did he afford a $2.7 million dollar beach home? How did he manage to buy the DuPont house as a junior Senator that cost five times his Senatorial salary?
And where are you getting the $4 million that you attribute to Justice Thomas, Comrade Racist?
And where is the evidence of those “loans” that were “paid back”?
“Justice Thomas, Comrade Racist” would be the title of a 1953 educational film co-produced by the Klan and the FBI.
Please provide the cases involving his friends that he has decided on. Please provide any case any of that money or those gifts have impacted. We’ll wait. (of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve asked)
If gullibility could be bottled you could all go into the distribution business…
Please provide the cases involving his friends that he has decided on. Please provide any case any of that money or those gifts have impacted. We’ll wait. (of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve asked)
Really hate when those “Toms” dont tow the democrat line whoa that boy is off the plantation. He took vacation with rich folks.
If you think about it, that is the worst name-calling a lefty can write.
Might as well use the word you really want to use, greg, the “N-word.”
You’re a bastard to resort to such low ad hominum attacking.
If you had shame, you’d be ashamed.
Democrats are in such desperate straits now that they go absolutely ballistic if EVERYTHING doesn’t go their way. Every court is supposed to be one of their rubber stamp kangaroo courts. They think they’ve already arrived at the full socialist fascist totalitarian police state stage of the end of the United States, but they are still held at bay at the very edge.
Your Idiot, not ours…
Hey I remember that it was just before Biden expose Seal Team 6, putting a great big target on them. On August 6, 2011, insurgents shot down a Chinook transport helicopter in Afghanistan, killing all 38 people on board, including 15 Navy SEALS from Team Six’s Gold Squadron.
His next big killing was during the brain dead plan of the withdrawal where he got 13 more notches in his belt.
Leaving behind all those service dogs in cages in the hot sun.
biden can’t win.
Biden is old. Trump is an idiot.
July is MAGA month.
Make America Gracious Again?
How depressing it must be to see an idiot beating your old guy in a debate.
“Make my day!” Remember that?
Trump didn’t beat Biden by debate. He beat him based on optics.
Your guys rules, make sure the old bastard cant ramble, he got away once, after that he was told times up after short rehearsed answers, they even limited split screen as Biden stood there mouth breathing.
Damn, you are one delusional, naive, indoctrinated, willfully ignorant, useful idiot fool. Trump beat the living shit out of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in the debate, beginning from when Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden tried to speak his first words. Why in the F**K do you think the entire party except for the puppet masters and the Biden Crime Family are trying desperately to figure out how to replace him without destroying themselves?
Moronic idiot.
Watch your blood pressure. Trump is counting on your vote in November.
My blood pressure is just fine. It’s not MY candidate that just proved to the entire world that he is a big bag of nothing. That would be Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, incompetent, treasonous pedophile.
Trump is a leader. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is an incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile.
Trump is the leader of a mob of ignorant assholes who think they’re smarter than anyone else. Most of our nation’s voters don’t fall into that category.
We are the patriots that oppose fascism. You are the fascists.
Consider the definition and the warning signs…
Remind me again who considers traditional Catholics, Mommies at school board meetings and veterans as biggest security threats.
While his DHS runs the biggest child trafficking ring in history.
Should I remind you that you’re simply posting cult memes?
President Biden attends church weekly and has done so through his entire adult life, unlike Mr. Grab-Em-By-The-Pussy.
Watching you deconstruct is so friggin’ awesome man! Keep it up! Makes my day….
It appears greg has hit rock bottom. He seems to be unloading his entire arsenal of lunacy. As was said earlier, the worst is not behind him, it is coming beginning November 05, 2024 and accelerating January 20, 2025. Sorry, not sorry…
He’s firing all his reserve lies, ain’t he? Absolutely and totally pathetically desperate and distraught.
He really did not have any constructive arguments for the historical news cycle of the USSC. Everything the leftists have put forward to stop President Trump has failed and will fail because truth is not on their side.
I think we can lump Greg into this group:
The democrat party is showing all of us what we have known all along. They are not a party for the people. They are a party for their power and an America that Americans do not want. They will continue this path they are presently pursuing until they become irrelevant. And that time will come. Alienating more than 2/3 of Americans is not sustainable.
Oh baby boy
That’s investment capitalism for you.
Sure it is, keep saying that to yourself.
Many wealthy people produce no goods or services. They invest to produce their income.
What are they investing in? What product do they produce? What business are they in? Talk about delusional and denial…
Memer forgot the 250+ mortgages on the same joe home in Delaware.
Im sure there is more to come out, has to shake his piggy 250 times, blow in the WH. Rumor has it WH staff are terrified of the nasty ol poot.
Which Church? The Baptist black Church? A Catholic Church? The tree of life synagogue?
His views are not in step with Catholic beliefs should not receive communion with his pro abortion stance.
Its been over a year that they said 85K children were missing from the border its much much more now.
Memes, the accusations stem from internal documents.
How is that a “cult meme” when it actually happened? The only reason Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden goes to church is to grope and fondle the altar boys. He IS a confirmed pedophile, you know. When he supports abortion up to the moment of birth, how good a Catholic could he possibly be?
Since Democrats behave as fascists, THEY must be the fascists.
Did you happen to see the debate last Thursday? How did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden do?
No doubt you’d LIKE to “forget the debate” but it happened and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden proved himself before the entire world to be a babbling moron. Just like we’ve been saying.
Found and killed a terrorist. Trump speaks to the people, Obama wants to make himself the focus.
Trump is a moron.
46 minutes of Genius Joe babbling, stumbling and mumbling
And this is OLD.