There is no evidence for collusion outside the fevered dreams of American leftists who can’t admit how bad Hillary was.
The Russians wanted to tinker in the American elections and undermine faith in American democracy. Full stop.
I suspect, if we were willing to dig, we’d find that there were Russians who were trying to help the Clinton campaign. In fact, we know Russian organizers took up pro-Hillary, anti-Trump positions both before and after the election. But the left and media have been obsessed with the idea that Donald Trump and the Russians collaborated to get Trump elected.
There has never been evidence for that despite the hue and cry from the left.
The House of Representatives has now released a report indicating the lack of evidence for claims about collusion. Only one month ago the left had already moved from collusion to obstruction, but today they are outraged. The fact is, however, that even more level heads in the Senate like Richard Burr have long noted the lack of evidence for any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
There is no doubt the Russians wanted to undermine our elections. There is no doubt that the Russians advanced a pro-Trump narrative. But there is also no doubt they did the same for Hillary Clinton, even if not as aggressively. But there also is no evidence that the Trump campaign worked with or collaborated with or colluded with the Russians.
Facts have never been a high priority for liberals.
April 27 — Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. says she is an informant
Putin critic: Veselnitskaya ‘an agent of the Russian government’
@Greg: A set up, One of the founders of the research firm behind the controversial Russian dossier met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer before and after she sat down with President Trump’s son. What was her connection to Clinton/Obama Lawyers putting together a fake dossier for big bucks? Seems the Obama DOJ are involved they initially cleared her into the United States. The Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” just before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president’s eldest son.
Oh what a tangled web they wove, perhaps they would have caught him in their trap but they were too busy giving Hillary a skate party.
for her actual crimes.
@Greg: Say, wasn’t that the woman the Democrats invited to sit with them in the Congressional hearings?
Let’s see; shes obviously lying somewhere but YOU only choose to believe the version that best suits your version of the truth.
Weren’t you just lecturing us all on the value of evidence and investigative science? NO evidence has been found of Trump collusion; only Democrat collusion with the Russians has been uncovered.
@Deplorable Bill: We must be careful she might have a (cue ominus music)facebook account. You may run from the room screaming now.
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” Trump, January 23, 2016
Oddly, this might not be far from the truth.
Is that your proof of the Russian conspiracy theory?
Its a swing and a miss STRIKE 2
Jimmy Kimmel the lefts go to man for accurate concise political commentary, then put some big chested broad on a trampoline, silicone bouncy.
Yes. That is pretty much it. A farcical remark made in jest.